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Hale took the sheets from her and glanced at them-ROMMEL, 15TH PANZER DIVISION, HALFAYA PASS -they could be real, or not. “Assuming the radio works and I can get Centre on the air,” he said thoughtfully, “I’ll rephrase these, and send them with a lot of dummy code groups mixed in.” He nodded toward the window and the city outside. “That’s in case it’s a Gestapo trap and they’ve got their monitors listening for messages of these particular lengths to be sent. If I sent the verbatim texts, they could easily recognize them and then derive my enciphering numbers.”

Elena nodded. “Which might not be as unique as they’re supposed to be.”

“Right. Any other agent using the same pad might as well be sending en clair.” He looked at the window, calculating how he would attach the earth wire to the drain pipe he had noted earlier. He would string the aerial so as to get a low angle of radiation, good for long skip distances, and hope for clear receptions and a brief time on the air.

Beyond the frame of the window the eastern sky had darkened to deep indigo. Elena switched on the electric wall lamps, and Hale tore the blank endpapers out of the architecture book and spent twenty minutes enciphering an explanation of their current circumstances and of the dubious messages Elena had got from the courier; and then he paraphrased the message texts, adding a lot of xs and ys which Centre would recognize as null groups.

“Let’s look at Comrade Charlatan’s apparatus,” he said, getting to his feet.

“I really should report you for spontaneity,” she sighed. “Do you want some of this cheese and bread?”

“We can eat as I work. Don’t get crumbs in the mechanism.”

Hale lifted the radio case out of the perambulator, laid it on the floor, unlatched the lid and flipped it open. The radio inside was equipped with a cord for alternating current, and earphones and a telegraph key and a coiled aerial wire were tucked neatly into a gap at the side. There was even a packet of sharpened pencils. “It does appear to be a radio,” he allowed. He used a centime coin from his pocket to unscrew the facing plate and look at the works.

The set had a regenerative hookup powered by a high-voltage battery to maintain oscillation and amplify weak signals, with a Hartley oscillator instead of a crystal for transmitting on a broad range of bandwidths, and a Bradleystat resistor to prevent key-click sparks, which might otherwise interfere with radio reception for a mile around.

“Not bad,” he said. He turned the condenser and rheostat knobs, noting a gritty tightness in their action. The set had apparently never been used.

“So how soon can you be on the air? We need instructions.”

“As soon as I string the aerial and the earth, and-” He glanced around the plaster walls of the bare room for an electrical outlet, and saw none. “And figure a way to hook the plug into one of the light sockets.”

At last Hale sat on the floor with the headphones on and several of the book’s endpapers laid out in front of him, and he turned up the set’s rheostat until the valve glowed yellow; then he turned the condenser knob, and the set began oscillating-he could hear the rushing sound in the phones, and when he touched the wire between the grid condenser and the secondary coil he heard a satisfactory thud. For a few seconds he could hear a faint high-speed clicking that would be caused by the sparks in the distributor of some nearby automobile, a problem he had seldom had on the Île St.-Louis, but it soon faded.

“So far so good,” he said. “Let’s see if Moscow is back on the air yet.”

He tuned the condenser knob to the 49-meter bandwidth and tapped out KLKKLKKLKDEETC on the key, then reset the dial to the 39-meter bandwidth for receiving. Even transmitting for only a few seconds had misted his forehead with sweat-the current he was using was not wired in from a neighboring house anymore, and the Abwehr and SS direction-finders were supposedly always noting illicit broadcasts and laying out direction lines on street maps; already if they were quick they might have triangulated this block.

Abruptly he was getting a strong Morse signal over the phones, and he lunged for the pencil to begin copying.

ETC ETC ETCETCCCTTTEEE. The dits and dahs were coming so quickly that they were nearly a rattle. He could only lift the pencil from the paper and wait for the signal to slow down.

“It’s crazy,” he said in a tight voice. “It’s clear, but he’s sending like a lunatic.”

“That tube is glowing purple,” said Elena softly, pointing.

Hale glanced at the alternating current valve through sweat-stung eyes-there was a purple glow in the glass, which generally meant ionized air in the vacuum; that would weaken the signal, though, and in fact the signal was coming through with razor clarity-

– but so rapidly now that it was just a rough buzz, and so painfully loud that he clawed off the headphones and tossed them onto the floor. Even so he could hear the noise clearly.

It wasn’t musical, but it seemed to be pulsating in a deliberate rhythm-and both Hale and Elena inhaled audibly as they recognized the drop-and-double-beat measure they had patterned their footsteps on last night. Hale’s pulse was twitching the collar of his shirt, and so he could see that the rhythm was in perfect counterpoint with his heartbeat, and he guessed that Elena’s heart was pounding in exact synchronization with his, and with the barbaric drumbeat or inorganic chanting that was shaking out of the headphones. His ears popped as if with increased air pressure, and he was irrationally sure that something out of a nightmare had come down from the stars to hang over the house, filling the sky.

Hale flinched and dropped the pencil, and from the corner of his eye he saw Elena start back too, at the clear impression of attention being paid to them. It knows me, he thought, and now it knows where I am.

Horizontal beams of light moving across the dark face of the sea like spokes of a vast turning wheel…

How far in have I got to get, to know what Lawrence knew?

Elena was gasping, “Turn it off, turn it off,” even as Hale became aware of an uneven gusting of wind at the window and a rattling of the roof shingles outside, and the smell of wood burning.

Almost reluctantly, almost despairingly, Hale grabbed the alternating current wire and yanked on it, and the set went dead as the wall lamp and pieces of plaster clattered to the floor.

Both of them were crouched tensely on the floor, staring at the window, but only the evening breeze sighed in over the sill, with no sounds but distant motors and sirens. In the glow from the lamp on the opposite wall, Hale could see wisps of smoke spin away to invisibility in the fresh air.

At last he let himself relax, slumping backward to rest on his elbows and rock his head back. The night air was chilly in his damp shirt. “Damn me!” he panted. “Where’s that brandy?”

Elena’s face was sheened with sweat as she got up on her knees to hand it to him. “Maybe,” she said shakily, “that’s why Centre is letting all the networks be rounded up. Cut off a gangrenous limb.” She took the bottle from him after he had gulped several swallows and tipped it up herself. When she lowered it and licked her lips, she said, “We need to consult Claude Cassagnac as soon as it can be arranged-he’s the only other member of our network that I know, and he’s been in the game since even before the last time Moscow rolled up the networks.”

Hale wanted to ask her what she had seen-and heard and smelled, and thought-here; but he found that he couldn’t frame the words, and he felt himself blushing to realize that it was self-consciousness, or shame, that was choking his question. And he didn’t want to ask himself why he should feel ashamed of what had happened. This had been some electrical phenomenon-static charge in the atmosphere causing interference and unsynchronized duplication of the signal, turbulent air preceding a thunderstorm. Exhaustion had made him impose the familiar rhythms on the random noise, just as it could conjure voices or the ringing of a telephone out of the sound of a filling tub; and only exhaustion could be the reason he was reminded of his boyhood reluctance to tell his year’s-end dreams to the priest in the confessional.