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Kreej yelled, Youre absolutely right, Carter! We can do it.

Weed, Seed, and Vring stared at Kreej as he excitedly continued, We make the ships the teleportation module and move the energy directly into the hull.

Carter smiled, Thats the direction I would go. Extend a teleport screen one inch above the ships surface and teleport whatever hits it directly into the skin. If you can make that happen, the heat would not get through the field to burn the ship. Carter paused and said, And you could use the reflective surfaces on top of the normal black hole screens. They could be charged with the energy stored inside the skins and they should be able to handle the beams of any ship imaginable.

Weed and Seed turned to each other and started thinking. Carter saw them not moving and asked, What are they doing?

Vring said, They are processing the possible equations needed for your idea to happen. They could be unavailable for a while.

I thought Algeans thought at an incredible pace.

They do. Give them some time and well see what they come up with when they finish.

Alex said, Ive run some initial computations and they look good.

Carter smiled and thought about Jenna and Cassie. Cassie was growing up fast and he already missed them. He wondered what Cassies role was going to be in the coming conflict. He knew she was psychic and she must have a role. He decided to go home after he left here to see them. But first, was this idea possible; he had to know. He looked out the viewport and saw the unblinking stars filling the view. There was still so much to do.

Chapter Nine

The Distributor heard the alarm and sat up from its couch. It silenced the Alarm and turned his boards to the scans of the eight universes that had been destroyed. He went through the summary and saw that no ships had entered any of the eight universes since their destruction. He turned the knob and viewed the data from the current universes being harvested and saw that the ships that had been attacking had not been seen.

It was glad that it had ordered all the starships that were not on the planets being attacked in those eight universes to be destroyed before the fleet left. Ummmm, it checked the inventory of the new Distribution Center and saw that after eighty turns they were not being affected by that dangerous spore. Now he could contact the Four Council Members and tell them that they were back to the level before the spore killed their supply. The position was still available on the Council after the Second Council Member was removed and he hoped they would choose him to be the replacement.

It turned off its board and thought about all that it had done. Have I anticipated everything? It didnt see any loose ends, so it activated its board and sent the report to the Council. He stopped the scans of the eight universes and turned his system to scan the next ten systems to be invaded. He set the threshold of threats to awaken him, reclined on his couch, and lost himself in the ecstasy of the drug.

Jingos watched as Ron Kune yelled at the Flyers taking part in target practice at the edge of the clearing, NO! NO! NO! Decrease the width of your beam to two inches. Youre cheating yourselves of the skill youre going to have to possess to be successful. The ten Flyers werent happy. Hitting those discs flying across the clearing while hovering was next to impossible, and Ron heard their thoughts. Uleeh flapped his wings and Ron rose into the air and yelled, Send me ten discs.

The ten Flyers heard him and thought he was crazy, hitting ten discs was impossible. The ten discs flew out across the clearing and Ron hit all ten before they make it halfway across. Jingos and the ten flyers were amazed at the shooting exhibition. Jingos was angry that he had been moved to second in command to Ron by the Division Commander. Now he wasnt so sure about his feelings. He heard Ron say, Everyone on the ground.

The ten Flyers landed and Ron jumped off Uleeh and walked in front of them with his hands on his hips, What are you going to do if an enemy has hostages and is holding them at gunpoint? Youre going to have to hit a target the size of those discs to be able to save the hostages and youll have to do it while in flight. If you cant do it here; you cant do it in the heat of battle. Youre cheating yourself to take the easy way out during this training. Ron stared at the flyers and said, You can do this. I know you can do this if youre willing to work hard at your accuracy. This isnt something that can be learned without your best effort. He looked at the Flyers and said, Lets try it again.

The ten Flyers were amazed at the Riders shooting skill but Ron saw their determination. Jingos jumped on Hileeh and lifted, Send me five.

Ron watched as the five discs flew out and Jingos hit three of them. He knew that was an incredible score and that Jingos had natural talent. He came back that evening and saw all eleven of the Flyers were still working. He smiled knowing that the Zords wings would be strengthened from the work and the Riders would become very dangerous warriors. If they continued at their current rate of improvement, he could put Jingos back in command and move to another unit; but not before they were ready. Jingos would know who he could count on under his command for the difficult assignments and they had to be proficient. It was better to have five units thoroughly competent than twenty only partially ready. He left to work in another clearing with ten more flyers. Time was growing short and he had been told there was trouble waiting for them in the universe they were scouting. Uleeh thought, Youre going to need to get some rest soon.

Ron sighed and felt his fatigue, Later well have time to rest. Now is not the time. Ron touched the medallion on his chest. It had been given to an ancient ancestor who was the brother of a Searcher that had fought for the survival of the Stars Realm. He bore that Searchers name and he was not going to be less than what that medallion meant. He shook off his fatigue and lifted for the other group of trainees.

Jingos watched him leave and saw how tired the former Protector was. He vowed to be as good and drove himself every waking hour to perfect his accuracy. Within two weeks he was hitting fifteen discs with a half inch beam. He began assisting Ron in getting his Flyers ready and learned that impossible was no longer a word in his vocabulary. His unit became famous for Jingos favorite saying, Shut up and shoot.

At the end of training, Jingos and the ten Flyers could hover, teleport to different locations, and hit a continuous stream of discs flying over the clearing from eight different directions. Jingos was given his command back and he made those ten Flyers the commanders of ten of his units. His friendship with Ron lasted throughout their lives and he eventually made Ron his second in command. He learned what his Father had felt for the white haired Human and knew that he was better for the love he felt for the former Protector. Ron never told him but knew that Jingos had become a better shooter. Some things were best left unsaid.

Paul reclined against a log with TK and looked up at the stars from one of the clearings. They had a small fire burning and they didnt say anything but just felt each others presence. TK thought about her parents and missed them so much. Paul felt her sadness but was not going to diminish her loss by depriving her of the feelings. He pulled her closer and stared at the sky. I used to sit with my parents and gaze at the stars for hours. Those times were some of the best in my life. Id give anything to do it again. She turned and looked up at Paul, But this comes close.

Paul smiled and leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

TK said, You know you should have command of the Division.

Not really. Its the initial contact thats critical and I can be used best during that phase of our training. Youre right where you should be. You are the Divisions Heart and theyll gladly die to support your commands. Thats a lot more important than skills, my Love.