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I think I understand. Am I a dead end?

Greyson, you are one of the most powerful ships all of Creation. I honestly believe that you no longer need a partner and can take part in this struggle on your own. Youre different now.

I sense that and Im feeling a need to become something more.

I dont know what your destiny will be my old friend. Ill help you find it if you need my help.

No, theres too much to do right now. I just worry that there are so few of us left.

Thats not true.

What do you mean?

Youre forgetting the Stars Realm. They have millions.

Greyson brightened up, Yeah, youre right. I didnt think of that. Are you going to take part in the trial against the Black Ships?

The Emperor has forbidden anyone Flag Rank and above to be involved.

Since when has that stopped you?

Trey chuckled, You know me too well but this time Im going to follow his edict.


At some point I am going to have to depend on others to carry out my plans. My partner agrees.

How is Cassie doing?

Greyson, how long have you known about her?

Since the day you were three years old and the two of you wouldnt come close to each other during Carters meeting to move the Industrial Planets.

Boy, you can keep a secret.

Shes quite remarkable. The two of you are perfect for each other.

Thank you, Greyson.

Greyson was startled, Youre welcome, Cassie.

You have always been my favorite ship.

Why is that?

You brought Trey back from Bristone. Youll always have a place in my heart.

Greyson, we will be at the trials.


We cant be on the ships but we can be in the gallery cheering them on.

Now that sounds like a plan.

We also have a Fleet Vice-Admiral who has requested to go with us?

And who would that be?

Admiral Dorg.

Maddy! Oh this is sounding better all the time.

One of her ships has been selected to take part in the initial confrontation and she wants to be there.

Does anyone we know command that ship?

Trey thought a moment, No, but its the first sailor she promoted and sent to the Academy. It appears his ship was rated the best in the Fleet in the last competition.

Youre talking about Captain Moore.

You know him?

Oh yes. Hes quite the ingenious commander.

What do you mean?

Somehow he figured out how to teleport a force field with nothing inside it and when the opposing ships jumped in and fired on that force field he came in and hit everyone one of them with a low power beam knocking them out of the competition. When the reserve ships jumped him he had left another force field behind and repeated the maneuver. He killed more than fifty ships by the end of the day and brought home the trophy to Maddys Fleet.

We need to promote him again.

Its my understanding that she tried but he begged her not to do it before he had an opportunity to face one of the Black Ships. She agreed.

Do you know anything about his background?

His mother is Carter Reeses older sister.

Now this should be interesting.

He is talented.

What did he name his ship?

Madelines Pride.

That explains a lot.

It does; doesnt it?

Chapter Fifteen

The year passed quickly and seventeen year old Trey Robbins sat in Greysons conference room as the three Commodores waited for their instructions from the Algeans on the plan of battle. The leaders of the Empire were present and the conference room was starting to get crowded. Trey looked around and saw Paul Blake staring at him. He nodded and Paul smiled. TK leaned over and touched Pauls arm; he looked away and Trey wondered what he knew. His aunt was very pregnant and there was going to be another second generation psychic very soon. Admiral Dorg was sitting with her father and Jingo was having an animated discussion with her. Grang sat next to Trey and was looking around the room saying nothing. Carter was talking with the Algeans and it appeared he was disagreeing with them on something. Oh well, Timmy could sort this out. It was good to just be an observer.

Trey looked at the three Ship Commanders and saw they were relaxed and waiting for their orders. Ron Kune and Jingos Dorg were deferring to Trent. Commanding the best ship in the Empire did give a certain respect to its Captain. Everyone stood and bowed and Trey jumped up to join them.

Please take your seats. Emperor Valrico had aged and was relaxed in his role as the Empires Ruler. Who wishes to begin?

Weed turned to the Emperor, We were going to lead the conference; however, Carter has pointed out to us that another should lead this discussion. We will defer our comments until after Scotty Robbins gives us his views.

Trey jerked his head around and was surprised that Weed had used his formal name. Timmy turned to Trey, Will you please begin?

Trey heard Cassie say, Showtime.

I know our first trial ended poorly but its my belief that we cannot show the Black Ships our full capabilities. We should only use our beams and hold the reflective surface technology for future Black Ships that will be brought in after this initial confrontation. We should also not use a force field.

Wont that place our ships in jeopardy?

If it does, were out of the game in dealing with the Invaders, Your Majesty. We have two weapon systems on our ships that are independent of each other. Now that weve been able to absorb the energy of a star, our beams are on an order of magnitude that dwarfs what we could do in our last encounter. We dont have to wait for the Invaders to fire if we fire at them first. Even if they manage to get a shot off, I believe the hulls can absorb the hit and store the power for future use. If we can collect a star, I dont think any of their current beams will damage our hulls. My concern is the next ship thats sent against us and we know there are other models we will have to confront before we get the creatures behind the Invaders to come in their ships. Id rather work our way through several models with our beams before we have to confront their strongest ships.

Timmy stared at Trey and was once again amazed at the maturity of the young man standing before him. He looked so much like his grandfather and had that sense of command that made it so easy to follow him.

Weed said, I believe Scotty Robbins is right. The reflective hulls are not an offensive weapon as much as a defensive one. If our beams fail, the reflective hull can use the opponents beam against them by tripling its power.

Seed added, Thats not to say that we cant charge the hulls and reflect our own beam at them with triple the power. We should not reveal all our systems in the first encounter.

Trey nodded, We are also going to record the initial confrontation and determine whether or not our new stealth technology works against their scans.

Timmy looked sharply at Trey, Im not going

We will not take part in the conflict and will teleport away at the first sign of being detected. However, we need to make a determination in the first three encounters and I must see if Im right.

Timmy leaned back in his seat, Why is that?

Once the three ships take on the first Black Ships they will teleport two hundred light years into deep space. If they arent followed we will do the same thing the next two times we attack.