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Lisa suddenly felt like she was being interrogated and didn't want to tell this intimidating woman that her ex-husband had been on parole, so she stood up, and changed the subject. "How about some dessert?"

Kris seethed inwardly. She couldn't say what she wanted to because to do so would betray Shelby's trust.

Shelby smiled. "I'll have some, Mom." She glanced at Kris. "Mom makes the best apple pie around. Why don't you try a piece?"

The operative inwardly shook her head. Shelby was upset, yet she was still trying to ease the sudden escalation of tension. For her benefit only, Kris smiled at Lisa. "Thanks. It sounds delicious."

Kris and Shelby departed an hour later, after thanking Lisa for the delicious dinner and bidding her and the two teenagers farewell. Within five minutes of their departure, a silver Cavalier pulled into the driveway they had vacated.

"What'd you think of my mother?"

"Um...she seems nice. So how'd she know?"

"My stepfather. You know the car that pulled in the parking lot? It was him. He told Mom he was just coming to see me to try and make amends."

Kris glanced at Shelby. "Do you believe that?"

"I don't know what to believe. He's still lying. He told her he didn't threaten me at the trial. I'll never forget that. You had to see his face, how much he hated me. He said, "You bitch, you'll pay. I'll see you in hell even if I have to join you there."

Kris reached over and grasped Shelby's hand. "Hey, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I promise."

Shelby turned to face the operative, holding tightly to her hand. "Thanks, but you're only gonna be here another week at most. This is something I have to take care of."

The taller woman briefly scanned Shelby's pale face. Mind made up, she said flatly, "I'm going to pay Jonathan a visit."


Kris smiled grimly. "I'm not going to hurt him." Unless he gives me a reason. "Just talk to him." And let the bastard knows that if he ever harms you in any way, he'll be begging to die before I'm finished with him.

Shelby looked at Kris and shuddered. But this was her battle. Squaring her shoulders, she spoke with conviction. "I think I should be the one to talk to him."

Kris quickly searched Shelby's eyes before turning her attention back to the road, nodding at the determination and strength she'd seen. "When do you want to go?"

"Not today. I've had enough unpleasantness for one day. Besides, I need to find out where he lives and works, so we're likely to catch him at home. I don't want to have to go back more than once."

"I requested his FBI file. I should have it Monday."

"Why did you request it?"

Kris shrugged. "He needs to be ruled out as a suspect."

"Okay, we'll decide when to go see him after we review it. I don't think he had anything to do with the shooting, though. I wish I knew why he really was at my place."

Shelby stared out the window for a few minutes, then turned troubled eyes to Kris. "I don't know what to do about my mother. She has all the classic symptoms of an abused woman. I really thought she was okay, now. She'd never indicated any desire to see Jonathan. I wish I could find a way to convince her to seek professional counseling. I can't help her. She thinks I'm too biased."

"Any possibility of getting her to go to a support group?"

"Not if she knew what it was. Maybe if I talk to one of the women's shelters, they might let me bring her to visit. Just to remind her of what it was like. I think she's forgotten. She wouldn't go if she knew where we were going, though. I'd have to fabricate something and I hate doing that."

"You don't know anyone who does any counseling?"

"Duh!! A good friend of mine travels around the country giving seminars to abused women. Geesh! I can't believe I didn't think of her! She's been out of town. I think she gets back on Wednesday."

Pleased to hear the obvious relief in Shelby's voice, Kris smiled. "Sounds like a plan."

Shelby suddenly said, "Let's go some place and do something fun."

Nodding, Kris grinned. "Okay. Your wish is my command."

Shelby looked away to hide the flush that crept up on her face. Don't even go there. "We could see a movie, or visit the monuments, or go to Baltimore."

"Baltimore's almost an hour away. Why there?"

"To see the ocean. It's really nice off the harbor."

Kris glanced at the clock on the dashboard. It was only three, so they had plenty of time. She smiled. "Sounds good," and she started maneuvering her way to US-50.

*  *  *

Dimitri read the encrypted message he'd just received for the third time. Two of the three names Natasha had provided were agents that were no longer in place, having been reassigned only days before. It couldn't be coincidence. She was obviously playing games. He would know with absolute certainly when information on the third name was returned.

He forced himself to calm down. Anger was nonproductive. He'd actually been very lucky. Normally it would've taken several days to get operatives in place to verify the information, but they'd had men already close to two of the target locations, and headquarters had indicated information on the third name would be forthcoming within hours.

To achieve an invaluable advantage, his country needed to know where their counterparts were. Then it was just a matter of observing them. He was in a position to obtain that information, but this prime opportunity that could have been an information coup and a promotion for him, was quickly disintegrating into a huge waste of time and money, which he could not allow.

It was time for him to get personally involved. Obviously, Gregor hadn't done his job; but right now, he still needed him. It would take too long to train a replacement. He smiled cruelly. It was time to remind Natasha just who she was and what her job was. Knowing better than to underestimate her, he decided to be certain his ace in the hole was in place.

Dimitri leaned back in his chair, musing on his subordinate's actions. Gregor thought he was so clever in not sharing all the information he had obtained on Lubinyenka. Specifically, keeping the high level of access her partner had to himself. He looked up as the encryption machine came to life and waited until it stopped before retrieving the paper it had spewed forth. He read it and slammed his fist on the desk. Damn it! Does she take us for fools?

He began typing:

Priority one. Implement Plan G. Extract Masha. Next available flight. Attendants - three class A operatives. Inform K1 AXIS will be terminated after information extraction.

After encrypting the message and sending it, Dimitri summoned Gregor. When his subordinate arrived, he began issuing orders.

"Prepare the interrogation room."

"It already..."

"Not the one here, you fool! The other location. And have our visitors' quarters readied. Someone else will be joining us for the session." Dimitri smiled to himself. It would be most interesting to see the expression on Gregor's face when he learned who the visitor was to be.

"Put ten of our people on standby to move at my command. Make sure each is intimately familiar with the apartment layout and the location around the building at which they are to be positioned. I want every window and door covered. It has to be quick and quiet. You know what to do."

Dimitri suddenly stood and walked up to Gregor. "Once she is down, you will not touch her. Is that clear?" He knew the man had a personal grudge since she'd obviously outwitted him on their last meeting, but this was his game.

"Yes, Comrade."

"Good. I'm glad we understand each other. Have you found out who else has an interest in her?"

"No. All my contacts have come up dry. Perhaps the shot was intended for the analyst."

"Perhaps. Have two men remain on location to guard her."