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 "I still think we should go after that guy. Will Dennis doesn't scare me."

 "He doesn't scare me either, but unfortunately, he makes sense," she said. "Let it go, Curt. Let it go."

 Reluctantly, he nodded and backed away.

 "All right, let's start packing."

 "I'll make a list of what we need," she said, suddenly filled with an excitement that revived her. She truly felt like a young girl again and it was wonderful. Perhaps after a week of R and R, she would be restored and be able to put all that had happened behind her.

 The ride up to the cabin was easy. They stopped at a shopping market and bought way more than they needed. She was sure of that. Casting off responsibilities, just letting go of their busy, full everyday lives filled them both with a grand sense of abandon. They could be as silly as they wanted, look as foolish as they wanted.

 Hyman's cabin was really more of a lake house. There were two bedrooms, a den, a nice size living room with a fieldstone fireplace, a dining room, a relatively modern kitchen, three bathrooms, a back porch that faced the lake, and about an acre of surrounding trees. He had his own dock and a small boat with a 15-horsepower outboard. There was a shed behind the house as well. The house itself had a cedar facing and a crawlspace. Television reception came from a satellite dish, and the set was in the den. In front of the fireplace Hyman had a large, thick, and fluffy white shag rug. The remaining flooring was all wood and some stone.

 "Not too shabby," Curt said after inspecting most of it. "How long has he had this?"

 "Ten years or so, I think. It's a nice escape for him because he's close enough if there are any real emergencies, but far enough out of it here to feel isolated and undisturbed. He assures me we'll enjoy the sunsets and the sound of the owls."

 "Owls? I guess at a certain age, owls become a romantic bird," Curt said laughing.

 They set about putting away the things they had bought, and then they went exploring, following the paths to the lake and through the woods. In the evening, they worked on dinner together.

 "I wonder how often we'll do this after we're married," Curt said.

 "After you taste my meatloaf, you might hope not often," Terri told him, but his point was made.

 How do two very busy people with full professional lives hold on to a marriage?

 Their work will make most compromise impossible, she thought, but she also thought hers would obviously be the more demanding job. Curt could turn off his pager. She would forever be hooked into a service that would reach her at any hour, at any time, unless she was away on a vacation.

 And what would happen when they had children?

 This was a marriage that would demand so much more. Were they up to it?

 It was as if he could hear her thoughts as they stood side by side in Hyman's lake house kitchen. Suddenly, Curt took her hand and stopped her. He turned her to him and looked at her with that steely-eyed focus that unraveled people on the witness stand in courtrooms.

 "Terri, I'm going to love your meatloaf, and you're going to make it whenever you can, and we're going to find every possible way, every little opportunity, every bonus minute to spend more of our lives together. We won't sacrifice our clients and patients, but we won't always put them at the top of the list. Just don't expect me not to object whenever I can," he added.

 "Objection sustained," she said and they kissed.

 As simple as the meal was, it turned out to be one of the best they had together. They drank too much wine. They laughed a lot and kissed a lot and held each other impulsively all night, and when they made love, it was slow and graceful and full of promises.

 Afterward, lying side by side and seeing the moon over the lake through the bedroom window, Terri talked about Garret Stanley.

 "I've seen many arrogant, confident Godlike doctors in medical school and when I interned, Curt. Some looked carved out of an iceberg. They looked right through personalities, identities, families and saw blood clots or tumors, diseased livers, infected gall bladders, and they attacked them with great art and knowledge, with determination I envied at times, but when they were done and they saw that patient for the final time, I often felt they just visited a complete stranger. I vowed that wasn't going to be me."

 "It won't be," he said.

 "After being with Garret Stanley even a short time and seeing how obsessed he was with his work, regardless of its impact on humanity, and then seeing how much power was behind him, I fell into a deep depression. It was truly being told what I think, what I do, won't matter."

 "That's not true, Terri. You're going to influence the lives of hundreds of people and they will in turn influence a hundred more. It will matter."

 "I want to believe that, Curt. Then I stop and wonder what new monster will be out there tomorrow, a product of greed and the hunger for power."

 "Whatever it is, we'll stop it," he said.

 "As long as you're there to hold me," she told him, "I'll believe it."

 "Then you'll always believe it," he said. "For I'll always be there to hold you." She fell asleep in his arms, truly feeling secure and safe.

 She woke before he did and let him sleep. While he did, she put on her running shoes and sweat suit and went out for a jog. There was a beautiful mist over the water. With the sun on it, it looked like an abstract painting. Birds were flitting about excited at her presence. She saw a pair of beavers scurrying at the edge of the water. The air was cool, fresh, and reviving. Instead of growing tired with every passing thousand yards, she seemed to grow stronger. She had no idea if the path along the water went all around the lake, but midway, she realized it probably did and she continued.

 Finally, she had to stop to walk and catch her breath. She was still a good quarter of the lake away from the cabin and now berated herself for going too far. Curt was surely up by now and wondering where she was. He would worry. It put more speed into her steps and she started to jog again. The path thinned out in places and was barely visible. Some wild bushes became hazardous, their branches pulling at her sweat suit. She had to go slower. At last, the cabin came into view. She sprinted the last hundred or so yards and then stopped at the stairway in front, holding the railing and catching her breath. The door opened and Curt stood there gaping out at her, a mixture of confusion and annoyance on his face.

 "Where the hell were you?"

 "I didn't realize how long it would take to run around the whole lake," she said.


 "Why didn't you leave a note, Terri?"

 "I really didn't expect to be out this long. Sorry," she said. She straightened up. He wasn't smiling. "What?"

 "You had a phone call."

 "This early? What?"

 "It was Hyman."

 She held her breath.

 "What did he say, Curt? Is he sick or something?"

 "No. He wanted you to know there has been another bizarre death."


 "A teenage girl. He said to tell you it looked like another case of Frank scurvy," he added.

 The fatigue she had enjoyed suddenly turned into pure exhaustion. Her legs ached and weakened. She stared up at him and shook her head.

 "But... Will Dennis said it was over. He said he was dead. He said. ..."

 "I've got the coffee made," Curt said sharply, turned, and went inside. She stood there on the steps.

 Behind her, a crow, annoyed by something, screamed so loudly it carried across the lake and woke whatever was left sleeping.


 He didn't sleep all night. This feeding left him far too wired. He had seen young people juiced up on Ecstasy and other recreational drugs when he was in dance clubs, and he thought he resembled them. He wanted to play music loudly in the car. He moved to the beat, pounded the steering wheel, sang along whenever a song was familiar to him, and drove much faster than he usually did. There was something extra in his feed this time, he concluded, something he needed all along. Whatever it was, it had a great deal to do with his energy level. It made everything else work more efficiently within him. He was truly running on all cylinders, and, he thought, for the first time ever. Even when he was home, there, wherever, and they were taking care of him, he didn't feel this good. So much for what they knew.