11 An excellent fictional account of this comes in Vasily Grossman’s wartime classic Life and Fate (tr. Robert Chandler, Vintage Classics, 2010). The NKVD’s wartime role through the eyes of Soviet soldiers, is well portrayed in Ivan’s War: Life and Death in the Red Army, 1939–1945 by Catherine Merridale (Picador, 2007).
12 The home page for this programme (in Russian) is here http://www.ren-tv.com/pages/tayny-mira-s-annoy-chapman
13 The author Yulian Lyandres (1931–93), under the pen name Yuliam Semyonov, published his first book Semnadtsat mgnoveniy vesni (The Seventeen Instants of Spring) in 1968. Unusually, it portrayed Nazi German officials as real people, not caricature monsters. Known as Colonel Maxim Isayev to his KGB colleagues, Stirlitz disrupts Nazi efforts to conclude a separate peace with the Western allies. After the war he hunts fugitive Nazis in Latin America, and is imprisoned at the height of the Stalinist post-war purges.
14 The New Cold War: How the Kremlin Menaces Russia and the West (Bloomsbury, 2008). Published in America as The New Cold War: Putin’s Russia and the Threat to the West (Palgrave, 2008).
15 For details see http://russian-untouchables.com/eng/
16 Mr Mitrokhin made contact with an SIS officer in the British embassy in Riga on 24 March 1992. The CIA had previously turned him down. SIS brought him and his family to Britain in November and later retrieved a large amount of material, said to be six aluminium trunkfuls, copied from the KGB archives and hidden in his dacha garden. Some of it appeared in a series of books that he wrote with the historian Christopher Andrew (Allen Lane 1999–2005), The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB; The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World; The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West. A parliamentary inquiry criticised some aspects of this: http://www.archive.official-documents.co.uk/document/cm47/4764/4764.htm
17 Though this reflects a rise of one-third from the 3 per cent spent in 2008/9 to 4 per cent in 2009/10. It is a larger slice of a larger cake too: the Security Service has twice the staff and three times the budget it had in 2001. http://isc.independent.gov.uk/committee-reports/annual-reports
18 SB a Lech Walęsa. Przyczynek do biografii (The SB and Lech Walęsa: A Biographical Contribution) by Slawomir Cenckiewicz and Piotr Gontarczyk (Institute for National Remembrance, Warsaw, 2008) http://www.ipn.gov.pl/portal/pl/229/7615/SB_a_Lech_Walesa_Przyczynek_do_biografii.html
1 Looting and Murder
1 Extensive documentation on this is available at www.russian-untouchables.com and www.lawandorderinrussia.org. A film telling the story is available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aj2NLFL-lE and (full-length rental version) at http://vod.journeyman.tv/store?p=4455. A thorough legal presentation of the Hermitage case can be found here http://www.scribd.com/doc/20910344/DECLARATION-OF-NEIL-MICKLETHWAITE. A much more critical account is ‘Sergei Magnitsky, Bill Browder, Hermitage Capital Management and Wondrous Metamorphoses’ http://marknesop.wordpress.com/2011/01/19/sergei-magnitsky-bill-browder-hermitage-capital-management-and-wondrous-metamorphoses/ but Mr Browder rebuts this criticism, to my mind convincingly.
2 An accurate but unflattering account of Mr Browder’s approach comes from my successor in Moscow, Gideon Lichfield. ‘A Russian Odyssey’, Stanford Business, November 2006. http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/news/bmag/sbsm0611/feature_browder.html
3 http://hermitagefund.com/about/hermitageeffect/
5 An excellent account of this comes in Putin’s Oiclass="underline" The Yukos Affair and the Struggle for Russia by Martin Sixsmith (Continuum, 2010). Yukos was bankrupted by bogus tax demands and its assets handed over to Kremlin cronies; its owner was sentenced to lengthy jail terms after successive farcical court hearings, at which he has denounced the regime and the lawlessness it stokes and thrives on, for example in the statement he and his co-defendant Platon Lebedev issued during their trial, on 2 November 2010 http://www.khodorkovskycenter.com/mikhail-khodorkovsky-full-transcript-his-final-words
6 ‘Bewilderment As Browder Barred As Security Threat’ by Catherine Belton, St Petersburg Times, 21 March 2006. http://www.sptimes.ru/index.php?action_id=2&story_id=17062
7 The clip can be seen here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcnF0Cu8Wtc ‘Putin ne smog obyasnit, pochemu v Rossiyu ne puskayut samogo predannogo zarubeznnogo invevestora’ (‘Putin can’t explain why Russia won’t let in the most successful foreign investor’), unsigned article, 17 July 2006 http://www.newsru.com/arch/finance/17jul2006/browder.html
8 The attorneys’ names are Ekaterina Maltseva, and a husband and wife team: Andrei Pavlov and Yulia Mayorova. In other cases related to the same fraud, this couple has represented claimants against Hermitage. But on this occasion they were claiming to represent it. http://russian-untouchables.com/eng/240m-theft-from-budget/
9 A video giving an account (critical – and to me unconvincing) of Hermitage’s activities can be found (in Russian) here http://www.mk.ru/video/politics/1013-skeletyi-uilyama-braudera-.html
10 http://www.assembly.coe.int/documents/workingdocs/doc09/edoc11993.pdf
11 An excellent account of Mr Magnitsky’s treatment in prison can be found here in Russian http://www.rb.ru/inform/127947.html and here in English ‘Report of the public oversight commission for human rights observance in Moscow detention centers: Review of the conditions of the detention of Sergei Magnitsky in the pre-trial detention centres of the City of Moscow’ http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/WSJ-20091229-MagnitskyReport.pdf. The extracts from Mr Magnitsky’s own writings can be found here: http://russian-untouchables.com/docs/Prison-Diaries-Magnitsky-General-Prosecutor-Complaint.pdf