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“Possibly,” she says.

“Would you do anything for me, Bexley?”

Her lips twitch as she contemplates my question. “Perhaps,” she answers.

Smart girl.

“What would you say if I told you I loved you, Bexley?”

She stops breathing, not expecting those words out of my mouth. Her hands fly to her mouth and she looks at me with eyes wide.

“I would…I would say, why…why now?” she answers stuttering.

“Somehow you’ve worked your way in,” I tell her, still not admitting those words, but to her it looks like I have.

“I have to go,” she says grabbing her bag from the counter and running out the door. I don’t stop her because I know where she’s going. She’s going to talk to Ember. I sit there, contemplating everything when the front door slams shut.

“Is she here?” Dunk’s voice booms through to my office. I yell back to him, “No,” and he walks in. He shakes his head in disappointment when he sits down.

“I don’t trust her,” he says, the first thing out of his mouth.

“It’s not up to you to trust her,” I tell him.

“She was asking questions that she shouldn’t have been. Women don’t ask those types of questions. I don’t trust her,” he says flopping down onto the chair with an extravagant sigh.

“I know who she is, Dunk, I wouldn’t be around her otherwise.”

“You got feelings for this chick don’t you?” he says raising his eyebrows in question.

“Again, none of your fucking business,” I tell him pinning him with a death stare.

“She will destroy you,” he says standing.

“I don’t doubt she won’t,” I tell him smiling.

“Fucking stupid man,” he says shaking his head on his way out.


She arrives home a few hours after she left, quiet when she sees me. Walking to me, she sits on my lap. I grab her hips and dig my fingers in, knowing I will more than likely bruise her. She slides herself over my cock and looks at me with a smile.

“You were engaged to be married before?” I ask her. Her head goes to the side contemplating how to answer.


“Did you love him?”

She pulls a face. “No.”

“Why then?”

“Because he’s one of my best friends. I’ve been friends with him my whole life, and it was expected,” she says leaning into me, laying her head on my shoulder while she’s still straddling me.

“You’re mine now, Bexley,” I say to her hugging her tight. “The only way that will change is if we’re dead.” She stops breathing for a second, taking in my words. I kiss the top of her head and pick her up. She clings to me with her legs still wrapped around my waist.

We move to the bedroom and I place her on the bed. She lets go of me reluctantly.

“You know, Bexley, I had a rule. But for you, I broke that one rule. So if you do anything to fuck that up, I will hurt those you love,” I tell her leaning down, my voice low with meaning. Her eyes go wide, but she nods her head.

“I have issues, Bexley, and the way I sort those issues isn’t healthy. I kill people who betray me and I torture those who lie to me. You wouldn’t do either, would you, Bexley?” My nose scrapes along her neck; so I can hear each breath she takes. Her breathing is fast, telling me she’s going to lie.

“No,” she says, lying. I grab her roughly by the hair and pull her head back. Her eyes go alarmingly wide like she’s about to get caught out for something.

“Don’t fucking lie,” I seethe. She tries shaking her head, but she can’t because my grip is too damn tight.

“You will suck my cock for lying, Bexley, but don’t think it’s a punishment considering you love it.” She nods her head and I point with my free hand for her to undo my pants. She does, on shaky hands my pants drop to the floor, and I climb out of them. Her warm hands touch me, making my already hard cock like rock. She licks the top first, tasting and then licks from top to bottom, making me groan with want.

The more one judges, the less one loves.

~Honore de Balzac~

He knows! I know he knows, I can see it in his eyes. But I won’t admit it; I won’t until the time is right. I have to play the game, make him believe. It isn’t hard, though, I love him despite everything. I have just come to my senses that maybe, just maybe, love isn’t enough anymore. There’s a line to be drawn and I intend to draw that line and hold onto it. Hold myself back from more heartache. He almost said it, almost said those words I used to crave to hear. Would have done anything to hear. But is it too late now? Can I accept him back fully after he’s hurt me so bad? I don’t know the answers to these questions anymore and I don’t know what to do. I know the right thing to do, but is it right for me?

An hour after Zeke has left for the day, there’s a knock on the door. I don’t know who it is or even why they’re here. No one comes here and knocks, they know when Zeke is here and that’s the only time they’re allowed here at his home. He’s very guarded, only letting certain people into his life. Now I partially understand why.

When I open the door, it’s someone I least expected to see. Jagger smiles brightly showcasing his beautiful white teeth.

“Hi,” I manage to say to him. He looks me over and winks when he notices I’ve caught him.

“Zeke home?” he asks looking behind me. I shake my head, and he reaches in and grabs my hand. I try to pull it back, but he turns around and smiles a sneaky smile. We get to his car, well probably Aria’s car and he opens the door for me. I stand there contemplating and wondering what he’s up to.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask, still standing at the door.

“Aria told me you were back, and I wanted to have some fun while I’m on holiday. Who’d be more perfect to spend some time with than a beautiful woman such as you,” he says waving for me to get in. I do and he closes the door behind me and walks around to the driver’s side.

“Where are we going?” I ask him buckling up, he smiles at me and places his sunnies over his eyes and drives off.

“I thought we could act like tourists for the day,” he says smiling.

Our first stop is in Hollywood. He takes me to the wax museum and we walk around making trivial conversation while taking silly photos with the stars. Once we’re finished, he drives for a while with not much conversation while we eat in the car. I like him; he’s easy to be around. Steady and not over the top. He tells me what he’s thinking, not guarded like Zeke.

“You look lost,” he says as we pull up at the beach. I manage a smile and shake my head. He comes around and takes hold of my hand walking next to me. I wonder if this is a fine line we’re walking. Even though nothing is overstepping the mark, I wonder if I really should be out with him today.

“What are we doing?” I ask as we head to the beach. He stops and points to the two Jet Skis sitting out in the ocean.

“I don’t know how to ride one of those,” I say shaking my head.

“It’s easy,” he says pulling out a wetsuit and explaining to me what to do. When my feet hit the water, it’s cold and I don’t want to walk in the water. Jagger notices my reaction and walks over to me already wet, lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder. I laugh at him until he places me on the Jet Ski and shows me what to do.

It’s fun, I want one. I wonder if I should move closer to the beach so I could do something like this every day. Feel nothing but the wind in my hair and the spray of the ocean. Jagger laughs when I go to fast and get thrown off, my teeth chattering from the frozen ocean. He gives me a hand up and I manage to catch him off guard and pull him down with me. When his head rises from the water, he shakes it off and smiles. I try to swim away as fast as possible, but he catches me by the leg and pulls me back. I laugh, but he holds me in place treading water. His face is mixed, it’s as if he wants to say something but can’t get the words out. My laughter dies down as I look at him.