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No, Jingo. I suspect the Commanders were concerned about tapping into the full energy stored in their ships outer skins. If they narrow those beams to less than a hundred yards in width and use full power, I suspect even the next ship they send wont hold up.

So what happens now?

Trey thought about what was coming and played the various situations in his consciousness, I think a much stronger ship will be built and the new fleet will come to attack our ships. Once those fail, I suspect single newer models will be sent to trial against us until they find something that works. While theyre working on that, we will send the fleet here to destroy their ships in this universe.

What about my suggestion?

I need to collaborate with someone to see the long term danger of doing that, Greyson. However, if we sense its safe, well send a couple of ships first and have them jump to that universe using their standard universal drives.

Maddy and Jingo saw it and Jingo said, Now that should prove interesting.

Trey started laughing, Im going to have to be there to see what happens. I wouldnt miss that for anything.

Grang and I want to see, too.

So do I.

Ok, ok, just keep this quiet until I check it out.

Greyson said, Mums the word.

Chapter Sixteen

The Distributor was jerked awake by a major alarm screaming from his board. He shook himself and stumbled over to the console and silenced the alarm. He pushed the flashing pad and rewound the scene that had been transmitted. He watched as three white ships savaged thousands of the harvesting fleet. His shock drove his lethargy away and he pulled the view in closer. It was the same ships that had been destroyed the last time they had interfered with their fleet. The color, lines, size, and shape were identical but that was all that was similar. It looked at a read out next to the display and saw that the power of the beams being fired by those ships was incredible. It looked at the panel again and saw that the recording was sent to him from one of the ships that survived the battle. It was heavily damaged but had been able to transmit the recording.

His display changed and the Council was staring at him, What is happening in that universe!?!

The former Distributor started feeling extremely nervous. Evidently the origin of those ships had not been in one of the destroyed eight universes. He had to think of something to deflect the Councils anger from him.

The new Distributor glanced at the data, It appears that the builders of those ships escaped our efforts to destroy them.

The first three Council Members looked at the former Distributor but turned back to the new Distributor when he said, That really shouldnt surprise us.

The First Councilor jerked its attention back, Why do you say that?

If these beings are advanced as we believe them to be, they must have made plans to escape our retribution. Ive looked over the data from the destroyed eight universes and we were unable to find any civilizations that possessed a technology high enough to develop the spores. That leads me to believe that they were smart enough to move somewhere else to avoid us.

Im not clear on how you came up with that analysis.

I agree with my predecessor that we were seen by one of the universes we were scouting. They had to know that they would be attacked after they used the spores. They had enough time to move their operations to another universe before we could return with another fleet.

The former Distributor knew that he now owed his replacement and he didnt like being indebted. However, he knew he would pay him for his help.

The First Three looked at the Fourth and he said, Our Distributor is right and it couldnt have been avoided. We didnt have the ships to strike fast enough after the infection. It makes sense that they moved to another universe and set up operations there.

Then where did they go?

Ill open a view of that universe and follow them next time they return. However, we will be delayed in our response.

The First was enraged, And why is that!!

Ive just sent you the power of the beam that was used by those ships. Please examine it for a moment.

The First looked at the readout and felt his rage evaporate, Is this possible?

Im afraid it is. We dont have a ship in our reserves that can stand up to that beam. Well have to build the last two designs and hope the first one handles them.

You think it wont?

I hope it will but we should know that whoever is building those ships is a very advanced civilization.

We may have to eliminate them with our own ships.

I hope I dont have to interrupt the sleep of the Nation and will attempt everything possible before I suggest that course of action.

The First snarled, See that you do. Keep us informed.

I will.

The new Distributor kept its eye on the Fourth and saw it nod just before the screen went dark. Good, it knew it had a debt to pay. It turned and set the scanner on the universe being harvested and set the alarm. Next time it would know instantly when those ships returned. It had no doubt about their returning. The question of where they were going afterwards had to be answered.

He notified the production planets to start construction on the final three models. Perhaps the first of the three would prove efficient. It could only hope.

Trey sat in the small clearing in front of Grangs house and stared at the Robbins Memorial five miles away. It was lighted at night and was beautiful to see. The white marble gleamed and Trey thought about all that had happened since that terrible night on Bristone. He looked up at the stars and remembered lying between his parents as they stared at the sky with billions of stars from horizon to horizon. This universe didnt have as many and the view was not as breathtaking as the one from Bristone. He wished he could go back and see them again but knew that Bristone was dead and no longer had an atmosphere. He felt his anger begin to grow but looked at the Memorial and felt it fade. Soon it would be time to be angry but not just yet.

Do you want to discuss Greysons idea?

Hi, Cassie. Yes, now is a good time.

Tell me what you sense.

The short term danger level doesnt go up but the long term does.

Do you know why?


You do?

The danger is not to us.

Youre right.

Trey didnt say anything and felt Cassie in his mind. It always brought him peace to have her with him. I find myself tempted to forget the possible fallout from jumping to the Eight Legs former universe.

Youre just angry about the loss of your family.

How can I not be? They were sacrificed to save those cowards.

You know thats not true. Youre placing the blame on the wrong place.

Trey remained silent and finally took a deep breath and let it out slowly, If the spores werent rushed into production, would that vision have been needed?

The vision happened years before. Everyone was held captive to that visions reality; even the Algeans.

But if my Parents had not searched for them, the vision would not have been needed.

It would have happened at another time but it would have happened.

You and I are what necessitated that event.

Im glad you finally see that I am to blame as well.

What would have happened if we were released and they were still alive?

Both of us and them would have died through the feedback.

Trey looked at the stars and remained silent. After an hour Cassie said, Ive seen four possible futures surrounding this decision and I feel that you should use Greysons suggestion.

What have you seen?

Your fear that the Invaders Creator would go there is valid but happens in only one of those visions.