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Suddenly uneasy, Shelby almost stepped back away from the cool blue eyes that were challenging her. "Just seems like a waste of time."

Kris hadn't wanted, nor intended, to scare Shelby, but she needed to keep the woman at arm's length for more reasons than one. You might try doing it a little nicer. "Look, I'm not questioning your work. I'm checking how long each operative has been in place, and which ones are scheduled for recall or are close to completing their missions. It'll help to eliminate some of the names." Don't ask how.

"I..." Shelby bit off her words, clearly reading the silent message Kris was sending. That doesn't make sense. It doesn't matter when they are scheduled for reassignment. The point is that they were in place when all three assassinations went down. But who am I to question her? She's the one with the experience. But we are supposed to be working on this together. "How?"

The operative couldn't believe she hadn't intimidated Shelby into silence, and tempered her response knowing she couldn't take a chance on her becoming suspicious. "If any more assassinations occur while we are investigating the case, we can automatically take them off the list."

Shelby decided that was a pretty big "if" because the assassinations had been spread out over six months, but decided not to voice that thought. "I'll work on the airlines some more."

She sat down, glancing over at the operative who was once again pulling up screens and reading them. Kris had unnerved her. The look she'd been given was just a shade warmer than frosty, and for the first time Shelby wondered if her gut feeling about the woman had been wrong. No, I was right, but I'd hate to have her for an enemy. Disjointed images and thoughts from her trip to the mall began floating, unbidden, through her mind and Shelby buried herself in her work trying to forget the events of the previous evening.

Turning away from the monitor, Kris glanced at Shelby. She was talking on the phone to one of the airlines now, but the operative knew her new partner had been watching her. What she couldn't figure out was why the other woman was so quiet. She'd learned the previous day that Shelby liked to talk. I wasn't that hard on her, and I did explain what I was doing. So what gives? Is she suspicious?

Kris glanced at the clock and grimaced, time just seemed to crawl in this hole. When Shelby hung up, she walked over to her desk and said, "Let me have what you've got so far on the airlines."

Shelby handed the operative one of her legal tablets and immediately began dialing another number on her list. She looked back up when Kris remained in front of her desk and was almost mesmerized by the blue eyes watching her before she hurriedly glance away.

Something's definitely not right here. She doesn't know anything, yet she seems to have a major problem with me. I need to find out what's going on in her head. "Want to go get some coffee?"

She wants to get coffee? Shelby looked back up surprised. Kris was patiently waiting for her answer with a half smile on her face and a raised eyebrow that disappeared beneath her bangs.

"Sure. There's a little canteen over by Dennis' office. Want to go there?"

"Sounds good." Kris had been watching Shelby intently and was relieved when she agreed.

A short time later they were both sitting in the rear booth sipping their coffee. Kris wanted to come right out and ask what the problem was, but decided a subtler approach would be better, but before she could speak, Shelby spoke up.

"What'd you do last night?"

Interesting question. "Not much. Just rented a car and drove around."

"Drove around?"

"Been a long time since I've been here. Thought I'd take some time to get used to driving here again."

"Oh." What did you expect? Think she's gonna tell you where she was? Get real. "I thought I saw you at Fair Oaks last night." Shelby hadn't intended to mention that and was upset with herself for still harboring suspicions when her gut was telling her that Kris had nothing to do with it.

"Nope. Wasn't anywhere near there." Well this conversation is going nowhere, fast. Guess it's up to me. "How'd your shopping go?"

"Could've been better."

Kris could have sworn Shelby paled at her question, and she was obviously uneasy. She took a sip of coffee and asked nonchalantly, "Why? Didn't find what you were looking for?"

Relaxing a little, Shelby answered, "Matter of fact, they had a good sale at Hecht's. I got a couple pairs of slacks, three skirts, and five blouses." Kris smiled and teased, "Remind me never to come shopping with you."

"Well they had a big sale. I got seventy-five percent off almost everything I bought. Never could turn down a good deal."

"So, what wasn't good about it?" Kris didn't understand this new reticence and was determined to get to the bottom of it.

"I found a little kitten in the parking lot. Poor thing was starved. I'm gonna put an ad in the Post today to try and find her a good home. I need to make a vet appointment, too. I bet she's not more than three months old. She's really adorable."

Kris had always loved animals, but her lifestyle didn't allow her to be able to provide a good home. On the few occasions she had seen an animal being mistreated, the perpetrator had learned a quick and painful lesson and wasn't likely to repeat the offense by the time she finished her on-the-spot training session. "She's a lot better off with you than whatever asshole turned her loose. You probably saved her life."

"Maybe I did, but she saved mine, too." Shelby hadn't intended to voice her thoughts aloud and abruptly stood up. "We better head on back. I'm expecting a lot of return phone calls."

"Wait a minute," Kris began, but Shelby was already half way to the door. Kris quickly caught up with the shorter woman, listened as Shelby greeted the Marine, then followed her into the office and closed the door. "So what happened?"

"Someone shot at me in the mall parking lot. The only reason they missed was because I bent down to pick up the kitten."

Suddenly, all the pieces started falling into place for Kris and Shelby's actions that morning began to make sense. "You think I had something to do with it?"

"No. I thought I saw you...but no." Shelby saw a quick flicker of emotions cross the operative's face, before Kris turned away, and searched for something to say.

Staring at the wall, Kris fought an emotion she was unfamiliar with-hurt. It was clear to her that Shelby had at least thought about it being her and she wasn't sure whom she was more annoyed with - herself for letting it bother her, or Shelby for causing her to care and she unconsciously donned her most intimidating persona. Blue turned around, and in a steely voice growled, "I don't miss." Then she stalked out of the office.

Shelby sank into her chair, trying to slow her racing heart. The fear sparked by the events of the previous night paled in comparison to the emotions generated by the angry woman that had just walked out of the office. You wanted to know what a wet operative looks like. You may have just seen one. "I really blew that." I owe her an apology.

*  *  *

Kris ignored the secretary and knocked on Earl's door before opening it and entering. "You need to assign someone to protect Shelby, now."

Earl felt his guts tighten at the sight of Blue. He calmly asked, "Why?"

"She was shot at in the Fair Oaks Mall parking lot last night. Seems to me someone here should've known about that. Isn't it routine procedure for the police to report any incidents involving a CIA employee?"

"Yes it is. How is she?"