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Gregor was relieved, but suspicious. Because of his own agenda, he didn't want anything to happen to Shelby, but why was Dimitri protecting her? "Why, Comrade? She is not our responsibility."

Dimitri had expected the question. "If she turns up dead, Natasha will be reassigned before we have the names we need." Sarcastically, he continued, "Now if you are done questioning my decisions, you're dismissed."

Bowing his head slightly, Gregor held his anger in check as he exited the room.

The Russian eyed the departing man contemptuously. You'll enjoy Siberia, Gregor.

*  *  *

Kris grinned, genuinely happy as Shelby's delighted laughter rang through the air, the look of joy on her face warming the deepest recesses of her heart.

"Oh, I love it! Thank you! You shouldn't have. I love it!" She gripped the large, white plush unicorn with both arms, hugging it close to her. Her eyes were shining as she bumped Kris with its horn.

Laughing, Kris said, "You're welcome. You want me to carry it for you?" It had been a stroke of luck to find a unicorn in one of the shops they had visited.

"No. I've got it." Shelby had no intentions of letting go of her gift even though it was almost four feet long and a foot and a half wide. She held it against her, securely wrapped in her arms, her face resting against its head.

An hour later they arrived home. Kris unlocked the door and picked up Stormy while Shelby deposited her unicorn in the middle of the couch. She took the kitten from Kris and sat her next to the stuffed animal. The little feline hissed and backed up, her fur standing on end.

The two women laughed at the kitten's antics. Kris teased, "I don't know? Maybe we should get rid of it. She doesn't seem to like it."

Shelby turned and wrapped both arms around Kris. With heartfelt conviction, she said, "That's the best gift I ever got."

Kris suddenly swallowed hard and momentarily struggled with her emotions as she hugged Shelby back. "I'm glad. Because you're very special."

She was reluctant to let go of the smaller woman who fit so comfortably against her and rested her chin on the blonde head lying against her breasts.

The moment extended into minutes when Shelby made no move to extricate herself from the comfortable arms in which she was encased. Kris's breasts were so soft, and the touch of the lean body against her own felt electrifying.

Kris barely grazed the top of Shelby's head with her lips and then released her. She needed some space, quickly. Her body was aching with desire, and her control was rapidly diminishing. I am so far gone. What am I going to do?

Shelby sighed inwardly, but didn't want to push Kris. "Want something to drink?"

Smiling appreciatively, Kris said, "A Coke would taste great right about now. How about if I take the unicorn to your bedroom so we have somewhere to sit down?"

"Well...okay, if you must."

A couple of hours later, after Kris returned from her final security check, Shelby stood up. "It's late. Time to say goodnight." She paused, then added, "I really think you'd be more comfortable if you'd share the bed."

"I'm sure I would be." I know I would be. "But..."

"I know. Just remember, you're welcome to change your mind." Shelby walked over to Kris, hugged her, quickly released her and walked down the hall to the bedroom.

Kris had to use every ounce of her considerable self-control to keep from following Shelby down the hallway. Her sleep that night was even more fitful than usual. During one of her many waking moments, Kris walked down to the bedroom door and glanced in.

What she saw there, brought a smile to her face. Shelby was sleeping with Stormy next to her on the pillow and her arm thrown over the unicorn. Lucky stuffed animal. Kris walked back to the living room and sat down on the couch. There has got to be a way...


IT WAS NEARLY lunchtime when Shelby paused and focused her attention on Kris. The woman had been feverishly working at the computer all morning and had only grunted answers or scant acknowledgements of her comments. This time she was determined to get a full sentence in response.

"Are we still going to lunch?"

Kris swiveled her chair around to face the analyst. She couldn't believe she'd forgotten they were going to lunch together today. "Yep. Where are we going?"

Shelby laughed. Well, it was full sentence, but not by much. "The cafeteria's the only place close enough to eat and be back in an hour." She didn't care where they ate. It was free time with Kris, and she lived for it.

"Okay. Give me ten minutes."

Happy their plans were still on, Shelby teased, "All right! But that's it. I'm really hungry."

Kris chuckled as she turned back to the monitor. All morning she'd been trying to dig up information she could provide, but that would be virtually useless. However, her search to find more operatives who had recently departed their stations had proved fruitless. She was going to have to manufacture some data to leave at the drop. The operative hoped it would take them several days to check out the names she had already provided, because she needed to buy a little more time to explore all her options.

She sighed inwardly. What the heck am I going to tell Shelby when I leave in the middle of the afternoon? But, she was between a rock and hard place - it was either go, or have them show up at the complex again, something Kris definitely did not want to risk.

*  *  *

After lunch, Kris accompanied Shelby back to the office, then said she had to leave for an hour and made an abrupt departure. The operative had been gone forty-five minutes when Shelby answered the ringing phone. She fleetingly wished it were Kris, even though she was due back any time, and grinned to herself as she picked it up. You are so hopeless.

"Hey Shelby. How ya doing? Dennis told me to call and let you know that you can come and pick up the file you guys requested on Jonathan Whiteman. Earl and his secretary had to attend a meeting outside the building, so they dropped it off here."

"Great, Joanne. I'll be right there." Shelby hung up the phone and wrote a quick note to Kris to let her know where she was in the event that her partner returned in her absence.

After retrieving the file, Shelby hurried back toward her office, anxious to see what was in it. As she rounded the corner into the hallway leading to her office, she stopped abruptly to avoid running into a tall, attractive man with dark hair.

"Sorry. Guess I should slow down." Having apologized, Shelby was puzzled by the odd way the stranger was looking at her. She could have sworn there was recognition in his eyes, but couldn't recall having seen him before.

Shelby glanced at his badge, but the name didn't spark any recognition, then shifted her gaze back to his face before spotting Kris approaching their office from the opposite end of the hall. The man was still standing directly in front of her, blocking her passage. "Um...excuse me," she said pointedly, anxious to join Kris and take a look at the file.

Michael never said a word. He merely moved around her and turned the corner, heading for his brother's office.

The warm smile on Shelby's face faded as she neared Kris. The operative was glaring down the hallway in full intimidation mode. Shelby quickly glanced behind her, but the corridor was empty. "What's wrong?"

"Who were you talking to?"

Shelby blanched at the cold, dangerous tone. "No one I know. I almost ran into him coming around the corner. Why?"

"Looks like someone I once worked with. Bad news all around. Just wondered if you knew him."