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They talked for a few more minutes about other cases. The trial of the man accused of caving in his wife’s head with a Smirnoff bottle was well under way, and his defence team were pushing for manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. The prosecution argued that such grounds were not constituted merely by discovering your wife was shagging her best friend’s husband seven ways from Sunday.

Apparently, the smart money – Karim was running a book, and usually managed to turn a profit – was on the bloke getting away with murder and going down for the lesser charge.

Makes sense, Thorne thought. He guessed that Marcus Brooks would not get quite such an easy ride when the time came.

Nobody liked a slag, did they? Or a cop-killer.

As Thorne was about to leave, Brigstocke said, ‘How did you enjoy the stint as DCI?’

‘Don’t get me wrong,’ Thorne said. ‘The power gives me a stiffy, and I’d like a bigger office. It’s just the responsibility and having to make decisions I’m not so keen on.’

‘Since when have you worried about making decisions?’

‘OK then, having to make good ones.’

‘You’re right about the responsibility, though…’

Thorne hovered in the doorway, sensing there was more to come.

‘I should have told you what was going on with the DPS,’ Brigstocke said.

‘No problem. And you don’t have to tell me now.’

‘It’s fine, it’s sorted, more or less.’ Brigstocke took off his glasses and pushed his paperwork away from him. ‘Basically, another officer had one too many in The Oak a few months back and made “inappropriate remarks” to a female member of staff.’

Thorne nodded. He didn’t need to be told who they were talking about.

‘I was there when these remarks were made, sitting at the same table. I’d probably had one too many myself, if I’m honest, but the fact remains that because I didn’t say anything to this other officer at the time, because I was negligent, I’m equally responsible, apparently.’

‘But now they’ve decided to drop it?’

‘Thank fuck. Stays on my record, though.’

‘What about Andy Stone?’

Brigstocke smiled. ‘We don’t know yet.’

Thorne leaned back against the door jamb, marvelling at the different ways people found to waste time and money. Such incidents raised profound questions about where the energy and resources of the capital’s police service should be focused, and Thorne knew he should be seriously questioning an ethos which pilloried good men like Russell Brigstocke for no good reason.

In the meantime, though, there were more important questions to be asked. ‘Come on then, spill the beans,’ he said. ‘What exactly did Stone say?’

It wasn’t that Hakan Kemal was saying nothing; but he might just as well have been.

Kitson had seen plenty of suspects struck dumb on the advice of a solicitor, but less so since the law had changed. These days, interviewees were advised that, later on, judge and jury could draw adverse influence from their silence during questioning. Could presume that they had something to hide. That tended to loosen people’s tongues a little, but Hakan Kemal was anything but chatty.

‘We will have your fingerprint results back by tomorrow,’ Kitson said. ‘And we both know they’re going to match the prints we took off the knife.’

‘Let’s wait and see.’

Kemal was perhaps ten years older than his sister. A small man, with thinning dark hair and glasses. The voice was high-pitched, with just the trace of a Turkish accent.

Kitson looked across at the young black woman sitting next to Kemal. Gina Bridges, the duty solicitor, wore a beautifully tailored grey jacket and trousers and was perfectly made-up. She made Kitson feel like a badly dressed bag of shit.

‘You should tell your client that he isn’t going anywhere,’ Kitson said. ‘He can sit there being monosyllabic for twenty-four hours if he wants. Then I’ll happily get an extension and we can start all over again.’

Bridges smiled. Her teeth were perfect as well. ‘Until these prints of yours come back, presuming they’re of any use to you, I really don’t see that you have enough to hold him. Mr Kemal is cooperating fully, as far as I’m concerned.’

Kitson turned back to Kemal. ‘I don’t think you thought this murder through, Hakan. I think you panicked, which is why you dumped the knife in a litter bin. Nobody’s got you pegged as a master criminal, OK? Maybe you and Deniz had some kind of argument which got out of hand. Maybe he said something you didn’t like. You probably didn’t mean to kill him.’ She tried to make eye contact. ‘Is that what happened?’

Kemal was staring at a point somewhere to the left of her. He shook his head.

‘If you didn’t kill Deniz Sedat, why did you run? Why close up the shop and try to hide in Bristol?’

‘There is no evidence that Mr Kemal was hiding from anybody,’ the solicitor said. ‘He informed me that he was staying with his cousin.’

Kitson took a deep breath, glanced up at the camera in the corner of the interview room. At the digital clock that told her she’d been banging her head against a wall for nearly forty minutes. ‘Did you know Deniz Sedat?’

Kemal wiped his mouth, nodded.

‘For the benefit of the recording, please.’

‘Yes. I knew him.’

‘And did you see him on Saturday, November the sixth?’

He dropped his eyes to the tabletop. The grunt sounded positive.

‘Did you see Deniz Sedat at the Black Horse public house in Finsbury Park on the evening of November the sixth?’

‘I saw him.’

Kitson tried to keep the excitement from her voice. ‘What happened, Hakan?’

Kemal placed his hands against his head; pressing as though he were trying to push through the skull. After half a minute he looked up, and directly at Kitson for the first time.

She repeated the question, although Kemal’s gaze was making her bristle with discomfort. She’d felt sized-up plenty of times, and stared right back at men whose darker thoughts were all but dripping down their faces, but she couldn’t remember feeling quite so… disapproved of.

Kemal refused to say another word.

Later, having terminated the interview, Kitson blew off a little steam with the custody sergeant, then wandered across to the small waiting area, where Gina Bridges was sitting, a bundle of papers balanced on her knees.

Off duty, the woman was friendly enough for Kitson to forgive her appearance. They chatted for a few minutes about schedules and kids, and Kitson moaned about interviewing people who were determined to say as little as possible.

The solicitor laughed, and even though she was looking at things from the other side of the fence, she was happy to admit that Hakan Kemal was a particularly difficult customer. She told Kitson that she’d barely been able to get two words out of him herself.

‘Hi, it’s me again. Just ringing to see how you’re doing. Give us a call when you get this.’

For the third time that day, Thorne left a message on Hendricks’ answering machine. For the third time, Hendricks’ mobile had rung and the machine had cut in when the call had been dropped. Thorne thought about ringing Louise. He knew she would have spoken to Phil by now. In the end he decided he wasn’t going to chase him.

He was getting more than slightly annoyed at Hendricks’ attitude to what had happened. What right did he have to be so angry; so self-righteous? Thorne thought that it had more than a little to do with the fact that his friend – if he was still his friend? – had been caught with his pants down.

Stupid fucker.

It could have been an awful lot worse…

Outside Thorne’s office window, the sky was brooding as much as he was. It was dense and darkening; there was rain coming.

He thought about what Brigstocke had told him. It was ridiculous, no question, but it also made him angry that the DPS could go after someone for something like that while Skinner and his partner had got away with so much worse for so long. Not for the first time, he wondered just how many like ‘Jennings’ and ‘Squire’ there were out there.