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Yes, but you must not attempt it. It would cause a domino effect if the Invaders creator learns what youve done.

Did you know that we sense a much higher danger from not making the effort?

Seed looked at Weed and said, Im not sure what you mean.

You know we have the ability to sense danger.

Well, yes.

If we dont make this effort the level of danger skyrockets; we must do this. Now, you can help us or we will teleport you to Greyson who is out in empty space. Its your choice.

Seed looked at Weed, Weve done what we can. They should be allowed to choose their destiny.

Weed turned to Robby, Its critically important that your theft not be discovered.

Well make every effort to insure that happens but we will attempt the theft.

Carter looked at Robby, What are you going to steal?

Were going to take their interdimensional drive.

Carter was shocked, How? That device has got to be massive.

Well handle it. Robby looked at the two Algeans, How far along do you think the crew is infected?

The spores became active thirty minutes ago. The crew will be starting to feel the tremors momentarily if our readings have been accurate. What are you going to do?

We know that in order to contact their Creator, they must drop their force field. As soon as that field drops, Dani and I are teleporting on board and killing everyone on the bridge before they can start communicating.

Surely, you dont think you can do that fast enough before the transmission starts?

You should have done your homework better, Weed. Weve studied more than eight hundred recordings of their communications and the reason the force field must be dropped is that the communications device needs the power being used to maintain the force field to drive the communicator. We have a five second window. Are you going to help us or not?

Weed stared at Robby and then said, Turn on your armor. Weve scanned the bridge and Ill give you the coordinates where you must arrive. You must kill the Captain of that ship first before he could trigger its self-destruct mechanism. The other location is what we believe to be the Communications Officer. There are thirty crew members on the bridge and they are all armed. Are you sure you want to try this? Both of you can die in the effort.

Carter said, Ill go with you.

Dani looked at him, Sorry Carter, you arent armed to handle this. We have broad head slugs that will not penetrate those that are hit. We cant run the risk of damage to any of their consoles.

Carter smiled, I have a hundred of those slugs.

Robby did a double take, Why did you take those?

Because I saw Dani had taken some out of the Defense Facilitys inventory. I assumed she was smarter than I was so I also loaded them.

Robby looked at Dani, Do you see him.

No, but that doesnt mean hes not there.

This explains why you had to be involved. It fits.

Dani smiled, Weed, where is the largest concentration of crew members?

Weed looked at Seed again and said, Twenty are along the back wall manning the drive and beam controls.

Carter, those are yours to handle. Are you ready?

Carter keyed his armors weapon control and made a change, The slugs are now loaded.

Robby said, Lock in your coordinates; Weed, tell us as soon as that field drops.

You still havent told me how youre going to remove the drive.

Robby smiled, Thats the easy part. Keep your focus on that screen.

Weed saw the huge black ship fall slightly off its orbit, It wont be long. The ship is starting to drift.

Chapter Four

The Ship Master was not feeling well. He felt shaky and his head was hurting with a beating pain that almost made him pass out. He looked around the bridge and saw that his crew was also looking bad. Something was happening. He reached for a pinch of orange powder and saw that half of the container was green. Whats going on? He looked at his hands and saw they were covered with splotchy green sores that itched. One of the crew members suddenly fell out of their chair and began trembling on the floor. Open a channel to the Masters.

The operator of the force field reached for the control and tumbled out of his chair unconscious. The Master stood and stumbled over to his console and pushed the pad to lower the field. Suddenly a being in bright red armor appeared to his right and shot him in the chest with some kind of weapon. The Sensor Master raised his gun to fire on the intruder and was knocked ten feet back by something that hit him in the chest. The Communications Master reached for the pad to activate his console and his head blow up.

Carter appeared at the back wall and shot fifteen of the orange colored creatures in less than two seconds. Most of them were unable to draw their weapons because of the tremors they were experiencing. Five of them were on the floor starting the severe tremors that happened just before death. Ten of the crew members that were operating consoles were able to fire at the red colored beings but their beams just splashed off their armor. Every Invader on the bridge was killed and none of them had been able to get off a shot that damaged any of the delicate machinery.

Kreej, were ready.

Kreej teleported on the bridge and looked around. He turned toward a console and then looked behind him. Do you want the communications console as well?

Can you take both?

Yes, I can. However, there is a failsafe on the drive.

What do you mean?

If anything disrupts power to the console, the self destruct-circuit automatically goes off.

Robby looked at Dani, Then we must abort this mission.

Kreej started at the console and said, No, weve got to make the effort. The three of you should go now and Ill take the console in my final sweep. Ill teleport out as soon as I get it.

There wont be enough time, Kreej.

Robby, Im pretty certain that there will be a minimal delay from the destruct device when power is cut. They must cut power to work on this ship so the computer behind the device will have to determine that something out of the ordinary is happening. Weve got to try.

Dani looked at Robby and said, Good-luck, Kreej. Robby, Dani, and Carter disappeared from the bridge.

Kreej looked around the bridge and moved behind the communications console and extended his wings. He set the armor to absorption and brought them together. The drive console was taken just as his wings came together.

Robby and Dani watched the ship and saw it suddenly explode into a giant fireball. Kreej. Robby thought again, Kreej!

You were right, that thing went off a lot faster than I anticipated.

Robby lowered his head with a big sigh, Did you get it?

Yes, and I also took the weapons console.

Robby looked at Weed, I think our theft will go unnoticed. The ships self destruct should make them think the Master did it when the spores began killing the crew.

Weed said, We can only hope that happens.

Robby looked at the two Algeans, I hope you realize that we can no longer trust you. However, you may return to your observations.

Seed leaned forward, Weve done what we wanted to accomplish. We will return to your universe and just be observers.

Robby and Dani teleported to Grace and Carter looked at the Algeans, Why was it so important that the power behind the Invaders not know about our theft?

Because then that being would come and take it back.

I thought you wanted it to come out and make itself known.

We do, but not in our universe.

Oh. Carter knew that something was not being said but he didnt push the issue. They wouldnt have told him anyway and he sensed they were still very nervous.