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She glared at him and pulled back. “Blast you, you birk!”

Yikes. I had no idea what that meant, but I was guessing Betty didn’t have the same feelings for Peter as she had for Remy.

Spurned love sure can mess things up, I thought, as Rico helped me to sit up.

“Stay put a few seconds to make sure you don’t get woozy, amore.” He kissed my cheek.

Tim and Jagger took a step forward.

After a few minutes I proclaimed I was fine and got up. With only one stagger, I landed in Jagger’s arms, with Tim still holding his weapon on Doc Peter. The safety officer was now handcuffing the doc.

What a sad, wasted life. He could have been a prominent doctor, but after going bankrupt by being greedy in his practice and having a penchant for overspending, he devised this insurance-fraud scheme and involved his coworkers onboard the ship-and Betty, the woman he professed to love. According to her actions, she didn’t love him back, but Jagger said she sure loved the illegal money that he showered on her.

Her family had been wealthy until her father had an affair and ran away-with his inheritance. There went his title and Betty’s family’s income. That’s why she took money from Peter-no matter where it had come from.

Peter had fallen for Betty on his first cruise as a doctor on the Golden Dolphin. The more he persisted, the more Betty grew to hate him-since it interfered with her trying to accomplish the impossible-to snag Remy away from Jackie. But being so crazy in love, Betty never gave up trying.

However, Jackie, the consummate risk taker, went along willingly with the fraud scheme. I’d bet for the thrill of it and not as much for the money.

Remy, in fact, turned out to be the innocent one. That’s what he’d been trying to tell me in Bermuda. He’d found out about the fraud and had reported it to the captain who in turn told the insurance company fraud unit. After snitching, Remy thought it best to go under cover himself, because he worried about Jackie’s involvement, so he disappeared-hence my job. That’s why the papers were in his file box.

But since he was so in love with Jackie all the way back to their days in nursing school, he must have gotten scared she’d get caught. So he tried to convince her to get off the ship with him at the next port and never look back. In fact, he may have broken some law there.

Typical for Jackie, she’d refused. However, Peter had gotten wind of Remy’s interference from Betty, who had her own agenda involving Remy. Peter worried that Remy’s love could influence Jackie and she’d rat him out…so he’d taken care of her. No way could a dead woman blow their good deal. Peter then took the opportunity to get rid of her body in the sea, as if that would prevent him from being found out and tried for murder.

Betty, whose life was built on revenge from never having the lover she’d wanted, aided Peter in anything that would hurt Jackie. However, he swore Betty didn’t know about the murder plan.

That night in the fog, she had dressed in the salmon tee shirt and threw the picture of Jackie and Remy overboard-then consequently tried to add me to the fishes’ diet. In the weather, we never noticed she wasn’t as tall as Remy, but she was as wide.

I looked down to see she had on a similar rope bracelet to Jackie’s. Peter must have taken it off the corpse and given it to his love. Eeyeuuw. Was it any wonder that Betty didn’t return Peter’s feelings?

While under cover on the ship, Remy, truly wanting to help his Jackie find happiness, had managed to find out that their land connection was one of Peter’s old girlfriends, and that Peter had set her up with the job in the New York billing office. Once Jackie was killed and all eyes had focused on him, Remy thought he could never come clean and convince anyone that he was innocent.

It had been Jackie’s handwriting on the chart, calling poor Claude a cheat because he dated one of the hairdressers onboard. He was lucky not to have gotten involved with Jackie.

Look what had happened to Remy.

I glanced at him as he stared at Peter and Betty. Sorrow filled Remy’s eyes, and I wished things could have been so very different. He finally caught me staring at him.

“I’m sorry. About your head. Pushing you. I thought you were a Fed or something. That’s why I ran. No one would have believed me if I told them the truth. I just needed more time to prove it.” He looked from me to Peter. “He killed my Jacqueline.” Tears ran down his cheeks.

I walked over and gave Remy a hug. “I know. I know.”

Betty yelled at me to get away from her Remy.

Tim shouted for her to shut up at the same time Jagger did.

What’s a girl to do with two men so very protective of her?

I laughed inside, and once the safety officers came and removed Peter and Betty from the infirmary, Rico and Kris cleaned the place up.

The captain had said that if there were any injuries that needed tending to by the physician, Doctor Peter was to be taken from lockup and, under the constant watchful guard of the FBI and security crew, treat the passengers.

I wondered if we were going to sail at warp speed to get back to New York and back to our normal lives.

Hope Valley was looking really good right about now.

There really was no place like home.

Tim came forward and looked at me. “I’d be proud to work a case with you again, Sherlock Holmes.” He kissed my hand and held it in his for a few minutes.

Yikes! I thought Jagger was going to explode.

Then Tim took me into his arms and kissed me so very gently on the lips. I couldn’t even look at Jagger after that. I hugged Tim and whispered, “Me too. Me too.”

With that he was gone. Jagger looked at me and said, “Well…you…you did good, Pauline. You did good.”

Although he usually only used my real name when he was pissed or deadly serious, this time I knew it came from the heart (not to mention the fact that he surely didn’t want to use the same nickname for me as Tim had), and Jagger was nothing if not honest.

I took him by the arm and said, “Come on. Let’s make the most of this cruise. I want you to meet three friends of mine.”

And off we went to see Johnny, Jake and darling Gilbert.


To all my fabulous readers who have fallen in love with Pauline, Goldie, Miles, Jagger (Yum!), and the entire Sokol family. Without your dedication, there would be no Pauline Sokol Mystery Series. Thanks!

To all my family, friends, and fellow authors. You know who you are. Thanks for all the support and encouragement, and for keeping me writing. Oh, and listening to my complaining when I’m not in the mood.

To Jay Poynor, my agent, who has believed in me from the query letter on. Thanks, Jay.

Thanks, too, to Erin Brown, the most supportive and helpful editor ever! I appreciate all your input and the fact that you don’t embarrass me when I write typos like locks instead of lox. Here’s to many more books together!

About the Author

After serving in the Air Force as a registered nurse, LORI AVOCATO decided to give up nursing to write fiction. She lives in New England and is a member of Mystery Writers of America, PASIC, the Author’s Guild, and Sisters in Crime. She’s raising two teenage sons, one husband, and two dogs. Lori is the author of three previous novels featuring Pauline Sokol-A Dose of Murder, The Stiff and the Dead, and One Dead Under the Cuckoo’s Nest. Visit her website at www.loriavocato.com.
