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“Your lying is getting better, Suga.”

I smiled. “Want to go inside?”

He looked around. “No. If we are going under, I want to be the first to know.”

I slapped his arm this time. “Stop that! We are not going under in this day and age.” I turned my head and mouthed another prayer to Saint Theresa. “Come on. Let’s sit.”

We walked to the deck chairs and got comfortable. Goldie had pulled them closer to each other so we could hold hands as we spoke. I’m not sure who it made feel better, him or me. Other than us, the place was empty. Eeks. “So, about the cost of the medical care, Gold.”

“I was meaning to tell you. Outrageous. If Miles didn’t feel like crap, he would have argued with that Amazon of a woman that kept putting the moves on me at the lounge.”

“Topaz. Her name is Topaz.” I laughed. “Did anyone at the infirmary seem suspicious to you, Gold?”

He looked out into the fog and touched his finger to his lips. Goldie had on coral-colored nail polish. On him it looked good, whether in drag or not. “Let me think about that one. I was so worried about Miles that I…I wasn’t myself.”

I could imagine. I ran my hand along his arm. “Don’t stress about it.”

“I’m all right now. Let’s see. The Amazon lady seemed very confident. No suspicious behavior from her. Actually she was rather rude.”

“You’re on target with that one. How about the nurse? Who was on duty?”

“Some hunk of a guy.”

I watched Goldie perk up a bit and chuckled. “Rico. Italian. Straight.”

“Bi,” Goldie said and this time patted my arm.

I sprung forward. “Are you kidding me?”

“Suga,” he said, patting harder. “Goldie knows these things.”

“Ha! I’ll be damned.” At least he’d lightened the mood. I flopped back down. Miles was safely asleep and mending so this outside air must have been good for Goldie-despite the fog donut. I was certain if we were in any danger, there would have been some kind of announcement.

Still, I could only pretend I wasn’t uneasy. I touched my nausea bracelet as if it were some kind of lifesaver. When I looked out though, I realized the sea was calm. Unusually calm.

“Attention all passengers,” came over the loudspeaker at that moment.

We sat upright.

“Due to inclement weather, all passengers are to remain indoors. I repeat. Indoors. No one is allowed on the outside decks.”

“We better head in-”

A figure moved across the deck near the railing.

“Gold,” I whispered and pointed. “Look.”

The guy sent something sailing into the water. From where we were, it looked like…a picture frame.

When the searchlights flipped on, I noticed the salmon tee shirt. “Shit! It’s him. Remy!” I said in as hushed a voice as I could.

We both jumped up and started toward him. Two crewmembers came off the elevator and began to say that we had to go inside.

Goldie yelled, “In a minute!” as we hustled down the deck, with them in tow.

“Stop!” I shouted. Remy knocked several deck chairs over as he ran. Like two high jumpers, Goldie and I made it over the chairs with Olympian skills.

I heard a noise and shout, and then turned to see the two crewmembers behind us were flattened by the trick. The others leaped over as we had.

Other than their cursing, an eerie silence filled the air.

Even the hum of the engines couldn’t be heard.

When I got close to Remy, he pushed out his arm and knocked me toward the railing. Before I could see his face or say a word, I found myself leaning over the safety barrier, with my feet inches off the deck-and holding on for my life!

I screamed.

Then Goldie screamed.

Then one of the crewmembers grabbed onto my legs while Goldie yanked me back.

I melted into a puddle of fear while the fog clouded around us.

When I was able to comprehend that I’d nearly gone overboard at the hands of a killer, I looked up.

Tim Harwinton stood above me with a crewmember. Damn. He’d saved my life. Now I’d owe him something.

I pulled myself up to stand. He’d stuck out his hand, but I brushed it away. “You following me, Harwinton?”

Goldie was shaking so hard that I had to hold him in my arms.

I think Harwinton grinned, but the fog made it difficult to see. The donut had shrunk somewhat, and now encompassed the outer section of the deck.

“I have to continue my rounds. Please, all leave the deck,” the crewmember said, and turned and walked in the other direction.

Tim nodded at him and then looked at me.

I didn’t think there were any other passengers crazy enough to be out here besides us. I looked at Tim. “Did you see him?”

“The crewmember?”

“Remy,” I said through clenched teeth. “Remy Girard.”

Tim looked at me. “You saw Remy again?”

I ignored the tone and said, “Yeah. So did my friend, Goldie. How the hell else do you think I ended up halfway over the railing? Going for a midnight swim?” I introduced him to Goldie, making sure to point out that he was a senior investigator and repeating that he’d seen Remy too. When Goldie stuck out his hand to shake Tim’s, the coral nail polish sparkled in the spotlights.


Talk about a lack of credibility. I could see it in the Fed’s face. But he was polite enough, and when Goldie gave his version of the story, it matched mine. Obviously the fog had hidden Remy enough that we truly couldn’t identify him positively. We told Tim where Remy had headed though.

“I’ll check it out,” Tim said and started to move past us. “Get inside, Sherlock Holmes, before you almost fall overboard again.” He said to me.

My eyes widened. I had to bite my lip so as not to shout a curse into his foggy direction. How could he call me that?

The spotlight blinked out. Goldie and I hugged each other and walked toward the elevator in the dimness.

“It’s a good thing I was following you,” came from the grayish mist of Tim’s direction.

Back in Goldie’s cabin, we made sure Miles was still sleeping comfortably, while Goldie poured himself a stiff Scotch and handed me a bottle of Coors. “You are too interested in him. That Fed guy. There’s a sexual tension that is thicker than that damn fog.”

I wanted to shout, but looked to see Miles snoring softly. “You’re nuts. Tim Harwinton is a bore. A Fed and a jerk. Besides, he thinks I’m nuts and shouldn’t be working a case since I’m female. Macho male chauvinist.”

Goldie swigged his drink. “I didn’t get that. Didn’t get that he was chauvinistic, Suga. I can always tell. Serious about his job. Yes. Chauvinistic. No.”

I sucked in a breath and blew it out very slowly.

Goldie was a genius with reading people. I knew he was probably right, but wasn’t about to admit that. I liked thinking ill of Tim.

He deserved it.

“Stop letting cocaine Jagger mess up your head, Suga.”

I flopped back onto the couch. “Oh, no. Not that ‘Jagger is like cocaine lecture,’ Gold. I can’t take that right now.”

He jumped up and wrapped me in his arms. It wasn’t the same as a motherly hug-more a combination of parents. How I loved good old Gold.

“I won’t say another word. I won’t remind you of my warning that he’ll make you feel good and then hurt you.” He took out a pretend key from his pocket, locked his lips and threw the key toward the door.

“You’ve been hanging around Uncle Walt too much,” I said, since my uncle always did that when my sisters and I were kids, and even now as we were adults.

Goldie chuckled.

Miles stirred.

I shut my eyes and told myself my dear friend was way off base this time.

I was not interested in Tim. No way. No how.

Goldie was just plain wrong, wrong, wrong.