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Trey put his arm around Grangs shoulders and pointed at the display, And this is where you were prepared to make me the Warrior I had to become.

Cassie smiled, Both of you have done such a wonderful job of raising my husband. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Jingo stared at the birthplace of his first child and the fight during the Night of the Torg. He remembered all the nights gazing at the stars with Scotty, Why are we here?

I wanted you to witness the destruction of the Invaders ships first. I also want you to witness the next important event in the Empires history.

What event is that?

The return of the Realm.

The three thousand foot long white ship teleported into El Prados orbit and saw the four thousand foot long bright white ship hanging in orbit over the planet, Do you recognize that ship?

Yes, its an old Zeta ship.

I didnt think there were any of them left behind.

The Defense Facility had twenty of them in its inventory. This must be one of them.

I thought those ships werent supposed to be released.

They werent. Im not sure about why it was.

We can handle it, cant we?

That old design poses no threat to us. We need to see if it can tell us what caused that psychic wave and why all the planets have been destroyed in this universe. Something happened here that was disastrous. We need to find out what it was so we can tell the Crown.

Thats as close as well allow you to come.

Its an old Realm frequency.

The Searcher said, We will hold our position. We need to ask a few questions if you dont mind.

We do mind and suggest you go back and bring someone here that has the authority to carry on a conversation with us.

The Searcher felt his anger and said, You will answer my questions.

Theyre powering up their weapons.

Fire a beam through their force field.

The Searcher fired an intense beam at the brightly glowing white ship and saw it splash and dissipate on the ships Screen.

Greyson, if you please.

The Searcher saw a brilliant white beam erupt from the ship above the planet and blow through its screen, disrupting it.

If we see you power your teleportation board we will disable your drives. Do you understand?

The force field was restored after two seconds but the ship and its pilot knew that it was useless against the beam that had just been fired. I thought that ship posed no threat to you?

Evidently, I was wrong.

The Searcher stared at the bright ship and thought, What is it you want?

Trey remained silent for twenty seconds which seemed like an eternity to those that were involved in the conversation, You want to know why all the civilizations in this universe are dead. I want to tell you but I will only discuss it with your leadership. You should also be aware that your Realm is going to be destroyed shortly and, though I personally dont care if it is, we feel you should at least have a chance to save yourselves.

Do you know anything about the psychic blast that just happened?

I do.

The Searcher waited and finally said, But you arent going to tell me?

No, Im not. We will be back here in exactly seven days to have our conversation with your leaders. If they chose not to come, we feel we have done what we could to save you and you deserve what you get.

The Searcher watched the bright ship glow slightly brighter and then disappear. Can you see where they went?

No. They left no trace. What are you going to do?

The Spider replayed the recording of the beam that blew its force field away and shook its head, The Crown must view what happened here.

The white ship started glowing bright purple and disappeared in the flash of its dimensional drive.

Greyson arrived in orbit above New Hope. Jingo looked at Trey, That was a Stars Realm ship.

Yes it was.

Jingo looked at Carter and Grang before saying, What happens now?

We see if theyre worth saving. If they arent, we let them die.

Carter shook his head, Doesnt that violate our principles?

Youre assuming they are unable to defend themselves and youre also thinking they are friends. They are not our friends, Carter. We owe them nothing.

But our ancestors were once a part of the Realm and we live by their principles.

The Realm lost that loyalty when they turned their backs on us and have long ago lost their principles. There is a price for indifference and they will pay for their sins.

Are you saying they will be destroyed?

Trey sighed and looked at Cassie who shook her head, I lost my family because of their actions. I havent decided whether or not they deserve salvation.

Grang looked at Trey, Have you forgotten your Grandfathers lessons?

Not yet. Thats the only reason we came here. Well see what our decision will be a week from now.

Cassie smiled, But first there will be a ceremony.

Trey smiled, Greyson, send our three honored guests back to the surface.

Grang, Jingo, and Carter disappeared and Trey took his long awaited love into his arms and gave her all of his attention. The blue glow that surrounded them grew brighter as he picked her up and left the Bridge.

The End

Excerpt from

Return of the Stars Realm

T he Royal Family sat in the conference room and listened to the Searcher as he delivered his report. They watched the video of the encounter with the old Zeta Ship and saw the power of the beam used to disrupt the Searchers force field.

They said that we are going to be destroyed?

Yes, Your Majesty, and he said he personally didnt care if we were.

Tag looked at Danielle and saw her troubled expression. He turned on his panel and saw the millions of planets that had been destroyed in their former universe. He looked at the Queen and then said, Has every civilized planet in our old universe been destroyed?

The Spider paused and said, Yes, they are all blasted down to the bed rock and broken in multiple places.

Do you think that ship was responsible for that the destruction?

No, the readings indicate a beam that was much weaker was used to cause the destruction.

Then where did that old Zeta Ship come from?

The Defense Facility we left behind had twenty of them in storage. I must assume that it came from there.

How long ago were they destroyed?

Between ten to twelve years ago.

Newton looked around the table and said, The analysis indicates a beam very similar to those used by the white ships.

Matthews gaze hardened, Are you suggesting Demons?

Newton shrugged.

Danielle said, They were attacked by an outside force. Everyone looked at her and she said, The one that spoke to you is angry at us and blames us for the destruction.

How do you know that?

Danielle tilted her head and Matthew said, I sometimes forget your ability. If thats true, what does that mean to us?

It means there is real danger to us from the ones that made that ship. It also means that his statement about our destruction is true as well and he was talking about a different threat. Its imperative that we meet with them and determine what they know.

Queen Valerie Gardner Talant looked at her husband and he nodded, Then we will send out strongest warriors to conduct the conversation. Are the Kosiev updates complete?

Yes they are, Your Majesty.

Valerie looked around the table and said, Tag, Danielle, Cassandra, and Jake will go to meet with them. I want you to take Newton and Sprig with you to see if we can determine their strength. You will go in the Alexander Kosiev. How does it match up to that ship?