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More than fifteen thousand with more arriving every minute, Sir.

Stop our approach and wait for the ships to arrive.

Maddy looked at her display and toggled her active scanner. She looked down at what was obviously the largest city on the planet and saw the huge camps where millions of slaves were being held. She brought her view in closer and saw the guards rushing the slaves into the compounds to get them out of the way of the troops moving their armor and missile batteries into the city. She noticed that many of the slaves unable to move fast enough to suit the guards were hit with blasters. She wondered how an intelligent species could evolve into such a brutal society. She brought one of the guards into closer focus and saw that it had the teeth of a carnivore. It stood about six feet on two legs that were heavily muscled. Its skin color was bronze and it had the forward facing eyes in its face which showed it had evolved from a predator. It wore a light suit of armor and had an array of weapons on its belt.

This species had conquered more than three hundred planets and enslaved their populations. The conquerors didnt consume the captives but used them to farm and raise the animals they did eat. The planet was quite beautiful with deep blue oceans and large green tracts of land that were being farmed. The planet was taken better care of than the slaves that were being force to work it.

Maddy had decided to attempt the Valrico Doctrine but didnt think it was going to work. These creatures just didnt want to cooperate or communicate. Are the Warriors ready?

Theyre having their assignments downloaded now. They should be ready to teleport in less than an hour.

Keep me informed as to their status. Have we found the ones that rule this planet?

The Sensor Officer looked at his display and said, Weve tracked most of their communications and it appears the Military Command is located just outside the southern edge of the city. My system has analyzed the numbers of communications and it appears that there are quite a few being sent to the large structure on the shore of the lake in the center of the city. My system indicates that is where the Leaders are getting their updates.

What can you tell me about that building?

It is hardened and can withstand a nuclear hit.

Does the translator have enough to start communicating?

It does.

Open that frequency being used to that building and scan the interior.

Maddy watched her display and saw eight of the bronze colored beings sitting at a table looking up at a display. They didnt appear to be panicked and were actually eating and drinking as they received their updates; time to change that.

The eight rulers of the Uleth watched their display as they saw the six ships come to a stop. The ships were being barraged by more than eight thousand lasers but appeared to be unaffected by them; once they moved closer the satellites could launch their missiles. The fleet would arrive quickly and destroy the invaders.

I wish to communicate with the leaders of this planet.

The eight looked at each other and then looked at their communications board. No one moved.

Im hoping I dont have to destroy all your satellites and starships to get your attention but I will if you refuse to answer me.

No one moved and the Leader of the group shook his head.

Have it your way; the satellites first.

The five huge satellites were hit with a broad beam and exploded into vapor. The eight beings jumped out of their chairs and stared at the five expanding balls of fire and gas above the planet. Then they heard, You have one more opportunity to respond and then I am going to destroy every ship in this solar system and then eliminate your military on the planet.

Seven of the Leaders looked at one of them and he pushed a button, What is it you want to discuss?

Maddy sat forward in her chair and said a quick prayer, Theres not going to be much of a discussion. I am going to tell you what you are going to have to do to live. If you dont follow my directions I am going to blow your civilization back into a primitive society.

We dont take orders.

Maddy looked at her Weapons Officer and nodded; he pushed a pad and an extremely bright, thin beam left the ship at light speed, struck through the building the leaders were located, and blew through the ceiling burning a hole through the floor in the center of the room they were gathered. All eight of them dove under the table. Would you take a moment and reconsider that position?

The Head Leader looked at his display and saw that the beam that had penetrated their hardened room was hotter than any weapon they possessed. The eight in the room knew their ships could not stand up to a beam of that strength.

Can we overwhelm those ships with numbers?

If their force field can withstand their beam, we cannot penetrate it before the ships firing are destroyed.

What do we do?

We need to see what they want. The Leader pushed the send pad, What are you ordering us to do?

You will recall all your ships and occupying forces from the worlds you have conquered and return all the captives youve brought here to their home worlds. Once that is done you will disarm your ships and only use them commercially. You may travel between the three planets of your species but that is all. If you go outside that space I will destroy your planets.

Just how do you think youll do that?

Suddenly the eight leaders saw the closest moon hit with a giant beam and exploded into dust. The beam then hit the dust and burned it out of existence. I dont want to have the dust fall on your planet and disrupt your atmosphere. However, I wont worry about the dust your planet leaves behind.

The incoming ships saw one of the strange ships fire on the moon and destroy it. The beam was more than five hundred miles wide and had blown completely through it. The ships in front of the oncoming fleet stopped and moved no closer.

All of the military installations on the planet saw the moons destruction and felt unimaginable fear. Were they next?

You should also be aware that this is your only opportunity to survive. If you dont agree to my demands I will go and destroy the other two planets as well. If you agree but they refuse to listen, Ill destroy them.

Why are you doing this?

I represent an agency that follows a principle that those civilizations that cannot defend themselves against aggression will be protected. Maddy didnt want to say more but couldnt stop herself, Things look very different from the other end of a blaster, dont they? Your days of wanton destruction and killing of innocent civilizations is ending and your survival means nothing to us. I honestly hope you turn my offer down. After all the horror youve caused, Ill enjoy giving you what youve been delivering. Please tell me you refuse.

Maddy waited a moment and said, I know youre thinking that we wont fire on you and kill all the captives youre holding on the planet, however, we will remove them and then kill you. Please turn your attention to the compound located at the northern edge of your city,

Maddy turned to her Drive Officer, Are you ready?

He nodded and activated his board. The two million slaves in the compound were covered with a silver field that dropped on them and they disappeared. Some of the guards turned their blasters toward the silver field and were immediately burned into ash. The other guards dropped their weapons and looked around in all directions. The Riders that had teleported to the planets surface in stealth mode continued to keep close watch on the slave compounds.

The eight leaders were stunned. The Head Leader looked at the other seven, We know what it means to be a conqueror. A stronger foe has found us. He leaned forward and pushed a button, We will agree to your demands.

Just to make sure you understand the details so there wont be any misunderstandings; if any captive is harmed during the transfer, your world dies. If your forces on your captive planets harm the local populations, your worlds die. You have ten rotations of your planet to bring all your occupying forces back. You will have ten more to complete the return the captives. We will remain here to insure your compliance and Ill have a ship at all of your conquests to insure you keep your agreement. Do you understand?