I'd been looked at like that before. I could still remember, very distinctly, the pep talk we'd got from Mac, each one of us new recruits, the first time we actually saw him. At least I suppose the others all got it, too. Each candidate was handled and trained individually up to a point, so that if he didn't make the grade he could be turned back to his former branch of the service without too much interesting information in his head.
So I can't really speak for anyone but myself, but I remember the shabby little office-like all the subsequent shabby little offices in which I was to make my reports and receive my orders-and the compact, gray-haired man with the cold gray eyes, and the speech he gave while I stood before him at attention. He was in civvies, and he hadn't called for any military courtesies. I didn't know his rank if he had any, but I wasn't taking any chances.
Somehow, I already knew this outfit was for me if they'd have me; and I wasn't too proud to take what advantage I could get from a good stiff back and liberal use of the word "sir." I'd already been in the Army long enough to know that they'd practically give the joint to anybody who could shoot, salute, and say "sir." And anyway, when you're six feet four, even if kind of skinny and bony, the word doesn't sound humble, merely nice and respectful.
"Yes, sir," I said, "I wouldn't mind learning why I've been assigned here, sir, if it's time for me to know."
He said, "You've got a good record, Helm. Handy with weapons. Westerner, aren't you?"
"Yes, sir."
"Yes, sir." "Upland game?" "Yes, sir." "Waterfowl?"
"Yes, sir." "Big game?" "Yes, sir.'' "Deer?"
"Yes, sir.'' "Elk?"
''Yes, sir." "Bear?"
"Yes, sir."
"Dress them out yourself?" "Yes, sir. When I can't get somebody to help me." "That's fine," he said. "For this job we need a man who isn't scared of getting his hands bloody."
He was looking at me in that same measuring and weighing manner as he went into his talk. As he explained it, it was merely a matter of degree. I was in the Army anyway. If the enemy attacked my unit, I'd shoot back, wouldn't I? And when the orders came through for us to attack, I'd jump up and do my damnedest to kill some more. I'd be dealing with them in the mass under these conditions; but I was known to be pretty good with a rifle, so in spite of my commission it wasn't beyond the realm of possibility that one day I'd find myself squinting through a telescopic sight, waiting for some individual poor dope to expose himself four or five hundred yards away. But I'd still just be selecting my victims by blind chance. What if I was offered the opportunity to serve my country in a less haphazard way? -
Mac paused here, long enough to indicate that I was supposed to say something. I said "You mean, go over and stalk them in their native habitat, sir?"
How he'd ever managed to sell the project to someone in authority, I never found out. It must have taken some doing, since America is a fairly sentimental and moral nation, even in wartime, and since all armies, including ours, have their books of rules-and this was certainly not in the books.
I never discovered where or from whom he got his orders. It was fascinating to try to imagine the scene. I couldn't picture a straight-backed West Point graduate actually putting it into plain English; certainly it was never set down in writing, and you'll find no records of our activities in the archives of the Department of Defense, as I understand that mighty, unified organization is known nowadays.
I used to visualize a conference room with a sentry at the door, very hush, with high-ranking general officers in secret conclave and Mac just sitting there in his gray suit, listening.
"There's the fellow von Schmidt," says General One.
"Ah, yes, von Schmidt, the fighter-group man," says General Two. "Based near St. Marie."
"Clever chap," says General Three. This would be in London or somewhere nearby, and they'd all have picked up something of that insidious clipped British way of speaking. "They say he'd have Goering's job if he'd learned how to bend that stiff Prussian neck. And if his personal habits weren't quite so revolting, not that Goering's are anything to cheer about. But I understand that there isn't a female under thirty within a hundred kilometers of St. Marie with a full complement of limbs and faculties who hasn't been favored with the general's attentions-and they're pretty fancy attentions. He's supposed to have a few wrinkles that KrafftEbing overlooked."
Mac would shift position in his chair, ever so slightly. Atrocities always bored him. We didn't, he'd say, go around killing people simply because they were sons of bitches; it would be so hard to know where to draw the line. We were soldiers fighting a war in our way, not avenging angels.
"The hell with his sex life," says General One, who seems to be of Mac's persuasion. "I don't give a damn if he rapes every girl in France. He can have the boys, too, for all I care. Just tell me how to get my bombers past him. We take it on the chin every time we come within range of his fields, even with full fighter escort. Whenever we learn how to counter one set of tactics; he's got a new one waiting for us. The man's a genius, professionally speaking. If we're going to be given targets beyond him, I recommend a full-scale strike at his bases first, to knock him out of the air for a time at 1east~ But I warn you, it's going to come high."
"It would be convenient," says General Two in a dreamy voice, after some discussion of this plan, "if something should happen to General von Schmidt during the attack, or maybe just a little before it. Might save the lives of some of our boys, if he wasn't around to give the last-minute orders; besides keeping him from being back in business within the month."
Nobody looks at Mac. General One moves his mouth as if to get rid of a bad taste. He says, "You're dreaming. Men like that live forever. Anyway, it seems like a sneaky and underhanded thing to wish for. But if he should happen to fall down dead, about four in the morning of April seventeenth would be a good time. Shall we adjourn, gentlemen?"
I don't vouch for the language or the professional terminology. As I say, I never learned how it was really done; and I never was a general or even a West Point graduate; and as far as aviation was concerned, it was all I could do, even during the war, to tell a Spitfire from a Messerschmidt. Planes were just something I climbed into, rode in a while, and then climbed out of after we'd landed on some strange and bumpy field in the dark-or jumped out of with a parachute, which always scared me silly. Given a choice, I always preferred to start a mission with a boat ride. I suppose that is another thing I owe to some ancestral Viking; for a man brought up in the middle of what used to be called the Great American Desert, I turned out to be a pretty good sailor. Unfortunately, a great deal of Europe can't be reached by boat.
The German general's name was actually von Lausche instead of von Schmidt, and he was based near Kronheim instead of St. Marie-if such a place exists- but he was, as I've indicated, a military genius and an 18-carat bastard. He had his quarters-you could spot them by the armed guard in front-only a few doors down the street from the tavern I've already mentioned. I kept a long-range watch over the house after I'd made my contact. It wasn't in the orders, precisely. In fact, I was supposed to show no interest in the place at all, until the time came. I didn't really know what I was watching for, since I U already received from Tina a full report on von Lausche's habits and the routine of the guards, but it was the first time I'd worked with a woman, let alone a young and attractive girl who'd deliberately placed herself in such a position, and I had a feeling I'd better keep myself handy.