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Trey screamed his laughter as Scotty ran to Zreeg and mounted. The huge Zord lifted and Robby heard Treys laughter as they rose into the sky. Dani came under Robbys arm and lifted it over her shoulder, This is such a wonderful world.

Robby looked down into her eyes and felt sadness at what was coming but then smiled, Yes, it is, my Love.

Julie watched them walk to their new home and close the door behind them.

The years seemed to fly by and one day Robby and Dani called Trey to the fire in the clearing. He flew in at high speed on Maarek and dismounted from the Zord before it had touched ground, Hi mom, Dad, whats going on?

Robby looked at his seven year old Son and felt his heart swell, Trey, youre going to leave tonight to go visit Uncle Timmy tomorrow to see all the things theyve done in the new universe. We also think its time you received your armor.

Trey stared at them and Dani added, Youll have a wonderful time.

What are you not telling me?

Robby looked at Dani then smiled at Trey, Son, you know there are some things that we cant tell you.

Trey took a deep breath, Its something to do with the Empire, isnt it?

Dani smiled, Yes it is, and we need to be here alone to handle the issue. Will you do as we ask?

Yes, Mom, I will. How am I going to get there?

Greyson is waiting in orbit to take you tonight. You better pack whatever you need to take.

How long will I be gone?

Were not certain, Trey. Take as much as you need for an extended stay. It may take a while for your armor to be ready.

Scotty and Julie walked up and Julie said, Hey, youre going to see the Emperor. Youre going to love New Hope. The view from the top of the Capital Building is fabulous.

Trey smiled and Scotty asked, Need some help packing?

Yes, I do Grdiddy.

Well, lets go get it done.

Two hours later Robby and Dani went into their house and hugged their son and put him inside a psychic bubble just before Greyson teleported him away. Dani put her head on Robbys chest and cried. Scotty and Julie watched them and Scotty asked, Whats going on?

Robby sighed and looked at his Father, The Invaders are going to destroy our universe tonight.

Scotty looked at Julie with a shocked expression and sat down. Julie stared at Robby and shook her head. Robby said, Im going to show you a vision that Dani and I shared almost eight years ago. I want you to think about doing anything to change it.

Scotty and Julie saw the vision in their mind and were stunned at what they saw. Scotty looked at Robby and said, If you told us, something worse would happen?

Julie took a deep breath and let it out, And if we leave before it happens.?

Yes, youre both right; we sensed that if we tried to change this vision in any small way the harm that would follow would be catastrophic and the Invaders would find the planets in the new universe. They know by now from their scans that the most powerful rulers in this universe are on this planet and Im sure its being watched closely.

How much longer do we have?

About fifteen minutes.

Dani looked up at Robby and said, I have to tell you something.

Robby looked at her and smiled, I already know, my love. We cant leave.

Dani was surprised by his statement, How do you know? I never showed you that part of the vision.

I knew that there wouldnt be enough time after Anglos warning to look up at the stars, make a psychic bubble, and activate our armor before the beam hit us.

Dani came into his arms, closed her eyes, and said, We can escape now, this very moment.

You can feel the reason why we cant. We are being watched. It would change the vision and all weve done to save those in the other universe will be wasted; all of those we love would die as well.

I know. I just dont want you to die.

How can we not face what this universe is going to have done to it? Robby looked at his parents and said, Im so sorry. Ive wanted to tell you so many times.

Scotty looked at him with a smile, Im so proud that you had the strength to do the right thing. Ive often wondered what possessed me to step away from the crown but now I know. Scotty looked at Julie with his eyes full of emotion, These last years with you have filled me with enough love to last a lifetime. This was a gift from the Creator that makes this sacrifice worth doing. Julie came into his embrace and they looked up at the stars in the clear night sky. Scotty slowly shook his head, Im not going to get to say good bye to Jingo and Grang. I hope they know how much I love them. The Empire is really going to need them now.

Julie nodded, They know, my love. Im glad TK is on New Hope. Shell be taken care of by those that love us. Julie hugged her warrior tighter, Ill love you forever, Scotty.

Robby looked into Danis eyes and knew what she felt. He held her tight and felt her heart beating fast. After a few moments, he felt it slow. She smiled, Ive always been safe in your arms. Robby heard Anglos warning, looked up at the stars, and had just enough time to kiss Dani for the last time.

Chapter Seven

Greyson teleported out to deep space and waited for the Invaders to start their attack. Robby insisted he wait before jumping away to avoid detection. They should be focused on the planets being destroyed and you should get away without being seen. Greyson felt huge sorrow at what was happening but hoped Robby and Dani jumped away in time.

Trey sat in the command chair and thought about what his parents had just said before he left. The more he thought about it, he knew something was wrong. Greyson, take me back!

Im sorry Trey, Ive given an oath to your father that I would not do that.


I cant tell you, yet.

Trey felt his level of stress build to a breaking point and suddenly something inside him broke and a blue flash illuminated the bridge. Trey discovered he could see the entire universe in his mind. He focused and saw Bristone. He brought the view in closer and saw his parents talking with his grandparents. He listened in and jumped up from the chair, No! NO! Greyson, take me back.

Trey stood and heard what was going to happen. He felt his familys love for each other and started crying uncontrollably. He tried to tell them he loved them but they couldnt hear him. Then the beam hit the planet and his family was gone. He fell back in the chair and put his head in his hands. Greyson was connected to Trey telepathically as soon as he sat down and saw the last moments of the Emperor and his family. He recorded it and jumped out of the universe and made twelve rapid jumps into other universes before stopping and waiting. He remained there for two hours while Trey continued to cry.

Trey, I have a message from your Mother.

Trey looked up at the display on the wall and saw Dani smiling, Ive recorded this knowing that we are going to have to leave you to make sure all our friends survive. We dont want to leave you alone, my darling boy, but if we dont, you will die with all the others weve moved to safety. We are so proud of who you are and what we know youll grow up to be. Please know that we will love you until the end of time and will keep you in our hearts. Grow up and become the one that leads the Empire to safety. Ive saved some of my very special memories for you to remember us. We love you with all our hearts, little one.

The recording changed and began playing video after video of Trey growing up with his parents always present loving him. He sighed and felt his tears continue as he watched the display. His sorrow was more than he could endure. Then, another blue flash erupted from him.

Greyson jumped to the new universe and arrived at the jump limit on New Hope. Grace jumped in as soon as he appeared, Welcome back, Its good to see you what happened!?!