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“Jagger gave it to me. Inside is pepper spray. For self-defense.”

They looked at each other and then back at me. “You won’t need it!” they shouted together.

Once again they wrapped themselves around me, turning the three of us into a human pretzel.

“You guys are driving me crazy. What is going on? How do you know I won’t need my locket?”

“Because we are coming along!” shouted Goldie.

Always, when Jagger said something to me that was a shock (and that was quite often), my mouth would drop open, and I’d stare into space. This time I had the same reaction, but then I let out a shout, “You are? You’re coming with me?”

I looked at both of them and chastised myself for not being more astute. Miles had on white slacks, navy Polo shirt and sunglasses on top of his head.

Darling Goldie had the Sandra Dee outfit on, complete with blonde ponytail and a hat that matched the wild sweater. On his feet were flip-flops in the same colors.

Those outfits should have been my clue that they weren’t just driving me to New York City. Damn.

“Yes! Yes! We are coming along!” Goldie shouted.

He proceeded to dance me around while Miles explained how they’d decided to take a much-needed vacation. In my heart I knew they were coming on the ship to keep an eye on my safety-and, hopefully, would not have to rescue me from getting sucked under by the Bermuda Triangle. I shuddered for a second, and then felt a sense of calm.

Gotta love those two.

“Gold, you really are making me seasick, and we haven’t even boarded yet.” He stopped the dancing and smiled. “I’m so thrilled.” I stood on tiptoes and kissed each one on the cheek. “You guys are the best.”

Miles put a protective arm around my shoulder. “You deserve the best, Pauline.”

After a few more shouts and cheers, I left my friends to go get processed in as a staff member, with the promise that I’d find them later.

After I was checked in within an inch of my life by security, I headed up a slight incline of a gangplank. Once inside, I had to stop and take a breath. I wish I could experience this with Goldie and Miles.

The inside of the ship, like a lobby of sorts, was gold, purple, glass and chrome everything, and was decorated like a Las Vegas hotel. Glass elevators swam gracefully up the walls. Chatter filled the air, but in the background, soft music from a string quartet gave the Golden Dolphin the aura of what the Titanic must have been like.

The top of the ceiling was lighted glass in a very pale violet color surrounded by…more gold. Dolphins were painted swimming on the ceiling above, and it was as if the passengers were below the surface of the water.

Fountains in the center floor spouted colorful water shooting several feet into the air. Around the fountain were steps that led gracefully to a lower level. How fabulous.

For a second I couldn’t believe I was actually still in New York City. No horns beeping. No sirens screaming. No “scents” of the city.

It smelled like a fresh ocean breeze.

After asking several of the crew for directions, I found my way to my quarters, which were located across from the infirmary on the third deck. Very convenient. The crewmembers had to live several decks below the passengers, and even had their own recreation spots, I’d been told.

I opened the door to see twin beds along two walls, covered in white spreads, in a room no bigger than a closet. The walls, too, were as white as the two stuffed chairs. I guessed the cruise-ship industry had cornered the market on white. Instead of windows, there were tiny portholes in the wall.

Oops. My claustrophobia came to mind.

I ignored it, telling myself this was a job. A job that I needed and could do.

On a desk near the portholes sat a note addressed to me. It was from the nurse I had to share the room with. She introduced herself as Jacquelyn Arneau and said she was French. No kidding. Real French, as in, came from France for this job. Seems as if the crew was a mixture of nationalities. Jacquelyn also said which bed she’d already claimed and that she hoped I didn’t snore or spread anything of mine onto her side.

Suddenly I realized why the French were not number one on the list of favorite tourist nationalities.

Should be an interesting job.


After unpacking what little I had brought on the ship-with the hopes I wouldn’t be here long and maybe even have the case solved before the ship docked in Miami-I decided to walk the long hallways and do a bit of snooping while also trying to find what luxurious accommodations my friends had.

I knew my day of orientation wasn’t going to start right away. My paperwork said someone would contact me after two o’clock, since the ship set sail at five.

My heart fluttered at the thought.

Ignoring an impending fear, I walked along the beige-and-gold carpeted hallway and retraced my steps until I was back to square one. I went to the reception desk, introduced myself, showed my ID and found out where Goldie and Miles were.

Before I knew it, I was on Deck Eleven, tapping on the door to Penthouse Suite 1109. “Hey, guys, it’s me.”

The door swung open and Goldie, sans wig-which always gave him an eerie yet endearing look-pulled me inside. “Suga! Isn’t this so much fun?”

I looked around their room. The main décor of burnt orange, deep reds, beiges and mint greens with stripes carried over to the gigantic king-sized bed and matching drapes. The suite was bigger than our condo at home. “Yeah, it looks like fun for you two. Me, I’m stuck in a sardine can of a room with a Frenchwoman who hopes I don’t snore.”

Goldie hugged me. “You do snore, Suga.”

I rolled my eyes and pulled away, walking around their room in an envious trance. “My room is so small,” I muttered.

Miles came out of what I peeked in to see was the bathroom, without a “folding” sink, and said, “Pauline, if you start to feel cramped in your room, just come up here with us.”

I started to say I’d run and get my toothbrush and nightie right now, but instead said, “Thanks. I won’t be in my room too much, since I’ll be working.”

Goldie gasped. “I hope you get some time to play with us.”

“You and me both, Gold.” I noticed they had fresh flowers and a fruit basket on a table near their balcony-and all I had was the note about my snoring.

Goldie touched my arm. “Before you get maudlin, let’s go watch the people on the dock waving goodbye and pretend we know them. It’ll be fun before you have to go to work.”

I nodded and while they both changed, I walked around the room pretending it was mine and even went out onto the balcony and ate an apple from their basket-again pretending it was mine.

I had to get back to reality soon, so the three of us made our way down to the main deck, which was several floors above my cabin. On the way, Miles teased me that they had a balcony suite with butler service. I said that was because two guys could afford the Ritz with combined male salaries, and I again moaned and groaned at my tiny dwelling. We laughed and chatted all the way to the main deck.

As always, they made me feel much better.

I looked around the ship for as far as I could see. Even in the dead of winter in Connecticut, I’ve never seen so much white. White sparkled at me like a snowy day as we walked along the deck. Hunter green and white-stripped lounge chairs were lined up alongside the walls and were already filled with imbibing passengers.

The buildings of New York City made a picturesque background of grays and browns compared to the brilliance of the ship. Gold everything was the accent color of choice, with nautical navy-colored dolphins decorating the ship’s outer walls.

We headed to the banister and watched as more passengers boarded. The excitement in the air was palpable, and I started to feel as if I were in some black-and-white (and gold) movie, waiting for Cary Grant to come strolling up the gangplank-if that’s what they still called it. In fact, the ship sat fairly level with the dock so passengers didn’t have to do any pseudo mountain climbing to get onboard.