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"Yeah. I'm fine, and breakfast is delicious!"

"You already told me that, but thanks again."

"I just wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten. So what are we going to do today?

"We could go to Teresa's."

Chuckling, Kris quipped, "To work off our breakfast?"

"Well, it was kind of big."

"I thought it was just right."

"Good." Shelby knew she would be hard-pressed to explain the elaborate breakfast without divulging any of her real feelings. She smiled to herself. I actually got up at five a.m. on Saturday just to surprise Kris with breakfast. It was worth it, though. You've no idea how important you've become to me, and I wanted to do something just for you.

Kris still couldn't believe all the trouble Shelby had gone to on her behalf and gazed into the warm green eyes. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Shelby was immersed in a warm glow as she gazed into the beautiful blue eyes shining with gratitude, and she began to lose herself in their depths.

Kris leaned forward, her thoughts totally focused on the woman across from her until the table stopped her forward progress. She silently cursed the barrier between them until she realized what she'd been about to do. I can't believe I almost did that. But Kris was having trouble conjuring up all the reasons why she shouldn't have and inwardly regretted the opportunity lost, even as she questioned her loss of control.

As Kris leaned back in her chair, so did Shelby, her heart still fluttering wildly as sexual tension charged the air. She could almost feel those full sensuous lips on her own, and at the thought, her body shivered in anticipation.

The silence lengthened. Both women's faces were flushed as they individually tried to come to grips with what had almost happened and their own reaction to it as they each carefully searched the eyes of the other to verify their feelings weren't one-sided.

They both almost sighed in relief when a very loud "meow" drew them from their introspections.

Shelby smiled down at Stormy. "It's not my fault you stayed on the bed." She glanced at Kris. "I'm gonna go ahead and feed her."

Kris nodded, her eyes following the blonde into the kitchen as she dodged the kitten that was winding between her legs. The operative listened to the steady stream of softly spoken words directed at the kitten as she appreciatively assessed and admired each movement and expression - every attribute of the attractive woman moving around the kitchen preparing the little feline's food."

Sitting back down at the table, Shelby said, "I can't believe she didn't complain before now. Guess I threw her schedule off by getting up so early."

That wasn't the only thing you threw off. Kris smiled. "She told you about it, too."

Shelby chuckled. "I hear you." She took a sip of coffee and made a face. "I'm going to warm this up. You ready for more?"

Kris handed her cup to Shelby. "Thanks."

Shelby took the cup inwardly smiling. Kris hadn't even protested. Things are definitely looking up.

They finished their coffee and Kris stood up. "I'm going to take a quick look around. Be back in a few."

As Shelby began clearing the breakfast dishes, she looked forward to another day with the enigmatic woman, even as she was acutely aware of their remaining time together dwindling.

The events at the table played themselves over and over again in her mind. She had seen her own desire reflected in Kris' eyes, and the feeling had been electric. But what now? Damn table. Shelby chuckled at the thought. Cursing the table wasn't going to accomplish anything.

Dare she talk to Kris about how she felt? Or would that create a chasm in the closeness they were beginning to share? Shelby searched for a plausible way to maintain contact with the operative after the case was completed. Failing to come up with any innovative ideas, she wished for more time - anything to delay the inevitable.

Shelby sighed and decided to think more about that later. Today was Saturday, and she had Kris all to herself. She intended to make the most of the day and relish every single second of the time they spent together. Like you haven't been doing that already? She rolled her eyes at the inner voice. So what if I have?

Kris finished checking the area and leaned against the cement wall beneath the steps. What would it be like to have someone to come home to? If that someone were Shelby, it would be great. It's obvious we both want more. Was that the closest we're ever going to get?

The operative didn't have any illusions about the likelihood of living a normal life. Quite frankly, there was absolutely nothing normal about it. Could that ever change? Kris focused on that question as she explored her options for doing just that. It would be almost impossible, unless she had help. Unbidden, a certainty rose in her mind. Shelby would help. She immediately discarded that notion. If she asked Shelby, the details she would have to reveal might cause her to lose the very person for whom she was willing to risk everything. It might also put Shelby in even more danger. Unacceptable. Kris shook her head in frustration. But, if not Shelby, who then? She returned to the apartment without an answer. There wasn't one.

*  *  *

After spending an enjoyable day together, the two women were relaxing on the couch watching TV and talking. Now that she had forgiven them for taking her to the vet, their feline companion was content to alternately grace each lap with her presence.

Kris stood up. "I'm going outside for a while."

Shelby nodded. Kris had already been out once that evening and she'd expected her to leave again, but not quite this soon.

Standing there gazing at Shelby, Kris made a decision. "I'm going out the back way."

"What back way? The balcony?"

"Your bedroom window."

Shelby became uneasy. "Why? You've never gone out that way before. Besides, we're on the second floor and there's no fire escape in the back. Is someone out there?"

"Not that I know of." Kris hoped that was true. She was going out over an hour early to prevent being caught unawares.

"So, why?"

Kris had known Shelby would question the sudden change in her routine and had an answer prepared. "In my line of work, it's dangerous to establish patterns. I think it's time to vary it. It'll be safer."

Although Kris' reasoning made sense, Shelby was still uneasy. She decided not to push it. The most important thing was the operative's safety, and if Kris felt it was safer to leave from the window, Shelby didn't want to dissuade her from doing so. "Makes sense."

"Would you mind closing the window and screen after me?"

"No problem."

Blue pinned Shelby with her eyes. "And stay away from the window after I leave."

A chill made its way down Shelby's spine. Something was going on; she began worrying about Kris. She nodded. "Be careful."

Kris smiled reassuringly. "I always am."

Following the operative to the bedroom, she watched Kris open the window, slide the screen to the side, and maneuver her tall form through the opening until all that was visible were her hands. She stepped up to the opening and watched as Kris dropped from the window and landed in a roll on the grass below, then quickly disappeared in the darkness.

After closing the screen and window, she moved to the side, out of sight. The warm air let in by the window vied with the cooler product of the air conditioning for control of the room. She directed her attention to the darkness beyond. Please don't let anything happen to her.

Still wondering how Kris could disappear so quickly, Shelby sent every good vibe she could muster after the operative. She slowly turned away and walked back into the living room to begin the wait for her return.