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Bob turned his attention to Shelby. "What about you? It'd be fun."

Shelby smiled. "No thanks. We've gotta be going."

"Could I have your phone number, then?" Looking pointedly at Kris, he said, "Maybe we could get together when you don't have company."

Her eyes paling, Kris said pleasantly, "Would you mind getting out of our way? We said we weren't interested."

"How about letting your friend answer for herself."

Kris glanced at Shelby.

"I don't give my phone number to strangers."

Greg looked at his friend. "Come on. We're wasting our time."

Bob wasn't used to being turned down. Most of the women at the gym welcomed his attention. He had been intrigued by the two strangers, but was angry with the tall woman, convinced the other one would've accepted his invitation had she not stepped in. His ego damaged by the rebuff, he glared at Kris. "What are you? A couple of dykes?"

Shelby met Bob's eyes. "Is that what you say to every woman who turns you down?"

Bob's face turned red. "You little bitch..." Glaring, he took a step forward only to find his progress halted when Blue stepped between him and Shelby.

"Get out of our way, now."

Bob stepped back, intimidated by the cold eyes glaring at him.

Kris grasped Shelby's arm and began leading her around the men toward the door. "You were wasting your breath."

Bob watched the two women progress through the door, then jerked his head after them. "Come on."

Greg shook his head. "No. Just forget them."

Bob ignored him and walked outside. He stood near the door watching the women get into the car and drive away before walking back inside to join Greg.

Blue overtly kept an eye on Bob until she merged with traffic on the street. She knew his ego had been injured, but considered him no threat.

"Why was he watching us?"

"Oh, he just wanted the last word."

Shelby chuckled. "I never thought of that." She gazed at Kris, thoughtfully. "I've never been called a dyke before."

"Does that bother you?"

"That someone thinks I'm a dyke? Not really. It's not something I ever thought about much." Until lately. "Did it bother you?"

Kris chuckled. "No. I don't have a problem with lesbians or gays."

"Oh, I don't either. I just never thought of myself as one." But I am attracted to you even though I haven't associated my interest in those terms.

Nodding, Kris glanced at Shelby, an inscrutable expression her face, but remained silent.

A few minutes later, Shelby saw a Convenient Store sign. "Let's stop and pick up some lunch meat and bread."

The remainder of the ride home was quiet, with both women questioning their attraction to, and growing feelings for, the other.

Kris had seen no sign of a tail during the ride home, but as a precaution had driven down the streets immediately bordering the complex. She scanned the parking lot as she drove in, noting it was empty except for parked vehicles. Exiting the car, she moved to the passenger side and waited as Shelby got out, closing the door behind her.

"We are going to have to go grocery shopping soon. Sandwiches are fine for tonight, but I'd like a little more choice." Shelby was walking slightly in front of Kris and when the tall woman didn't respond, added pointedly, "Since we ended up leaving all our groceries at the store last night."

Several things processed in Blue's mind concurrently, each impression separated only by nanoseconds - a silver Cavalier pulling in too slowly...a window rolling down... an object being extended from the driver's side...

She threw her body against Shelby's, wrapping her arms around the analyst in a tackling move. As her momentum carried them both to the ground, their impact coincided with the unmistakable crack of a weapon being fired and shattering the relative silence of their surroundings.

Blue rolled them beneath the undercarriage of a nearby Jeep Cherokee before releasing Shelby and taking a covering position in front of her, weapon drawn and ready; but the Chevy had accelerated out of the parking lot and into the street. Following procedure, she reached for the miniature cellular phone attached to her waistband, relieved that it hadn't become dislodged during their fall.

She quickly glanced at it and pressed one, the speed dial associated with Earl's private phone. When he answered, she simply stated, "Code 1, apartment complex," and disconnected.

Shelby was terrified and scooted further under the car until she heard Kris whisper. "Don't go any further. We may have to move fast if he comes back."

Blue rose to her knees, keeping well below the windows of the car, and chanced a quick look around. The silver Cavalier had not returned, but unwilling to take any chances, she remained in place, shielding Shelby's body with her own.

Fortunately, the shot hadn't attracted the attention of any of the apartment dwellers and Blue knew that was most likely because, to an untrained ear, a shot sounded remarkably similar to a car backfiring. She knew it would only be a matter of minutes before Earl's team arrived and waited for her associates alertly, but patiently.

Shelby remained frozen in place, not uttering a word. She had no intentions of doing anything to divert Kris' attention. Her arm was throbbing painfully, and her hip hurt, although not as badly. She could see blood dripping from a scrape extending the length of Kris' arm as she held her gun over them protectively.

Confusing questions tumbled through her numb mind. Which one of us was shot at? Are these the guys that Kris said she'd take care of? What's really going on? Was this about the case or only about Kris?

A quarter of an hour later, which seemed like an eternity to Shelby, she watched Kris lift her cell phone up and say, "Okay."

"Earl's here. Stay down until I make a visual ID."

The sounds of a couple cars and quiet voices filled the air. She watched Kris cautiously rise, and then stoop down.

"It's okay." She extended her arm to Shelby once she cleared the underside of the Jeep and helped her up. "You okay?"

Shelby scooted from beneath the car and painfully stood up. Noting Kris' concerned gaze, she said, "My hip's a little sore and my arm is killing me, but yeah, I think so."

Earl strode over to Kris and Shelby. "What in the hell happened?"

Blue shrugged. "Not much I can tell you. The shot was fired from a silver Cavalier, probably a '95 or '96. I didn't get much of a look and by the time I was in a position to see the license number, he was too far away."

"He's probably long gone."

Though Kris nodded in agreement, Earl quickly dispensed search corridors to the six agents that had accompanied him.

"Any ideas who it might be?"

Kris shook her head. "None."

"What about you, Shelby? That's twice you've been shot at in a parking lot. Once could have been coincidence, but twice? Not likely."


Kris gazed at Shelby. Noting her pale, drawn face, she turned to Earl. "Any reason you can't direct the operation from inside?"

"No. Let's go." He moved slightly behind Kris, as she slowly walked next to the limping analyst.

This was the strangest case he could remember working on since he'd retired from the field. More was going on than was apparent, but what that could be, he had no idea. He was going to have to devote some of his time to trying to find out. Earl also questioned the wisdom of leaving Shelby on the case. There was no proof that either shooting was case related, yet it couldn't be ruled out either. He decided to see what Shelby wanted to do.

Kris reached down, picked up Stormy, then handed her to Shelby as they walked through the door. She'd known that greeting the kitten would be her companion's first priority upon entering the apartment and, noticing how she was favoring her arm and trying to hide a slight limp, had wanted to save her any further discomfort. She was rewarded with a warm smile.