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Greyson said, I told you they would catch us.

Robby smiled, I knew you two couldnt stay away. However, I will allow you to listen in but you must give an oath that whatever is discussed here will never, and I do mean never, be repeated even between yourselves. You may not discuss it. Can you agree?

Grace said, You have my oath.

And mine as well.

I should tell you that you may not want to stay because of the impact it will have on you but its your decision to make.

Grace paused and said, We choose to stay and hear what you have to say.

First things first; Alex, I am going to show you a picture of the sky over Bristone. Can you look at that sky and tell me when the stars will be in the position on the picture?

I have the map of that system in my database. I should be able to do it.

Robby thought a moment and remembered the sky from his vision when he looked up just before Bristone was destroyed. He sent that picture to Alex.

The stars will be in that position in four years, two months, and five days from now. It should be right around ten at night.

That is when this universe will be destroyed by the Invaders.

Silence dominated the group. Alex finally said, How do you know this!?!

Dani and I have shared a psychic vision and every planet with a civilization on it is burning. No one will survive.

Then weve got to stop them!

Alex, what do you know about psychic visions?

Silence slammed down and Robby waited for a response.

We cant prevent it?

No, we cant Grace, but we can make it much worse.

Alex asked, How can it be any worse?

If you dont leave this universe and go with our industrialized planets, we believe that the Stars Realm will be destroyed.

The Realm has been destroyed.

Alex, Im referring to the three galaxies that left our universe. They will be attacked and destroyed. The Milky Way, the Algeans Galaxy, and the Dark Galaxy with the Spiders will be obliterated.

How do you know this, Robby?

Grace, its taken us nearly four years to put all the pieces together. They all fell in place yesterday in Carters meeting. You shared that meeting with Alex, didnt you?

Yes she did.

Ive been wondering why the Algeans were pushing to develop the spores to kill the Invaders drug supply. One would think they would wait until the Empire was strong enough to take the invaders on and win.

Alex said, Ive wondered about that as well.

They told me in the meeting what their motivation has been.

I didnt hear anything that would reveal that.

You missed it. Grace. They said that if the Invaders determined that this is the universe that developed the spores, the Invaders Creator would come here personally to destroy us.

I heard that.

Did you hear that they didnt want that to happen?

Yes, so what?

Grace, when that Creator scans our universe from its home, the reflection of the three galaxies will not appear in its scan because they are not here physically.

Oh my busted reactor, youre right. Alex, you have to go, quickly.

Alex said, Im not certain I understand what youre saying.

Dani said, Alex, if that being scans this universe and sees how advanced this facility is, it will determine that this is where that spore was made. If it comes here, it will see those reflections that didnt show up in its scan. What do you think will happen then?

Grace said, Weve discussed this, Alex. You cant stay.

Alex said, How did you see that sky?

Dani and I will be on Bristone when its destroyed.

And your parents?

They will die in the blast.

You cant save them?

If we do, all is lost.

Are you going to die?

No, well teleport away behind a psychic screen. Have you come up with a way for armor to teleport two people?

No, we havent. All of its utilities are locked up in the DNA of the person wearing it.

Robby sighed, Then theres no way to save them without the Invaders seeing them taken. If that happens, the Creator will come to investigate.

How do you know its safe to move me to another universe?

Our sense of danger goes down when we think about you leaving. It goes off the scale if you stay.

What about the Zord?

Those that are on Bristone will die.

I see why you wanted them to leave from here. Is there no saving them?

Robby was silent and didnt say anything for a minute. Then he looked at Dani and she nodded, When I think about doing anything to save them, the danger level goes high. However, I believe the Zord are a special creation of the Creative Force and just as we were warned with a vision, I must believe that something will be done to spare them. I dont see anything but I feel Im right. I pray every day for their survival.

Grace, I am going to jump to that other universe in an hour. Are you coming with me?

No, Alex, Im staying here.

No, youre not, Grace.

What do you mean?

No advanced ship can be in this universe when its scanned. All of the Zeta Ships, which includes you and Greyson, will go with Alex. Only Anglo will remain behind and he will be in his old hull. Alex, I need you to make the switch before you leave.


Because he will give the warning of the Invaders attack at Bristone. No one said anything and Robby said, He will die after he gives the warning. Dani has discussed this with him and he has agreed to play his role.


Yes, Dani.

Are you ready?

Yes I am.

Greyson said, I didnt know you were here?

Grace said, Im so sorry, Anglo.

Anglo chuckled, Grace, Ive sworn to defend the Stars Realm and the Empire. Im honored to keep my oath in this effort to protect them.

Come aboard, Anglo. Ill make the change.

Thanks, Alex. Please find a way to kill those pieces of groad.

Ill do all I can, Brother.

Alex, it looks like we will have some extended time together.

You have no idea how much I look forward to that, Grace.

Ohhhh, I suspect I do.

Greyson, what are your plans?

Im going with Alex to that new universe and start seeding the dead planets with packets of our spores. Ive already cleared it through Carter. We intend to make it safe from those pods.

When the time comes I want you to come and take Trey.

Just let me know when, Your Majesty.

Thank you, Greyson.

Timmy walked into his personal quarters and found Virze playing with Junior. Alex has left our universe.

Tell me what you think, Timmy.

We arent being given the whole story. Theres much more to this than what we know. Virze stared at him. However, I trust the ones telling the story with my life. Were leaving.

Virze smiled, At least we wont have to pack.

Timmy laughed, No, I guess we wont.

Scotty and Julie greeted Robby and Dani at the former Empire Building on Bristone. Welcome, its really good to have you back home.

Robby hugged his parents and Dani was right behind him with hugs. Dad, if youre willing to do this instead of

Im not, Son. Im officially retired. I know youll do a great job. Scotty walked over to Trey and picked him up, Well have you flying a Zord in no time. Yessss we will.

Trey clapped his hands and yelled, Now, Grdiddy, Now.

Scotty looked at Dani and she shrugged, Go ahead and take him for a ride. He wont give you a moments peace until you do.

Scotty yelled, Zreeg, are you around here?

Ill arrive in a moment, White Hair.

Scotty tickled Trey in his belly button and said, Were gonna ride a Zord, were gonna ride a Zord!