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He held Dani through the night and couldnt get the vision out of his mind. He knew Dani was suffering from what she saw but he didnt have the words to comfort her. He was shocked beyond words and fought to control his anger at a Creator that would allow the death of so many worlds. Finally, Dani took a deep breath, got up, went to the kitchen and filled a bowl with ice cream. Scotty followed her and she said, Ice cream always makes me feel better. We need to think this thing through and we cant if we allow our fear to overwhelm us.

Robby filled a bowl with cookies and then put the ice cream on top. Dani furrowed her brow and he said, Cookies always makes it better. She reached over and put a layer of cookies on top of her bowl.

They ate in silence and Dani said, Why are we being warned?

Robby shook his head and chewed the cookies for a moment, We cant prevent what weve seen. Dani nodded. That means something must be done to reduce the damage of this vision. Otherwise, there would be no reason for seeing it.

Theres one other reason.

What is that?

This has to happen to prevent a larger harm.

What could be worse than this?

I dont know but I sense that is the reason.

Robby pondered her idea and said, We have always said that psychics appear at a time when creation is out of balance. When evil is threatening the balance, psychics appear. Do you think our universe is a pawn in the larger game?

Dani looked at Robby and nodded, Picture the Creative Force as a parent and the universes are its children. These Orange Creatures are killing the children of this Force. We are shocked and angered at whats going to happen here but how many other universes have died at the hands of the Invaders. If we have to die to stop them, we will. If we attempt to change the future, I sense we will still be destroyed but greater harm will follow. The Invaders may not be stopped.

So why have we been warned?

I dont know but we cant tell anyone. Do you understand that?

Robby nodded.

Im serious, Robby. Your parents are going to die. Can you stand by and watch that happen?

Robby took a deep breath, I dont know. I honestly dont know.

We are there with them, Robby.

I think that is the reason for this vision, Dani.

Dani tilted her head, Why do you say that?

We know its coming; we have armor and can teleport out. This warning gives us enough time to react before were hit. This vision is to save us.

Dani looked him in the eyes and nodded, Then if we are going to be saved, there must be others that can also survive. She thought a few moments and sighed, Heres what well do. We cant do anything to prevent this but we can determine what we can do to minimize it by making sure we look at every future decision and determine the level of danger. If its high, we cant do it. Will you agree to do this?

That means we cant offer any choices. It may impact whats coming in a very bad way.

Dani looked at Robby and he saw a small smile, What?

I suspect that its not us that are being saved.

Robby stared at her, I dont see any other possibilities.

It could be our children.

But we dont have any children.

Dani stared at him and Robby wondered what she meant. Then he understood, Not right now, right.

Dani reached and hugged his neck, No, not at this moment. Give it a few months.

Robby hugged her and kissed his wife. He looked inside and knew she was right. He focused on her and could feel the child.

Dani signed and said, Ive wondered why Timmy and Virze were made the new rulers of the Empire instead of us. Now I know.

Robby thought about it and slowly nodded, You have always been better at this than me. Timmys decisions wont be influenced by prior knowledge. We need to move to New Hope and see where hes going to lead us.

I sense someone else is going to bring some of us salvation.

Robby furrowed his brow, Who?

Carter Reese.

Robby thought a moment and weighed her observation, Carter it is.

Carter and Jenna sat onboard Pyle and looked at the orange planet below. Carter why are we here?

Im thinking about whats going to happen to us when the Invaders build their new ships. Im looking at some alternatives to try and minimize their chances of finding us.

Jenna heard Cassandra in the nursery and left the bridge to get her. She returned with the toddler rubbing her eyes. She looked at Carter and held out her little arms as she ran across the bridge to her father. He lifted her up and spun her around as he sat back down in his chair. Cassie stared at the planet on the screen and frowned, You dont like it do you little one?

Cassie looked at Carter and shook her head.

What do you think about my plan?

The three year old smiled and nodded. She wrapped her arms around his neck and giggled. Carter looked at Jenna and saw her wondering what had just happened. We need to go see the Emperor.

Jenna came over and took Cassie and sat in her chair. Cassie looked her in the eyes and had a very peaceful expression. Jenna looked back at Carter and didnt know what to think. Did Cassie know what he was going to do? Cassie looked at her and nodded again.

Greyson commed Robby, Pyle just notified me that Carter is on his way to see the Emperor for a formal discussion.

Robby started to call Dani when he heard her thought, Grace just told me. We need to be at that meeting.

Robby checked Greysons board, Hes been scheduled to meet with Timmy this afternoon.

Well just happen to show up.

Make sure Trey is with you.

You didnt have to ask. Im sure hell help us.

Dani looked at her three year old son and he smiled. Youve been listening in again. Trey smiled and laughed out loud.

Robby and Dani entered the throne room and Timmy saw them. He jumped up and ran forward and picked up Trey to swing him around. Trey laughed and hugged Timmys neck as he turned circles, Robby, Dani, its so good to see you. I didnt know you were coming.

We just wanted to stop by for a few moments since we were in the neighborhood.

Timmy handed Trey to Dani and hugged them. I have a meeting with Carter but Im free afterwards. Can you wait?

Yes we can. Is Junior around?

Hell be here with Virze in just a moment. Ah, here they are.

Virze came in from the rear of the throne room and Junior ran forward to see Trey. The two then started chasing each other laughing at the top of their voices. Oh to be that young with that much energy.

Dani and Robby bowed and Dani said, You have that right. Were we ever that full of energy?

Virze hugged Robby and Dani and then gathered up Junior and sat down on her throne. Robby and Dani saw Carter and Jenna enter with Cassie in Jennas arms. She squirmed out of Jennas arms and ran up to Junior and hugged him. Robby looked at Dani as he noticed that Trey and Cassie looked at each other but didnt come close to each other. Dani picked up Trey and went to a chair in the right wing of the throne room. Dani saw Treys discomfort and felt him start to relax when he was moved away from Cassie.

Robby went to Carter and held out his hand, Its good to see you old friend.

Carter smiled that wonderful smile he always seemed to have and shook Robbys hand vigorously, Yes it is and Im glad youre here.

Why is that?

I might need your support for something Im going to suggest to Timmy.

Robby shrugged and said, Ill do what I can.

Timmy and Virze remained on their thrones since this was an official meeting and waited for Carter to approach. Cassie ran back to Jenna and stood in front of her between her legs.

Carter turned and walked toward the thrones and bowed. Welcome, Carter Reese. Please rise and tell us how may we be of service?