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What are you trying to accomplish?

I want to know if the being behind the Invaders is observing what happens. Im reasonably certain that it can see much further than that distance and if the ships are followed to that deep space location after the first battle, then we know its observing that universe. After the next contact we will teleport the ships to the other side of the galaxy. If our ships are followed there, well know for certain that its watching.

Paul said, Its possible that theyre able to read our teleports and thats how they find us.

Trey smiled, Not really. If they could read our teleport coordinates, their ships would be using teleportation. I think the fact that they cant is what will cause an event to happen that weve been hoping for. The room was silent and Trey said, That Being will come and have a look for itself at the site of our conflict and we can get a reading on what kind of ship were going to have to ultimately face.

The room was silent. Timmy thought about what Trey said and started nodding, Youre going to bait it with technology it doesnt possess?

It wont be able to resist it. Especially when we teleport out of that universe and dont leave any tracks for it to follow.

What do you think it will do first?

I believe it will scour all the Universes anywhere near the site of the attacks searching for our location, Your Majesty.

Isnt there a risk it will find us here?

This is the last place it will look. This universe was killed more than five hundred thousand years ago and there are more than eight thousand it would have to view before it arrived at this location. It knows that all of its previous conquests are dead universes. It might look at the first fifty or so but, after nothing shows up, it will continue to look at universes that are still alive. That frustration is what will bring it out into the open.

Will our ships be able to stand up to it?

Probably not and thats why we have to see if our current stealth technology works. If it does, we can leave a probe behind once we make sure its observing the universe were attacking. Our ability to hide from it is something that is as important to discover as the effectiveness of our weapons.

Weed looked at Carter and thought, Your wisdom has surprised me again. You were right to suggest he lead this dialogue.

Carter looked at the two Algeans and nodded.

Timmy looked around the room and said, So what orders are you giving these brave sailors going to confront the Black Ships?

Trey turned and looked at the three and smiled, Blast the ever living groad out of them and teleport away when the party crashers show up.

Trent looked at the other two commanders and said, That sounds like a party thats going to be hard to leave.

Leave your com code so they can invite you to the next one.

Ron Kune smiled, After the mess we leave behind, Im not sure well be welcome at the next one.

The room erupted in laughter and Timmy called the conference to a close.

How did I do?

Trey, you were fabulous.

Thanks, Cassie.

The three brightly glowing ships hung in space outside the Defense Facility preparing to teleport to the universe the Invaders were harvesting. Jingos, how did you manage to weasel your way into this exercise?

I managed to get Admiral Blake to bust me back to Commodore before the plan was submitted to the Emperor. I figured he would never allow an admiral to participate.

Clever, how do we want to handle this?

Ron, I think we should follow Trents lead.

Hey guys, both of you are senior to me. One of you should be the overall commander.

Seniority doesnt carry weight during space battles. Tactics and ingenuity trump seniority. Youve demonstrated that youre more effective in ship maneuvers than either of us. Youre in command and thats an order.

Trent laughed and said, This is how well go in; well form an equilateral triangle with our ships separated by two thousand miles on each leg. That way well overlap our beams and support each other in the event one of us is heavily outnumbered. Every ten seconds well teleport a thousand miles and rotate the triangle forty five degrees. Every thirty seconds we will turn the triangle ninety degrees horizontally and rotate in the opposite direction. Well start the maneuver on my mark.

Ron looked at his drive officer, Lock the pattern in and start the clock with Commodore Moores signal.

Jingos said, Weve locked the pattern and will implement it on your signal.

At some point were going to have to withdraw and we should do it together. The escape command is Bristone. Well jump to our predetermined escape coordinates and wait to see if were followed. Commodore Kune, if you will deploy the stealth probe.

It will be my pleasure, Sir.

Trent sighed, Thank you.

Get used to it. As an admiral youll hear it all the time.

Id rather be here fighting.

Jingos laughed, Well all miss the next round if were successful here so enjoy it while you can.

Trent looked at his Drive Officer and he nodded, Set your chronometers on our departure and that will happen in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, execute!

Alright, Greyson, its show time.

Were teleporting right behind them, Sir.

Keep your teleport system hot. If were seen we wont have much time to escape.

You could use a psychic bubble.

Yes, but then we wont know if our stealth technology is effective.

Stealth is active and were teleporting now.

The Ship Master sat in his chair and fought the constant mind numbing boredom of watching ships land and leave with the finished production of Remid. This was a warship, yet there was no war to fight. He had instructed his Sensor Master to keep an active scan of deep space running at all times in the hope of something happening to break the monotony of guard duty. Destroying those two white ships had been a welcome distraction. He settled back in his chair and fought falling asleep. Then

Sire, I have three ships on the long range scan.

He jumped up and sat erect in his chair, Send me an image. He stared at the three ships and thought he recognized them.

Sire, those ships are exactly like the ones we destroyed in our last attack.

Get the Fleet Master on the channel. Power up all systems and prepare to jump to their location.

Why are you disturbing me?

Master, there are three ships exactly like the two ships I killed out in open space. He looked at his board, They are at the same location as the last encounter.

Take you ship out and eliminate them. Notify me when youre done.

The Ship Master looked at the Drive Master and nodded, Now this was more like it. He was about to learn that sometimes boredom is not always a bad thing. He thought about killing two of the ships quickly and chasing the third. He started to issue the orders as his ship broke into normal space but all he was able to get out was the first three words when the rest of his sentence was blown away by the heat of the beam that burned through his bridge and ignited his reactors. Even the reactors couldnt explode when the following two beams burned the nuclear fuel out of existence. A fourth beam was fired and all the dust and debris were burned into gas.

Gentlemen, lets move a hundred miles starboard to get away from this cloud.

That didnt take long.

All weapons are free. We should be receiving some uninvited guests momentarily.

Hey Trent, I sent an invitation to all of them.

What address did you use, Ron?

1234 Get Your Grump Fried Ave.

Maybe they arent sociable.

Give them a moment. They need to be dressed appropriately.