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Kris took the pills and water from Shelby. "Thanks."

"Do you want an ice pack? That might help."

"Thanks, but I'll pass. I'm gonna take a shower instead."

A short time later, Kris entered the bedroom in her sleeping shirt. Shelby was already in bed, with the covers pulled down for Kris and Stormy was lying down by her feet.

She settled carefully into the bed, and looked pointedly at Shelby who was lying on her side facing her. "Why don't you move over this way a little?"

"I didn't want to..."

Kris placed a finger gently on Shelby's lips. "I'd feel a lot better if you were next to me."

Shelby moved over until her body was touching the taller form of her companion. "How do you feel?"

"Better than I did." Kris turned her head, gazing lovingly into warm emerald eyes. Tentatively she reached out and brushed the back of her hand over Shelby's soft cheek and watched a flush appear on the analyst's fair skin. Knowing they needed to talk about what was escalating between them, Kris whispered, "Shelby?"


Kris struggled to maintain her composure with the small, warm body pressed against hers. "I...we really should wait." It wasn't the articulate, rational appeal to reason she'd intended, nor did her husky voice quite carry the firmness she'd wanted to convey, but she did make Shelby smile.

"I know. You're not in any shape."

"That's not exactly what I meant," she protested mildly, even as the small hand that had wrapped around her arm distracted her. Covering the warm fingers, she squeezed slightly.

"Our first time...I want it to be special. I want to give you everything I have to give. Right now, with everything that's going on..."

Shelby smiled gently and rested her head against a strong shoulder.

"Well," she teased, "I always heard you should make love before going into battle...you know, just in case."

Kris groaned, and the analyst laughed at the frustrated sound. "I'm just kidding, sweetheart." Shelby smiled as a blush crept over Kris' features, knowing her endearment had caused it. "Of course we'll wait. I want our first time to be perfect for you, too."

Blue eyes locked with green. "To be with you - it couldn't be anything but perfect."

Shelby blushed and buried her face against Kris' broad shoulder. A strong hand gently eased her back, and she raised up enough to lower her head over her partner's and meet her lips.

Long moments later, both women pulled back, eyes full of promises and bodies warmed by the contact. Settling against each other with their hands entwined, they drifted off to sleep, both dreaming of their future together.

*  *  *

Shelby noticed the answering machine light blinking when she got up that morning, and had listened to the message from her mother. It had been too early to call her back, so she'd decided to contact her from work. Dialing her mother's telephone number, she waited for the familiar voice to answer.

"Hi, Mom. You called?"

"Hi, honey. How's work going?"

Shelby raised an eyebrow. Whenever her mother asked her about work, she was up to something. "Fine."

"I wanted to talk to you about Jonathan."

Shelby could feel herself tense, even though she tried to fight it and struggled to keep her voice reasonable. "What about Jonathan?"

Lisa wished she knew an easy way to break her news, but couldn't think of one. Without preamble, she blurted out, "Jonathan's going to be moving in." The silence extended for so long, she wondered if Shelby had heard her. "Did you hear what I said?"

I heard you Mom. Loud and clear. Shelby audibly sighed. "Mom, please think about what you're doing."

"I have. He's changed, Shelby. Give him a chance, honey. For me."

Shelby shook her head, distressed. "Mom, the man is bad news. You're making a big mistake."

Lisa patiently explained, "I'm happy when I'm with him. It'll be better for the boys to have their father back. They need a male influence..."

"A good male influence, Mom, and he isn't one." Shelby realized she was squeezing the phone, and relaxed her hand.

"Shelby, I'm trying to include you in the family decisions, but you aren't making it easy. You aren't the one trying to raise two boys alone and make ends meet."

Pursing her lips, Shelby spoke in a very controlled voice, "I give you money every month, Mom, so don't lay that on me. I could give you more..."

"No, honey. I feel bad enough about taking your money. When Jonathan moves in, I won't need it any more. We'll have two incomes. He's trying to get his record expunged. Isn't that great?"

Kris watched the myriad of emotions flickering across Shelby's face with concern. She had to restrain herself from taking the phone and telling Lisa to go to hell. Instead, she walked over to her partner, and laid a supportive hand on Shelby's shoulder.

Shelby reached up with her free hand, making contact with Kris' fingers. "I'll stop over after work and we can talk about it then."

"Honey, I've already made up my mind. I just want you to be okay with it."

"Mom, I'm not okay with it. I'm against it. At least hear me out tonight."

Lisa sighed, but then brightened. Maybe she would have better luck in person when Shelby saw how excited Jason and Jimmy were. "Okay, honey. What time are you planning on coming over?"

Shelby turned her head and looked up at Kris mouthing, '5:30?'

Kris nodded. Whatever Shelby wanted to do was fine with her. They would just grab something to eat on the way to their surveillance site.


"Okay, dear, see you then." Lisa hung up the phone and started preparing the arguments she knew she'd need to convince Shelby.

Shelby turned tormented eyes to Kris. "She wants Jonathan to move back in. What's wrong with her?"

Kris just shook her head. It didn't make any sense to her, but she knew it was a common pattern with battered wives. She also knew Shelby knew that.

Standing up, the blonde smiled wanly. "I'm going to get some cranberry juice. Want anything?"

"A Coke would be great." She watched her partner walk out the door and sighed. Shelby wasn't getting any breaks, and she was just as much responsible for her partner's stress as Lisa was.

"Hey, Shelby. I was just getting ready to come down to your office. Some of us are getting together after work and going to The Pub. How about you and your new partner coming along. It'll be fun."

Glancing away from the pop machine, Shelby looked at Maggie, surprise evident on her face. "Is this a first or something?"

"Sorta. Just thought it would be fun. Are you game?"

"Sorry, I can't. I'm going to my mother's right after work. Maybe some other time?"

Maggie grinned. "Sure, if we ever do it again."

Laughing, Shelby commented, "True. Have fun."

"But of course!" Maggie watched Shelby return to her office as she inserted her money into the vending machine, selecting a bag of trail mix.

*  *  *

"Hi, babe. Did you talk to Shelby?"

"Yeah, but she's totally against the idea. She's going to stop over at 5:30. I think she's going to try and convince me not to let you move in."

Pleading, Jonathan said, "Lisa, please..."

"Don't worry. I'm going to work just as hard to win her acceptance. When she sees how enthusiastic the boys are, I think she'll change her mind."

Jonathan deliberately kept his calm. "What if you can't convince her? What happens, then?"

"That shouldn't be a problem. If it is, we may want to wait just a little longer." When Lisa heard Jonathan sigh, she added, "It wouldn't be for long."