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“I can play games too, Zeke,” she says, but when she returns to do it again this time I take over and slam her hips straight down. She throws her head back and screams in pleasure, as I sit up and look at her. Her eyes close, her lips part. Fuck! She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“I’m the master of games, don’t fuck with me,” I say and move her hips to the rhythm I so desperately need.

She ends up taking control and starts moving up and down my cock fast. I watch her face when she’s near coming. I grab her ass and squeeze, then slap it hard as she leans down to me. I take her nipple in my mouth while she keeps on riding, soon she’s screaming and collapsing on top of me. I lift her up and place her on her stomach on the bed, grabbing her hips and lifting them up high enough to sink my cock back into her. She’s limp, but once she feels me, she starts moving knowing I’m so close and wanting to give her pleasure as well. I reach down and play with her clit; she starts squeezing my cock hard. Her screams grow louder and I pound into her, finding my own release.

She falls back to her stomach, and I lay down next to her.

She turns to face me and her face is stoic. “I don’t know how much longer I can do this,” she says, and before I can tell her anything she closes her eyes and a soft snore escapes her beautiful mouth. Maybe I’m a selfish asshole for holding her love captive. But a part of me doesn’t want to let it go, another part doesn’t give a flying fuck either way.

Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it.

~Harry Emerson Fosdick~

My head hurts when I wake up. It hurts so bad I can’t even open my eyes. But I have to; I have to somehow make it to the bathroom. I stand on shaky legs and remember all of a sudden why they’re shaking. Then I remember the conversation. Well, my conversation and his no words conversation. I manage to pull my eyes open and turn to see him still asleep. No man should be as beautiful as he is. Fuck! Now I want to cut him from my memory, the memory of a girl on his lap, rubbing her large breasts over him and him not even caring.

I often wonder if there’s something wrong with me that’s making me stay with someone like him. It can’t just be the sex, even though that’s the best and only thing in our relationship right now. In the beginning he was cold, then possessive, then maybe just a tiny bit caring. And I thought I had won the lottery, and that I got to see a piece of this man that no other does. But maybe it was a mask to trap me, to make me love him because I do. Fuck, I do, with every bone and blood cell in my body. I used to think it was lust, well, that or sex love. If there’s even such a thing, but I hate going a day without seeing him, and I hate not talking to him. I love his presence, even if he’s asleep next to me. Everything in me loves something about him, but my head, my head knows it shouldn’t. Maybe my head should tell my heart?

I walk away, go to the bathroom and then turn on the shower. Once I step into the hot water it makes me feel a little bit better. I stay in there longer than expected, and the next thing I know I jump when a hand touches me. I turn to see him behind me, looking at me. I manage to look straight into his eyes, and I know he wants me. But right now, I don’t want him, I don’t want the heartless sex. Right now, I need alone time, alone without him, for the first time in a very long time.

I step from the shower and he watches me but doesn’t say anything. One day I’d like him to tell me to stay. To not leave him as I know he needs me right now, but I guess that will never happen if it hasn’t by now.

He isn’t far behind me. I’ve managed to get dressed in yoga pants and one of his workout shirts and I climb back in bed and watch as he walks around not looking, not saying anything to me. Sometimes he does. Sometimes he makes me happy beyond belief. Even if it’s small, he tries.

“Do you want breakfast?” he asks. He’s at the door ready to leave to start his day. I shake my head no and turn away from him. I hear him sigh and walk out. I try not to think too much about our fucked up relationship. But it’s the only thing my mind does. I’ve changed my life for him, quit my job, and moved in with him. I often wonder if I was dumb and naive to do such a thing. My days are filled with nothingness and I need to change that. Maybe tomorrow is the last thing I think about before I pass out.

I wake to Zeke’s hand running up my back and turn slightly in the bed. He looks pained though I’m not sure why. I pull him to me; I think it’s just a natural thing to do when someone looks upset. He comes and his head lies on my shoulder, we stay like this with his hand rubbing up my sides and comforting both of us. He lifts his head and places a soft kiss on my lips, and I want more. I deepen the kiss and grab hold of him tighter. He obliges his hands start running all over me. I shiver. I love the feel of him.

“Zeke,” Cora’s voice comes from the door. I let go and drop my head back onto the bed and sigh very loudly. Zeke lifts his head and looks to Cora with a look that would make you run, then he turns back and kisses my lips before he gets up to leave. He adjusts himself and I watch as he does, and notice that Cora is still watching. Huh, suck that bitch! They both walk out the door and Zeke stops and turns back to look at me.

“I need you dressed. I have a meeting and want you to attend with me.” I’m sure my face registers a shock expression because I never go anywhere with him for his work. I don’t even know all his businesses though I’m fairly sure I don’t want to either.


I’m dressed in jeans, shirt and heels, and as we drive I’m wondering where we’re going when we stop at a house in the hills. It’s very secure and we have to go through multiple gates to get to the main house. As the car comes to a stop, we step out and I see men in suits. I look down at my outfit and back to Zeke in his suit.

“Is what I’m wearing okay?” I ask as I walk to the front of the car. He looks me up and down and takes my hand in his and gives it a squeeze.

“You’re perfect,” he says and starts walking toward the entrance. Opening the door with a key, I give him a puzzled look. Hearing loud voices as we enter, I take a look around. The house is massive and an open plan. The floors are covered in pristine white tiles and the furniture seems to match, all in white. I would hate to see kids in this place.

“Whose house is this?” I ask still looking around.

“My parents,” he simply says and I stop, pulling him up in his tracks as I have a hold on his hand.

“Tell me you’re joking,” I say, dropping his hand from mine, trying to calm my breathing. Fuck, why would he bring me here?

“I’m here for business, Bexley, some of my associates are here. And my father runs a restaurant I own.”

“Yes, but…it’s your…parents,” I stumble the words out. He smiles, and it makes me smile. It’s not something I get to see often, so when he does it makes my heart happy. I think he smiled on purpose, to distract me. ‘Cause the next thing I know, we’re in the living area filled with people, and I know none of them.

“Zeke.” An older lady comes over and kisses his cheek and smiles down at me, but it’s a tight smile. Definitely not a happy one, more forced. “And who’s this?” she asks looking me up and down, still assessing me with her old eyes.

“Mother, this is Bexley. Bexley, this is Elizabeth, my mother.” I smile at her and grab Zeke’s hand and squeeze hard. He smirks and walks me away. He knows when I’m uncomfortable. Thank God he doesn’t seem to care, I mean it’s his mother of all people.