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Timmy stared at Trey and said, What if I order the Zord to stay until we resolve our conflict with the Invaders?

Then you will be asking them to turn their backs on trillions of beings that are going to die without their help.

Trey felt Timmys anger at being bypassed in making the decision. Carter stood and said, Are you able to turn your back on our principles so easily?

Timmy flinched, What do you mean?

We are years from developing the weapons we need to face the Invaders. You want to hold the Zord here until were ready and ignore those being killed in other universes. What has happened to you? What would Scotty be saying right now?

Timmy turned to Carter and remembered when he had ordered Timmy to release Jessica in the old shuttle she once inhabited. The danger she represented didnt matter to him if he was holding an intelligent entity from freedom. He had resisted then and he felt himself doing it again. Timmy turned and faced the thousands of Zord, I am going to miss you most of all. You are the ones that have made the difference in our survival and Im fearful of losing you. However, at this moment I will celebrate your new quest with you and pray for your success. From a loving Empire, I wish all of you long life and hope you come back to see us.

Vring bowed to Timmy and said, We will be returning each year to the planet of the temple to nest. You can see us there.

Timmy slowly shook his head and raised his voice, Let us all celebrate this moment and tell our friends good-bye.

There was silence after Timmys announcement but soon the Riders and Zord were reliving old memories and sharing their love for each other. Slowly at first but soon the volume of voices increased until it became a roar. Trey went to Kreej, You need to have a lot of children.

Neelah and I plan to do exactly that.

Thank you for all youve done my friend.

It is I that should thank you for releasing us. It wouldnt have happened without you.

No, if not me, Cassie would have filled in.

Kreej smiled, A way would have been provided. For us, you are the one that our legends will remember.

Trey took a deep breath and hugged Kreejs front leg.

Cassie wished she could have been at the gathering but knew it was too dangerous. She looked at the view of creation again and focused on the dimensions that were outside the boundaries of space and time. She thought about the Invaders and felt her attention being drawn to a dimension in the far upper reaches of their expanse. She looked closer and saw an orange glow on the outer edge. That is where the power behind the Invaders was located. She memorized the dimensional coordinates and backed out.

Trey was now ahead of her in power but she was still more advanced at seeing truth and paths that must be followed. She knew that to go any closer to that dimension would have been a huge danger but soonvery soon, she was going to view it.

She was thirteen and could feel her body maturing. She longed to be with Trey but they were not ready. She shrugged and turned her attention back to New Hope and joined Trey.

Hey, I wondered where you were.

Im never far.

No, thank the Creator, youre not. Trey held her close in his mind and continued to say good-bye to so many friends.

Soon the city learned of the Zord leaving and thousands came to the clearing in hovercraft to bid them farewell. The celebration went on into the night as a grateful planet came to take part in the moment.

Trey looked up at the stars and could feel them. Now he understood why his Parents and Grand Parents loved star gazing. Like him, they could feel the message.


Yes, Alex.

Im ready to discuss your ship.

Ill be there tomorrow. I assume you know the Zord are not going to be assisting us now.

I do but we still have the Algeans.

Yes, we do. Now he would see if their oaths meant anything.

Would you like a ride?

Yes I would, Greyson.

Good, I want to discuss an issue with you.

What is that?

Lets wait until you talk with Alex. Your plans to build a ship started me thinking and I need to hear what he has to say first.

Greyson, I want to be your partner.

Trey, you should know youve been my partner since that night at Bristone.

Thats why I want you. You said no when I really pressured you to break your oath. I thank you for that.

I take my oaths seriously.

Trey smiled, Ive seen that more than once.

Trey, Ive looked at your plans and part of them doesnt make much sense to me. Youve designed the hull to have a reflective surface but youve not included any means of controlling it.

Ill provide that at the end, Alex.

I also notice that you have included the absorption skin weve been working on. I dont have the controls to make that work over that large a surface.

Ill also provide the controls for that process as well.

Can you give me those items to use on the ships weve built?

No, but I can help you develop the software that will make their surfaces perform.

You can?

Yes, I can.

How long have you had the knowledge to make these items?

Trey looked at his chronometer and said, About fifty six hours.

Weed listened to the conversation and grew two feet, You acquired the information in the temple?

Yes I did. Trey saw the Algeans look at each other and turn back to him saying nothing. The two of you have sworn to defend the Empire ahead of all others. Are you able to keep that oath no matter what happens?

The Algeans looked at each other again and Weed thought, Ive been treating you almost like an adversary during our recent encounters. I suspect it was more jealousy than anything else but now Ive lost a crutch Ive depended on to help guide me. Without the Zord, Im doubtful of my ability to help you or the Empire.

Trey walked over and placed his hand on Weeds branches, You are capable of so much more than you know. I ask again, no matter what happens?

I will stand by the Empire to the death.

Even if your leaders in the Stars Realm demand your obedience?

We have made our decision. Seeing the Zord leaving for their quest has only solidified our decision. I know you will not forget the principles of the Empire.

Did you know that Sprig and Twig accounted for more than ninety percent of the advances made by your species?

The two Algeans leaned to the left showing their surprise, Yes, but I didnt think anyone else knew that little piece of information. Thats why our Elders always sent a male and female out together during their adolescence. They hoped another couple like them would happen.

Do you know what made them unique in your species?

They downloaded each other into their consciousness.

Have the two of you done that?

Years ago we joined our minds.

Trey smiled, It wasnt the download that made them unique, Weed.

Weed looked at Seed and leaned back, If not that; then what?

During their download something happened. Do you know what that was?

Seed said, Tommy and Cassandra Gardner came in and hugged each other. Their psychic aura saved them from losing themselves.

Yet when the two of you downloaded each other you didnt lose yourselves.

Weed looked at Seed and said, It was the psychic aura that made them different.

Trey, what are you saying?