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I am part of a civilization that lives by a number of principles that we hold to be inviolate. One of those is that we will protect those that cannot defend themselves against aggression. As you probably already know, this civilization cannot stand against your coming attack. They are peaceful and do not have the capability to defend themselves. The first thing I want you to know is that this planet will not be attacked. Do you agree to this?

I can agree to this planet, however, you might as well go ahead and destroy us because we are going to attack planets to acquire the Hosts we need.

That is the real reason why I wanted this conversation. We observed that you treated those you attacked at the last planet you invaded with dignity. We know you only took the number you needed. Did we see that correctly?

The Prince was stunned that this being already knew about his species requirements. You are correct. Our Hosts are honored by us and we feel sorrow at having to take them.

Not so much sorrow to not do it.

If it comes down to choosing whether we survive or not, I must admit we choose to be the ones that live.

Do you ever worry that one of the planets you attack will develop enough to come pay you back for your actions?

If that happens, they are justified. We cant blame them for seeking balance.

Trey smiled, Thats a good word, balance. We are faced with a dilemma. If we turn our backs to your taking Hosts, we violate those principles we are sworn to follow. If we follow our principles, then we will have to destroy your species to stop you from attacking innocent planets. We need to find a way to resolve this issue.

Once again, I see no way for us to prevent you attacking my Hive. We have no other choice for our survival.

There is a way.

The Prince was preparing to jump away to order evacuations but stopped, What do you mean?

I noticed that you do not kill everyone when you attack and you try to avoid unnecessary destruction on the planet. What would you say to another species that did kill every living creature on a planet?

I would say they are committing a blasphemy. That violates all that we believe is true. I know you may find this hard to believe but we dont want to kill anyone but we are forced to take hosts. We never feel joy at what we are forced to do.

Im sending you a recording I would like you to view. Will you look at it?

Send it.

Trey said, Greyson, send the attack done by the Grey Ships.


Trey waited and after ten minutes he heard, This is blasphemy. Those creatures are the epitome of evil. These are the ones you should be eliminating.

We can do that. However, it was our thought that if you must have Hosts, those creatures on those ships would be some you might not feel bad about taking.

The Prince looked at his display with a Grey Ship on it, Youre right about that. However, how long would they be able to supply my Hive? We would have to return to our usual taking once they were gathered.

How long would it take before you would return to a planet youve attacked?

Usually a hundred revolutions around our star.

Well those creatures have conquered two galaxies and are moving into this one. I suspect that they would provide you with Hosts for hundreds of thousands of years if not indefinitely.

Do you know where they are located?

We know where ten of their home worlds are. I suspect if you send scouts you will discover thousands of their planets.

The Prince felt something inside him that was good. He felt redemption. By attacking these creatures, we will be protecting those that weve attacked.

Yes, you will. You will need to make sure those youve attacked understand why you took their populations and attempt to repair the damage youve done. Otherwise they will be looking for their own justice. Our principles demand that this kind of evil must be eliminated. We can take on the task but we feel that by giving that task to you, we will be able to become a friend of your species instead of a destroyer.

What happens if we eventually run out of Hosts one day in the far future?

Well move you to another universe and allow you to start the process again.

The Prince was stunned, You can do that?

Yes and we will assist you technologically to strengthen your ships if needed. However, we will require you to agree to only attack those creatures that are violent and aggressive. Are you able to make that promise and keep it? As you might suspect, we do not tolerate broken promises.

You dont need a promise for us to attack those creatures. They kill for no reason. We will attack them even if we have no agreement. However, I can make an oath that we will not attack a non-violent civilization without communicating with you first.

Does your promise carry enough weight to be followed by your entire species?

Yes, it does.

Trey was shocked. He thought this would have to be negotiated with numerous worlds, I am somewhat surprised by your answer. What is your position with your Species?

I am the Oldest Male of all our Hives and my orders will be followed. If anyone violates them, I will see that they are punished; just like these ships that were sent to attack you without consulting with me first.

Trey said, I humbly ask that you spare them.

Why, they showed stupidity coming here.

It was necessary for them to come so you could see that my threat was real. You should be thankful they did. Would you be working with me on this agreement if you had not seen our battle? I do ask that they be forgiven. Youre also going to need every ship you possess to take on the massive force youll be facing.

The Prince knew that the being communicating was someone that would could keep a promise. Forgiveness was a higher principle than most species were not capable of following. He hoped those planets his ships had attacked would one day forgive his Hives. I will do as you ask to honor our agreement.

Trey said, Remove our stealth, Greyson.

The Prince saw a bright white ship appear next to the hull of his ship with its force field down and he smiled. This being was also able to trust.

Chapter Eleven

TK listened to the conversation and felt a sense of pride at what her Nephew was accomplishing. She knew her parents would be overjoyed at what he had done in resolving the issue with the Wasps. She was also amazed at how similar the Wasps were to the Empire. One would think that there would be a huge difference in the way each species viewed the universe. She looked at Paul and he said, He must have sensed at some level that this could be done. He will be growing in his abilities rather quickly and we have a ringside seat to watch it happen.

What do you mean?

Tommie, you and I along with all the other psychics are here to support him. He is the one destined to lead us. Do you not see that?

TK looked at Trey and felt him. He was unique and she could sense it. How do you see these things before I do?

Your strength lays elsewhere, my Love. You are the Warrior. Can you not feel how much you yearn to right the wrongs being perpetrated on innocent civilizations?

TK thought a moment and felt her anger at what the Wasps had done. She was prepared to kill them all, I think that comes from my Father.

Im sure it does. Even though were matched, we have time to really come to know each other and its important that we take that time. I love you and have always known we would end up together; but we are given a gift that can grow if we will nourish our love. You know that Trey is already communicating with the one he will eventually be bonded to and they are learning from each other.

Who is it?

Id rather not say just yet. I could be wrong but I sense that his psychic aura is being reinforced from another source. There is another super psychic that will join him and the resulting union will be stunning.