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"We don't know where the leak is. What if he detains me? My mother would be as good as dead. I can't take that chance."

Shelby thought about the risks. "I could get burned for concealing information."

Kris sighed. "And I don't have the right to ask you to do that. Can't you give me just a few days to find my mother? Then if you feel you must turn me in, go ahead."

"You don't get it, do you? I am not going to turn you in. I'm trying to find a way to help you so there won't be any repercussions for either one of us. I just hate leaving the Company out of this."

"I hear you. But if I tell the wrong person or they don't believe me, I'll be taken to Langley under lock and key."

Shelby felt her heart tighten painfully, knowing what Kris said was true. "How high up do you think the leak is?"

"Hard to say, but it has to be someone who has total access and that's limited to Deputy Directors and above."

"Mostly. I have a lot of access and so do some of the other analysts and auditors."

"True. Are you up to it?"

"For you, yes."

Kris smiled warmly, her discomfort temporarily forgotten. "Thank you for trusting me. I won't let you down."

"I'm going to hold you to that. Have you told me everything?"

Kris remained silent, torn. She couldn't share the only missing piece of information, even with Shelby. Not yet. But she was unwilling to lie to her either.

Watching her, Shelby sighed. "I'm going to help you anyway. I don't know why, since you're still holding back, but I'm going to." She gazed deeply into the intense blue eyes regarding her gravely. "Please don't make me regret it."

Reaching across the table, and laying her hand on Shelby's cheek, Kris gently stroked it. "You won't. I promise."


"HOW ARE YOU feeling?" Shelby sat her coffee mug down on the dining room table. She knew time was of the essence, but she also thought it might be best if Kris called in sick to allow her some time to recover.


"I think we should stay home today."

"No. We have to go to work."

"Are you sure? I think you need a little time to recuperate."

"I have to move around. If I don't I'll stiffen up. The more I move, the quicker I heal." Kris ran a hand through her hair. "Besides, we've only got a week. I need to talk to Earl and find out who knows about this case. Dennis, Jeb and Earl are givens. The Director of Operations would know because he's Earl's boss. But who else? And I want to ask him if he knows why Michael is hanging around."

What Kris said made sense, but Shelby could still vividly visualize the discoloration of her partner's abdomen and she wondered how Kris expected to be able to move around without showing the effects of her injuries.

"Okay, but it's going to be a short day. We find out what we can, then we leave."

Kris nodded. "Fine. Because I want to stake out the emergency drop in Georgetown."

"You've got to be kidding!" Shelby wondered at the wisdom of them hanging around that location.

"Don't worry, no one will see us. It may be our only hope of finding out who's relaying information. I don't think Earl's gonna have any answers. He knows there's a leak and if he found out something, I think he would've told us."

"Any possibility Earl..."

"I don't think so. He trained me and I just don't see him working for the other side, but anything is possible. Do you have any idea of how many staff people have the access you do? Even a rough guess?"

"No, but everyone in my hallway has a high level clearance. I think mine might be a little higher than most, because the Marine usually stands outside my door."

Shelby abruptly changed the subject, asking something that had been bothering her. "Kris, didn't the Russians think I would be suspicious when they returned you to the door all beat up and soaked?"

Kris smiled grimly. "Sergei knew I would make up some story to cover. I'm just surprised I was out for so long. He took a real risk, not knowing if you'd call the Company or the police. That doesn't make sense to me."

"Be right back." Shelby quickly retrieved the note from her jacket in the bedroom and returned to the kitchen.

"This was pinned to your clothes."

Reading the note, Kris narrowed her eyes. That bastard. He had tried to cover all the bases. Not only had he used her mother against her, he had threatened Shelby. The operative directed her thoughts to the Russian spy. You're going down, you sonofabitch.

Shelby inwardly shuddered as the agent changed right before her eyes, and even though she'd witnessed the transformation several times, it still unnerved her. She laid her hand on Kris' arm. "Hey."

The analyst's touch had a calming effect and Kris could feel her tension begin to fade. She gazed into the concerned green eyes regarding her somberly. "I want him bad."

"I know you do and we're gonna make it happen."

Kris smiled at her partner's determination. Who could ask for more than that? "I hear you."

"If we're gonna get to work on time, I need to get in the shower."

Want any company? Kris grinned at the thought and nodded. "I'm going outside. I won't be gone long."

Shelby stopped and turned around. "Can't you just wait until we leave?"

"No. The Russians aren't going to bother with me now. They don't need to. They're in the driver's seat and they know it. But, it wasn't them that shot at us. Someone else did. And it's been just a little too quiet lately."

Shelby asked incredulously, "You call last night quiet? I don't." The emotional roller coaster she'd been riding suddenly came to a screeching halt and tears threatened to spill from her eyes. "I was so worried about you. You have no idea..."

Kris rose from her chair and crossed the room, determinedly ignoring the pain caused by the sudden movement. She wrapped her arms around Shelby, pulling the smaller woman close. Rubbing her hand soothingly on the analyst's back, she murmured, "I'm sorry I put you through that. I should've told you before now. I was afraid to."

Gently returning the hug, not wanting to hurt Kris, Shelby calmed a bit. "Sorry. There's just so much going on."

"You've got nothing to be sorry for." Kris drew her head back and looked deeply into Shelby's eyes. "I never thanked you for last night." She gently stroked her partner's face. "Thank you. Thank you for taking care of me last night and for giving me a chance."

Shelby relaxed, comforted by the gentle fingers caressing her face, and a warm glow enveloped her. "It's the only thing I could do. I love you."

Overcome with newly awakened feelings, Kris lowered her mouth, meeting Shelby's lips for a fleeting kiss and was unprepared for the intensity of her reaction to the brief contact. Her voice raw with emotion, she said, "I love you, so much." She released Shelby, focusing on controlling her libido, which - Kris wryly acknowledged - hadn't been slowed in the least the previous evening.

Shelby took a deep breath, trying to slow her racing heart. Her face flushed, she reveled in the pleasant sensations washing over her body and managed to say, "Gotta take a shower," then turned, heading for the bathroom.

Kris watched until she was out of sight before she was finally able to rein in her own emotions. She picked up her gun, clipped on her cell phone and left the apartment.

The operative walked gingerly down the stairs, her slightly narrowed eyes the only outward sign of any discomfort. She carefully checked the parking lot before making her way around the building, returning to the apartment a short time later.

She was standing at the bathroom door when Shelby opened it. "I'm gonna take my shower, now."

Shelby grinned, trying hard not to laugh. "I thought you already took one."