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I’m whimpering and mewling, teetering on the edge of release, when the shadow’s pumps slow, though the hold on my hips doesn’t falter. “Relax, my love. I’m not done with you yet.”

I frown, only to scream when another finger pushes into my pussy, stretching it to the point of agony. Tears of both pain and pleasure pricks my eyes. It’s larger than anything I have ever been with.

“Take all of it.” The shadow slowly slides his fingers in until he reaches his knuckle. I moan as I try to accommodate the size and just how deeply inside of me he is. He doesn’t start moving again until I curl my back to take him even deeper. “That’s it. All of it.”

A sharp sting of pain makes me hiss, but I’m too caught up in each thrust to do more than just scream and moan. If this is only a dream, how does it feel so real?

Movement just below my line of sight catches my attention. I try to move my head but his grip in my hair stops me from getting far.

“What are you doing?” I gasp, biting my lip as I pant and try to hold back another scream.

Somewhere under the darkness of his hood, I swear I see a sinister smile flash across his seemingly non existent face. “It’s only fair that you taste me too.”

My eyes widen before my head is pushed straight down onto his cock. My mouth barely fits around him, still he pushes further inside me. He doesn’t make it far before I gag, but he doesn’t relent, the sound not a deterrent but an encouragement.

“All of it. Just like I told you to.” His voice is firm, not revealing if he feels as undone by me as I am by him.

Tears stream down my eyes as I’m filled so completely by two beings I’ve never seen the faces of. My jaw aches from how wide I have it open. I try to relax my throat and Letum pushes in deeper.

“My sweet flower, look at you. So beautiful on your hands and knees for me. Tell me, is this what you dream of?”

He tugs on my hair to pull out of me completely, and raises me higher so that my upper body is held up by his grip. Tears wet my cheeks, and saliva drips down the side of my mouth. With his thumb, he swipes the drool and pushes it back into my mouth.

“Is it?”

Never in my wildest imagination would I have thought up the shadow. Now, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The answer would be a confident yes. Daydreams, at least.

His letter that asked what I would feel like when I finish on him had such a visceral impact on me that I still haven’t forgotten about it half a year later. The mystery of the unknown was a kink in itself, not knowing what he looked like or when I might find him. It made my mind think of things that would certainly make Dr. Mallory up my dosage.

The shadow’s fingers pull out of me, leaving me empty and incomplete. I whimper and almost reach back to get the shadow to put his fingers back, or else I’d be finishing the job myself.

“I asked you a question,” he warns.

“Keep fucking me, please,” I beg. When he doesn’t answer, I say, “Please. I need it. Fuck my face, fill my pussy. I just need you to fill me. Please.”

Letum’s body visibly softens. “You’re so beautiful when you beg.” I cry out when a sharp slap hits my ass so hard that white dots appear in my vision. “But that was not my question.”

Why does he have to make me admit those things? This is a dream! I should be the one in control. Though, what’s the worst that could happen if I admit it? All that will happen is that I will be ravaged by guilt in the morning.

“Yes,” I finally say. He waits for me to continue, and I groan. “I’ve dreamt about what your cock would feel like inside of me. I have dreamt that I’d open my locker during my break, but instead of a letter or a note, you appear out of nowhere. You grab me by the neck and push me over the table, and you don’t stop fucking me until my knees give out and my voice goes hoarse with your name.”

Both Letum and the shadow snarl at once. They fill me at the same time and start pounding into me before I get the chance to take a breath. I’m stuck, permanently gagging on his cock while the shadow sinks deeper than I knew was possible.

Pleasure bubbles and boils beneath my skin. I try to stop Letum and warn him that I’m about to fall off the edge straight into the deep end and I’ll take him down with me, but neither of them stop their relentless thrusts.

When I can’t take it anymore, my hands and knees collapse beneath me. I’m writhing and trembling, trying to take my fill of the explosion of bliss caused by the unknown and his shadow, all while they keep me upright with their continued assault.

Letum’s roar shakes the trees and rattles my bones as he releases himself into my mouth. I try to take every sweet drop of him and swallow, laving at every inch of him with my tongue.

“You were more amazing than anything I could have imagined, my midnight storm.”

He slowly lowers me onto the mattress while I struggle to keep my eyes open. I’m too exhausted to watch the shadow retreat into Letum. Before I can ask him whether the shadow is his soul as I suspect, I close my eyes and the darkness engulfs me.

I groan when the incessant beeping of the alarm ruins the sensation of the forest air on my skin. Without opening my eyes, I keep slapping the bedside table until I find the culprit that tore me from the best dream I’ve ever had.

I don’t look at the time, just push any random button to snooze the alarm. Last night’s alcohol must have really gotten to me, because if anyone told me that I’ve been hit by a truck, I would believe them.

I shift onto my back and whimper from the ache between my legs—the type of ache that only happens from life changing sex.

My skin pebbles from the morning air, making my painful nipples even more tender. One by one, I peel my eyelids open.

What the hell?

No, I wasn't so drunk that I went to bed naked. I’m not a nude sleeper and I most definitely do not go around commando.

No, I wasn’t so drunk that I would cover my entire bedroom floor in rose petals.

Red creeps up my cheeks when I realize that he would have seen me naked in my bed and seen my scars. Worse, he could have seen me in god knows what state while I was having the raunchiest dream in my life. Was I moaning in my sleep? Oh god, was he watching?

My thumb grazes the velvety smooth petals, confirming that they are in fact real, and neither I nor he had gone to the dollar store to buy fake ones. I reach for my bedside lamp and turn it on to inspect one of the petals closer. It’s of the deepest red I’ve seen, but there’s something off about it, with veins-like threads going through the petal.

Blotches of blue amongst porcelain catch my attention and I discard the petal back onto the floor. Four blue bruises marr my thigh. When I turn my leg, I spot a fifth.

My heart slams against my ribcage. I leap out of the bed like a woman possessed and almost slip on the roses as I head straight for the bathroom. I flip the light switch before I make it inside, and stop dead in my tracks in front of my mirror.

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

I turn in front of the mirror, then turn again, angling myself this way and that while trying to convince myself that I’m just imagining things.

The area around my nipples are red and raw, but that can easily be explained away with an excuse I’ll think of later. I’ll even find an excuse for the five small circular bruises on my hips. There is no explaining away the handprint that covers an entire ass cheek and then some though.

The size of the handprint is larger than anything I’ve seen in real life. The sting that follows when I touch the welt both shoots heat straight between my legs and fear straight to my heart.