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Blue was standing in a circle of trees behind the apartment, gazing at the window from which she had just emerged. She caught a brief glimpse of Shelby backlit by the hallway light as she left the bedroom, and then forced her attention to the situation at hand. Fading into the darkness, Blue began hunting.

*  *  *

Gregor had Markov drive by the apartment complex several times before instructing him to park out of sight on a side street. He got out and approached the structure from the rear. He had arrived early, intending to conceal himself in the dark area behind the building. The element of surprise was always an advantage when dealing with subordinates.

Reaching his destination, he melted into the shadows, his hand on his gun. He planned to interrogate Blue in the car and didn't expect her to accompany him without a show of force. He also intended to fully drive home the seriousness of her situation.

Gregor stayed in the shadows as he slowly crept along the rear of the building until he had a good vantage point. He'd considered hiding among the trees, but discarded that as too obvious. Gregor was quickly losing patience. The time set for their meeting was almost upon them, and he was surprised that she hadn't made an appearance yet. Maybe the reports in their files exaggerated her abilities.

He jumped when he heard a low voice say, "Looking for me?"

Turning around as he drew his gun, he growled, "Too many stunts like that will get you killed."

"Not likely, unless someone is more skilled than you are."

Gregor grunted in pain as his gun fell soundlessly to the ground and he straightened up to find the operative's gun trained on his chest. He hissed, "What are you doing?"

"You might try answering the same question. You pulled your weapon, first."

"You startled me." Gregor met Blue's intense gaze. "I have to protect myself."

Blue smiled sardonically. "You don't lie very well. You knew who I was when you drew it."

"We can talk in the car." Gregor bent down to pick up his weapon, then froze when he heard a round being chambered.

"I wouldn't."

Slowly standing back up, Gregor's stomach tightened in fear. "Are you crazy? When my superiors hear of this..."

Blue interrupted. "Hear what? That you drew on me and I acted defensively? They would expect no less."

Gregor narrowed his eyes. What she said was true. If Dimitri found out she got the drop on him, he was finished as a controller. "What do you want?"

"Hand me your gun. Nice and easy."

Blue took the weapon, and then ordered Gregor to place his hands on the wall as she expertly searched him, removing a small 38 special from his waistband. She removed the ammunition from both guns. "You can turn around, now."

Handing both weapons back to Gregor, she unchambered the round in her own weapon and secured it at the small of her back. "Now we can talk."

Gregor desperately tried to think of a way to regain control of this meeting and cursed his lack of foresight in not bringing Markov with him. "It's not secure here. We can talk in the car."

Blue nodded at the wooded area. "We can talk there." She had no doubt that he had pulled his gun to ensure that she would accompany him to the car and knew that the ensuing talk wouldn't have been a very pleasant experience.

Gregor cursed inwardly, but decided his only option was to do as she suggested. Once they were out of sight, he demanded, "Where is the information I requested?"

Kris handed him a folded piece of paper. He took it and opened it. "There are only three names here."

"Patience, Gregor, patience. These things take time."

Startled at her use of his real name, he growled, "I expect you to have more on Monday."

"I'll do what I can."

"You will do what I say."

Blue subdued the urge to just kill him and be done with it. "I said I would do what I can."

Gregor's stomach tightened. This woman was dangerous and unpredictable. Once he got what he needed, he was going to recommend to Dimitri that she be eliminated. "Make sure you do."

Blue smiled coldly at him. Gregor turned away, anxious to be done with this meeting.

"Not so fast." Blue smiled, humorlessly. "Know of any reason why someone is shooting at me?"

Gregor couldn't believe he'd forgotten to ask her that himself and realized he was more shaken by her actions then he had realized. Turning around, he met her gaze steadily. "No. I was going to ask you the same question."

Blue keyed in on his words. "Oh?"

"I came here yesterday to pay you a visit since you didn't see fit to keep in contact." He smiled coldly knowing he finally had the advantage. "I had no reason to kill you."

Blue didn't miss the past tense, and glared at Gregor. "What about now?"

"You are still more valuable to me alive than dead. My superiors are very interested in knowing what is going on. We don't take kindly to one of our own being fired upon. I'm sure you must have some idea."

One of your own? When hell freezes over. Blue didn't like Gregor's attitude, but she needed information. "I don't know yet. I'm working on it. What did you see?"

Gregor divulged what little information he had. "Very little. I was parked on a side street waiting for your partner's car to return. I saw you both get out and walk toward the building. A silver Chevrolet Cavalier pulled into the parking lot, and at the same time a shot was fired. There appeared to be only one occupant. I saw you cover the blonde woman as I was leaving."

Blue nodded. She didn't know any more now than she had yesterday, except that Gregor was bolder than she'd thought. She hadn't expected him to come to the apartment complex unannounced.

Gregor ordered, "I expect to be kept informed of any new developments."

Blue met his eyes noncommittally, until he broke contact and walked away.

She tracked him until he disappeared, then blended back into the shadows to ensure he didn't return. Blue was distinctly uneasy. She hadn't been surprised that he had pulled his weapon, but he had to have been desperate to come to the apartment complex unannounced the previous evening.

Blue began to feel suffocated by the forces surrounding her. Time was becoming very short, and her options even more limited. There were only fourteen names left on the list, but it was no longer just a matter of completing the case. She needed to find a way to break free of the past, but her first priority, regardless of any danger to herself, was to find out who was targeting Shelby. For the first time, Blue wondered if she would live long enough to do either. I have to.

An hour after Gregor left, Kris climbed the wrought iron stairs and slid her key into the lock.

Shelby paced worriedly through the apartment. Kris had been gone for over two hours, and with each passing minute she became increasingly concerned. Standing out of sight near the balcony door, Shelby searched the parking lot, illuminated by yellow gaslights, but saw nothing except for the usual Friday night traffic arriving and departing. What if something happened to her?

She can take care of herself. Shelby nodded acknowledgement to herself, but was still troubled. She's not perfect. No one is. What if that guy following her was out there waiting and surprised her? Shelby jumped when she saw the door begin to open. She hadn't even heard the key in the lock. "Thank God you're back! I was worried about you."

"No need."

Shelby turned away, walked into the kitchen, and muttered, "Easy for you to say."

Kris didn't know what to say to that. "I didn't mean to worry you."

"Well you did. You've never been gone longer than an hour. I didn't know if I should come looking for you or call Earl, except that I don't have his number."