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I don’t want Bexley around her too much. Aria has defiance in her, too much defiance for someone who might influence my Bexley. I like her the way she is, at my command. But I can see the way she looks at Aria, she likes her. Likes the way she is, how she takes no shit. I think that’s what attracted her to me as well. She likes strong people, likes to surround herself with them.

The girls wipe their noses and stand, thanking us for the goods and start doing a lap dance on each of us. I don’t object. This is their payment for getting high. I sit back and let the girl who’s wearing a black wig shake her ass in my face in a tiny G-string. She grinds her ass on my lap, making my cock twitch, but nothing more. She turns and stands tall and slowly undoes her bra when she drops it I can’t help but think Bexley does this better. More sex appeal, more emotions in her eyes which shine brightly with want. This girl has one thing on her mind, sex and drugs. That’s all she’s here for, all she wants.

She crawls on my lap, licking a line up my neck. Then she brings another line of coke over and snorts it from my neck. I let her, don’t stop her. She starts grinding herself on me, not doing anything for me but trying to please her boss. Just as her head goes back and her breasts are shoved in my face, she’s removed as fast as she was there. And in her spot stands Bexley, looking very pissed off. And a smiling Aria is standing right behind her.

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.

~Martin Luther King, Jr.~

I’m pissed, no scratch that, I want to scrape someone’s eyes out. Zeke is sitting there with a smug smile on his face, not caring that I just saw him with a woman basically screwing him in a strip club. I didn’t plan on seeing him tonight, I came out with Aria and Jagger. It was Jagger’s idea to come to this place. Now I wonder why. Did he know that he would be here and basically screwing a woman? The men around us stand up; I take no notice of them. But I hear Aria’s voice, “I would sit, or fuck off if I were you.” I don’t know what they do, my eyes are solely trained on Zeke. Who’s now sporting a hard on.

“You want a whore?” I ask him, his smile grows wider and I instantly slap him across his face without him having time to react. When he does his facial features become hard, and he stands. I take a step back and hear the murmuring of voices around me, realizing we still have an audience.

“Don’t do that again, Bexley,” he sneers, pressing himself against me, his hard dick touching me. I don’t back down from him, I won’t.

“Don’t fucking touch another woman again,” I shout back at him.

“I told you, I’m not yours, but you are mine. So don’t tell me what to do. Remember the rule, Bexley,” he warns me.

“Oh, I remember your fucking rule, asshole. Fuck you,” I say and go to slap him again. He stops me mid-slap, and I feel Aria step up to my back.

“What are you doing, Aria,” Zeke says looking over my shoulder. I turn my head slowly to see a look of death on her face, she’s pissed.

“I’m taking Bexley with me, let go of her hand, Zeke,” she warns. The men around us stand up, and I realize they all have MC cuts on. Fuck!

“You work for me, Aria,” he says not letting go of my hand. I look back at her and watch as a smile grows on her face.

“That may be so, but don’t think I won’t put a bullet in one of these boys’ brains before they touch me.” The men stop, all except Dunk.

“You can take her,” he says, guessing she will do what she says. He drops my hand and takes a step back. Aria touches my shoulders.

“You can come to my place tomorrow to get her when you’ve cooled off,” she says and grabs my hand and pulls me away. She blows a kiss to the boys and then gives them the finger.

The drive to Aria’s is quiet. She doesn’t usually live here, so she’s renting a small house with large acreage. Jagger came with her.

“I know just the thing to help you unwind,” she says walking to the back of the house. I follow her and she turns on a switch which lights up the backyard. The area is basically a shooting range, boards all set up, ready to play. She picks up her archery gear and relaxes her shoulders, shooting and hitting the bullseye. She tells me what to do and I’m hopeless, I can’t even get the arrow to go anywhere near the board. She laughs and opens a chest and it’s full of guns.

“Will you get in trouble?” I ask her, hoping she won’t.

“For defending you?” she asks me.


“Probably, I’m sure Dominic would love to spank me for it. But not too much, I’m their money maker,” she says smiling.

“What is it that you do?” She gives me an evil smile, but it’s mixed with happiness.

“Are you sure you want to know?”

I nod my head.

“I’m a trafficker, Bexley.” My eyes open wide, she must register my shock ‘cause she starts laughing.

“That’s the same thing Jagger did. You sure you don’t want a man like my brother instead of Zeke?” she asks raising her eyebrows.

“What do you traffic?”

“I traffic men, Bexley.”

“You…what?” I ask stunned.

“It’s what I’m good at. I get gorgeous young men, break them down, then sell them to the old ladies. It’s why I’m here. I had to meet a new client, a very exclusive client.” She reaches in and goes to hand me a gun, I shake my head at her still trying to take in everything she’s said.

“And Zeke is your boss?”

“Technically, yes. But, Dominic is my actual boss. Dominic is the King Pin and Zeke is the money.”


“And Bexley, he’s extremely dangerous. Please be careful around him.”

“He wouldn’t hurt me,” I say to her just above a whisper. She grabs a bigger gun, and under that I see a sniper rifle. I grab it, set it up, and lay down in the grass. I start shooting. I’m good at it, always have been. My family has taught me well. I hit every target straight on.

“Woo-hoo girl, who knew,” she says sounding impressed.

“Very impressive, Bexley,” comes a voice from behind me. I know that voice could pick it absolutely anywhere.

“Tell me, what else don’t I know?” he asks. I stand up and brush the grass off myself.

“I will shoot you if you touch another woman again,” I warn. Aria laughs and waves goodbye as she heads back to the house. I look up at Zeke and see him looking at the markers out on the field. I hit the bullseye on everyone.

“No touching,” he says sounding impressed.

“No letting them touch,” I say.

“No letting them,” he says taking a step closer.

“Bullet if you do, to remember me after I leave you,” I say meaning what I say.

“Never again,” he says stepping even closer. Wrapping his arms around me, mine circle him. “Don’t ever lay your hands on me again, Bexley. I have a short temper.”

I nod my head in his chest. “You’re a bad man, aren’t you, Zeke?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“The worst, Bexley. The worst,” he says sending a shiver up my spine, but he squeezes me tighter.