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Luc laughed, all pretense of civility gone. “I think you have met him. I think you followed me to Las Vegas and helped him escape. I think if I could prove it, I’d have you killed for interference.”

“Interference?” Tisa shot back, ignoring his empty threat. “Interference with what? You weren’t authorized to go to Las Vegas in the first place.”

“I don’t need authorization.”

“When you wear the Lama’s blue robe, you can make decisions, Luc. Until then you are under his authority.”

He threw himself onto the futon. “Screw the Lama. I don’t need him anymore. None of us do. Watchers stuck on the sidelines. That’s all he wants us to be. We should help shape the world. That is our true destiny.”

“We are watchers. That is what we’ve been for a hundred and fifty years. Even you must see the consequences if we change our role.”

“And you didn’t try to change your passive role when you contacted Mercer in Las Vegas?”

“What were you doing there?” Tisa dodged.

“Investigating a seismic disturbance,” he said smugly. “Same as you do all the time.”

To confront her brother further, Tisa would be forced to admit her efforts at the Luxor Hotel. “You weren’t supposed to be there,” she said lamely. “We have chroniclers in California that could have gone to the epicenter.”

“The epicenter was in the middle of a secure government facility, dear girl. They wouldn’t have gotten close. This is one I had to do.”

“Don’t flatter yourself. And I’m not your ‘dear girl.’ ”

“You were once.”

“Stop it,” she spat. Her hair was plastered to her head and her temperature was rising. She felt uncomfortable in her own skin. She wiped moisture from her glasses. “Tell me why you’re here.”

He stood, his tone turning sharp, his volatile temper showing through. “To give you a warning. You just reminded me about noninterference. I think you’d better take your own advice. I know it was you at the hotel. You had better not try to warn Mercer about what is going to happen. Not that there is anything he can do to stop it, but we’ve survived for a century and a half by not telling the world what we know. You don’t have the right to do it now.”

“And you have a right to try to kill him?” she shot back. Then softly, trying to calm him, she said, “That’s not in our power.” Her words only enraged him further.

“It will be!” He was screaming now, almost out of control. “That’s what you and the rest never understood. We’ve watched the planet tear itself apart when we could have stepped in and prevented it. We have the power of life and death over billions of people, only we’ve been too timid to use it. No more. Very soon the world will know what we know, and they will give us whatever we want to protect them. Millions are going to die, but afterward we will reveal the truth and how the survivors can be saved. Don’t you understand? We will be the prophets of a new religion. We will be worshipped.”

“Then we should tell them now,” Tisa pleaded. “You want to be worshipped? Help me tell the world what’s coming. We can prove it to them before so many die needlessly. You will be given all the power you want.”

Luc dropped his head, his body rigid. Tisa could sense his indecision. He wasn’t an evil person. He was simply torn between what they’d been taught and what they knew was right. He didn’t want those people to die, but he needed a grand gesture so those left behind would believe him. He was acting out of fear that if there wasn’t a significant demonstration he’d be ridiculed. It was the same reason she wanted Mercer with her on Santorini — so he could witness what she’d known for years.

“We can do it,” she cajoled. “There are other ways, other scientists we can approach. We can show them our evidence, the chronicles. We can save millions of innocent people.” She swallowed her revulsion. “You and I together, Luc, just like you’ve always wanted.”

He looked up. She’d gone too far. She was trying to use his unnatural attraction to seduce his emotions and it had backfired.

His eyes burned. “Bitch.”

“No, Luc, just your little sister.”

This time he turned away. “It should have been, Tisa, but it’s too late. I came to tell you to drop it. Don’t contact Mercer again. I’m letting you live because I love you. I mean I really love you.”

“If you loved me, you’d stop this.”

“I can’t. This is my destiny. I know that now. I alone understand the necessity of sacrifice. It’s been my entire life.”

“It’s been our life. Don’t you see that? We are in this together. We always have been.” She was desperate, willing to try any lie to get her brother to stop.

He moved to the door. “I gave you a chance to be together. You rejected it. Now I give you a warning. Don’t ignore it. I will crush you and anyone you ask for help.” He paused. “When it is over, I will try to find you.”

She held his gaze so he’d know she wasn’t bluffing. “If it really does happen, Luc, I’ll make sure I don’t survive. There’s no place for me in the world you want to create.”

“That’s what it is, isn’t it? Creation.”

He closed the door. Tisa collapsed onto her yoga mat. Creation, he called it. The single greatest calamity in human history and he saw it as an act of birth. She’d known for years her brother was unstable, but now she saw he was dangerously psychotic. She thought he wasn’t evil, but she was wrong. He was and she could only pray she could stop him in time.

She slumped, burying her face in her hands.

Outside the apartment building, Donny Randall stood like a rock in the river of people negotiating the narrow sidewalk. With his thick arms crossed over his chest, he forced pedestrians to either skirt next to the building or step into the street, where traffic crawled bumper to bumper. He seemed to be enjoying the glares he received, but was disappointed no one tried to confront him. Luc walked past him without acknowledging the giant. Donny fell in step.

“What happened?” Randall asked after half a block.

“It was her, all right. I was upstairs when that car rescued Mercer at the Luxor. I never saw the driver, but Pran was certain it was her. I’m sure now too.”

“Then we should go back and take care of her. Uh, unless you already did?”

“Shut up, you moron,” Luc snapped. “She’s not to be touched.”

Donny bristled. Luc Nguyen was paying him more than he’d ever made working as a miner, but he didn’t like the little half-breed and wasn’t going to take his crap. “Watch who you’re calling a moron. One phone call and I can blow your entire operation.”

Luc didn’t change his gait, didn’t seem to do anything other than walk, but suddenly Donny was sprawled on the sidewalk, the impact with the cement absorbed by a suitcase set on legs where a grifter sold counterfeit Rolexes. The watches flew in one direction while the young Ethiopian immigrant went in the other.

Luc paused to help the big man regain his feet. “Sorry about that, Don. That was uncalled for on my part. I wasn’t thinking.”

Donny massaged the spot where his hip had hit the sidewalk, impressed rather than angry. “How did you…? Never mind. Some of that kung fu stuff, huh?”

“Something like that, though it predates most martial arts by centuries. My father taught it to me when I was a boy.”

They began to walk again. “Ah, listen,” Donny said, now trying to impress his new employer with his towering intellect. “You know your sister can still be a problem. We don’t have to kill her or nothing, but maybe we should be careful about her.”

“Don’t worry. I know where she’s going. And I think I know who she’s meeting.” He liked the symmetry of being able to kill Mercer at the same time he took Tisa home to wait out the coming chaos.