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She’s on the sofa when I find her, her legs tucked up under her ass and she’s transfixed on a reality television show. She looks to me and smiles then looks straight back to the television.

“Would you hide things from me, Pixie?” I ask her sitting down next to her. She turns the television down and faces me.

“Like the way you hide things from me, Zeke?” she asks firing my own question back at me. I want to shake my head and do bad things to her, but I could never bring myself to hurt her, even if she is perhaps my enemy.

“I do it to protect you. Things you shouldn’t know about, things that would get you killed.”

She takes a moment before she answers, her blue eyes looking into mine. “I’d do the same,” she says turning back to the television, returning the volume to its normal level. I grab her and pull her to me. She comes willingly and lays down in my lap. I stroke her short blonde hair wondering when the day will come that everything is destroyed.

We both fell asleep, but when I wake that next day, she’s gone, and so are all her things.

I have searched for her, but she’s completely disappeared.

I’m losing business. My head isn’t in the game anymore. I just want her, and then the next minute I wish to hurt her.

Nothing! But I have a feeling everything is about to explode.

Only do what your heart tells you.

~Princess Diana~

I have been going out of my mind, I can’t find her anywhere. She has just disappeared. And I can find anyone at any time, I have the resources to do so. It’s part of who I am. I wonder if she really loved me like she said she did? If those eyes that sparkle just for me, also sparkle for someone else.

I want her back.

I crave her.

“Speak,” I answer not even looking to see who’s called, my judgment and many other things have been lacking.

“What a lovely way to respond a call,” a woman’s voice chimes from the other end and it takes me a moment to pinpoint that voice.

“Bexley,” I say, not fully believing it’s her voice. Is my mind playing tricks on me? She laughs but it’s a forced laugh, not her usual self.

“Bang bang! You hit the nail on the head.” Her voice is different, sharper like I’m not a person she knows.

“Where have you been? Where did you go?” I ask pacing the floor of my office.

“Slow down there, stud,” she says. I remove the phone to look at it, to see if it’s her, but obviously I can’t tell.

“I’m coming to visit you one last time, Zeke, be ready,” she says and hangs up in my ear. I remove the phone and let it drop from my hands. I’m shocked but furious.

I hear the sound of car doors opening and closing. I sit in my seat with my hands on my lap, waiting. I hear the front door open, and then the sound of her footsteps echoing as she walks into the house, and I know it’s her. She said she was coming to see me one last time. I’m excited, I’ve missed those eyes that train on me with love and affection in them. I have missed how that body was bound to me. But when she rounds the corner, it’s nothing like what I expected. The woman who loved me like I didn’t think I deserved isn’t there. Instead, it’s someone else in her place, but it’s still her. I can see the glint in her eyes. The way she will always appreciate me for me, but she’s here for business now, the business I wish I had worked out a long time ago. Stupid emotions! This was why I choose not to feel, not to love. ‘Cause you will end up getting destroyed by the person if you do.

“Zeke,” she purrs as she stands in the front of my office in long black pants, a belt wrapped around her waist with a gun on either side of her hip, and her jacket reads FBI. And she displays it proudly.

“Bexley, if that’s even your real name,” I mutter, not hiding my anger and emotions.

“Yes it is,” she says smiling walking in closer.

“Was it all work, Bexley? Or did you love me?” I ask, wanting to know before she has to do what she’s here for.

“It was all work, Zeke. The whole thing after you broke my heart was illustrated. You were my willing victim. You played right into my hands,” she says holding them out showcasing a ring I once bought her.

“But to answer your question, yes, I did love you, and I would have saved you, but you pissed me off,” she says smiling.

“It’s my nature, Bexley,” I reply, my tone cold.

“To piss people off? I believe it is, but this is my job, and you won’t be my last.” She smiles and says something into a walkie-talkie on her shoulder.

“You know they won’t hold me, right? I’ll come for you, Bexley,” I say just as an older guy enters and kisses her cheek. He’s in charge that much is obvious.

“Zeke, I think it’s time for you to meet my father,” she smiles at the older man who points to me while he tells the other agent to handcuff me.

“I’ll find you, Bexley,” I say. She smiles as I’m pushed forward with my hands pulled behind my back. “I hope so,” she whispers for only me to hear.

She handcuffs me and her body is touching mine, I know she’s doing it deliberately.

When she escorts us out, Cora is sitting at the desk looking shocked. Her eyes fly to Bexley then to me. She sneers at Bexley.

“I’ll arrest your ass too, whore, if you’re not careful,” Bexley says to her to which her eyes bulge.

“Cora, call my lawyer, get them to meet me straight away.” She nods and starts calling Jagger immediately. Bexley hears his name when he answers and she laughs so evilly I wonder if I actually knew this woman in front of me at all.

“This should be interesting,” she says pushing me out the front toward an unmarked police car. She escorts me in the back while sitting in the front seat next to another officer. She ignores me for most of the drive talking softly, and casually laughing with the man sitting next to her. And none of it makes me happy. To be honest, it makes me that bit more pissed.

We arrive at the police station and she takes me into a private room. She doesn’t say a word when she leaves, just leaves me sitting there. I guess they’re watching from the other side of the glass in the room.

The door opens and she walks in by herself. I didn’t think she would be the one asking questions. So when she drops a file on the table and stands behind the chair watching me, I’m slightly surprised, but not amused.

“We have a lot of evidence against you, Zeke Takon,” she says using my full name. I don’t speak to her, she can do the talking. I’m not fucking stupid.

“Drug dealing, murder, gun runs. You name it, we have it on you,” she says walking around to stand near me. She sits on the desk just inches away from my face, and I can smell her cotton candy scent. My dick twitches and I curse myself.

“You have anything to say,” she half-whispers leaning forward. I look up at her. Her eyes are challenging, trying to unsettle me. But I don’t give her anything, she doesn’t deserve it. A knock comes on the glass. She sighs, and smiles softly but sweetly at me before she stands and walks off without a backward glance. Not even five minutes later the door swings open again, but this time it’s Jagger. He walks in shaking his head.

“I was waiting for this day,” he says smiling, but I know he’s joking.

“All right, tell me, what do they have? Have you spoken to them?” He picks up a pen and looks at me waiting for me to say something, he obviously doesn’t know. He will learn in a second as the door opens and Bexley walks in. His eyes go alarmingly wide and his head swings back to me, then to her.

“Oh fuck,” he swears, realizing he’s going to have to work his ass off.