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Paul put his hand on TKs shoulder and shook his head. TK didnt want to go along with the plan but knew Paul must know something she didnt.

Trey closed his eyes and said, Alright, its show time. Day, you and Kreen teleport out to the port side of the ship and handle anything that even remotely looks like it will get through Greysons defenses. Kreej and I will handle the starboard. Trey and Kreej activated their armor and Trey said just before he disappeared, Give em hell, Grayson.

The three remaining onboard heard Greyson say, Oh, you can count on that.

Trey and Kreej teleported out to fifty miles from Greysons position and saw a massive number of stars being blocked by a huge shape. We cant see them Kreej.

That will pose a problem.

Trey worried about his Aunt onboard Greyson and worried that he had promised too much. Suddenly a blue field extended from him and rushed rapidly away. He could see the ships coming. Kreej, Kreen, Im locking your display to my view. Use it to pick your targets.

Day suddenly saw thousands of ship approaching their position. This should be fun.

Wait on Trey to fire the first shot.

For the Creators sake why?

They may just be a unit to protect the Wasp Leader coming here to communicate with us.

Day stared at Kreen and said, You dont really believe that line of Torg Groad, do you?

Of course not. They wouldnt be coming in stealth mode if they were here to talk. I was just checking to see if you were on your toes.

Give the Zord a prize.

Oh shut up and pick a target out on the edge.

Ive selected ten. Well start with the one at the front edge and work our way back.

Front edge it is.

Trey watched the mass of ships approaching and suddenly saw dark places in their ranks. He smiled, Ive always wanted this.

Wanted what, Trey?

Kreej, do you see the dark places scattered in the ranks of those ships.

Im getting those from your sensors arent I?

Yes. I want you to take us through those dark places whenever you can. They wont be able to see us if we can stay in those areas. Their sensors will not be scanning those patches.

Trey hit his com, Greyson, Im feeding you the scans of my armor. Im able to see through their stealth mode. Do you see them now?

Greyson put the view up on the wall display and TK saw the thousands of ship approaching, Greyson, can we handle this many?

I dont know, but its going to be fun trying.

Paul just shook his head and leaned back in his chair.

Trey thought to the incoming ships, Youre ahead of schedule; however, I dont believe youre here to communicate. I would highly recommend that you withdraw and use your remaining time to bring someone here that can speak for your species.

The Leader of Ship Control heard the thought and suddenly felt nervous. Whoever was here could see them. He had disregarded the Scouts request and had brought a half a Hive of ships. He shook off his fear and sent a command to his fleet, Find that ship. It has to be here somewhere.

Trey watched the incoming ships start to spread out and shook his head, Sometimes I wish I was wrong.

Kreej immediately responded, Wouldnt be as much fun if you were.

Link to my thoughts, Kreej, and go where you see in my mind.

Trey and Kreej flew into the outer edge of the fleet and flew between two ships and Kreej fired his main beam at the one on the right and Trey fired at the ship on the left. Both exploded as the Flyer flew between two more exploding them before they could respond to the first ships killed.

Day saw the ships explode across the formation and smiled, Lets go, my brave Zord. Kreen accelerated along the edge of the fleet and ten ships exploded as they turned and moved into the huge mass of ships.

Greyson moved forward toward the center of the formation and began firing his twenty beams continuously. A hundred ships saw the source of the beams and fired but saw their beams stopped by a force field. The hundred that fired only fired once and were destroyed before they could fire again. The Ship Control Leader saw hundreds of ships had been killed and the killing was picking up speed. He knew that he had made a terrible mistake and

that there was no way to correct it. Suddenly a command came in over his board that was broadcast on an open frequency, THE SHIPS OF THE HIVE WILL STOP ATTACKING AND WITHDRAW IMMEDIATELY.

The Ship Controller saw that it was being broadcast on the Princes frequency. He turned his ship around along with the remaining survivors and rushed away from the site of the battle. Trey activated a matching frequency, Cease firing; stop all defensive activities! He looked at his scanner and saw a huge ship at the jump limit, Now thats what Im talking about.

What is that?

The one Ive been attempting to contact has arrived. Take us back to Greyson. Trey changed frequency, Day, you and Kreen need to move back onboard Greyson.

On our way.

The Wasp Prince had watched the recording of the conversation between the Scout and whoever was trying to set up a meeting. He saw that the Scouts scanners revealed nothing and its force field was pierced easily. When he saw the large moon exploded he immediately contacted Ship Control, Yes, Hive Prince.

How good are our Scouts scanners?

They are the best in the Hive Ships.

What about their force field?

Its as strong as any we possess.

I wish to speak to Ship Controller. There was a long pause and the Prince said, Im not going to tolerate a delay.

Im sorry, Hive Prince. He has taken half a Hive of Ships and left to attack a foe of the Hive.

He did what!?!

He left a third rotation ago.

Get my ship ready to leave and you had better hope I arrive in time or you and your entire organization are dead!

The Prince arrived at the solar system scheduled to be the next planet to gather hosts and saw the battle taking place. He looked at the Nest Master, Tell me what you see.

More than nine hundred of our ships have been destroyed; now its a thousand.

A hundred were killed that fast?

Yes, it is now twelve hundred,

Give me an open frequency now!

The Prince sat at the jump limit as the survivors moved out and surrounded his ship. The Ship Controller took his position and knew his life was forfeit for his acting without permission. He hoped the Prince would leave because he now knew the remaining ships could not protect him if the agency attacking his ships decided to go after his ship.

Trey looked at the others on Greysons bridge and said, Now it starts. He sat down in Greysons command chair and sent a thought, Im glad you were able to arrive before our deadline was over. May I assume you are here to communicate with me?

The Prince was staggered by the comment. The one communicating with him didnt mention the destruction of more than thirteen hundred of his ships. Almost as if they didnt matter and were no consequence. He decided that the Hive was in great danger and he needed to be very careful, Yes, that is why I came here.

Good, Ill lift my threat to destroy your home world. Do you have the authority to speak for your species?

I can speak for my Hive.

What about the others?

The Prince paused and decided to be honest, The others will follow my lead if I show them what happened here. May I assume you can carry out your threat?

If you would like to pick a planet without life, I would be more than happy to demonstrate our capabilities. I would suggest picking a large planet so you can get the full effect.

No, that wont be necessary. Why did you want me here?

TK said, He gets straight to the point.

Paul nodded and whispered, Listen.