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“What happened to my good girl, the girl who would do anything I said?” I goad her. She rolls her eyes and I want to laugh.

“You destroyed her. That thing you called a heart, you broke it,” she says, her face showing no emotion.

“You did that yourself, Bexley. I was willing to fall…to fall hard for you. But you fucked that up, and it backfired, didn’t it? You tried, but didn’t succeed on both counts, in arresting me and making me love you.”

“Oh, you love me, Zeke, don’t deny yourself that. I know you do. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be following me around like a lost puppy,” she says standing and slapping my shoulder in pity before moving off. I sit there for a second and watch her walk out of the reception area before I get up and follow. Maybe she’s right, but I will get what I want.

I see her straight away; she’s standing at the bathroom door waiting. I walk up to her, grab her roughly by her arm and drag her into the closet then shut the door. It's dark, pitch black actually. She tries to find the door, but I’m blocking it with my body. I feel her hands on me as she starts hitting me.

“Let me the fuck out, Zeke, before I do damage,” she warns. I cover my junk with one hand and touch her with the other. I grab her shoulder because I can’t see and she’s hitting me harder, trying to will me away with her fist. I step forward, enclosing in on her, trapping her in the corner. I can just make out her body’s outline from the faint line of light coming in from the outside.

“Don’t you touch me,” she warns again. I drop my hand so it pats her bare leg, slowing sliding it up with a light trace. Her hands stop dead on me, no matter how much she tries to deny it, her body wants me.

“I’m going to fuck you,” I tell her reaching further up, her breathing is heavy and I can feel it on my neck. “You’re going to be mine all over again,” I tell her. When I reach where her underwear should be, I find nothing but bare skin. My breath is sharp because I can feel and smell her wetness.

“I won’t be yours,” she says in a shaky voice, trying to convince herself.

“Oh, but you will be, you’ve loved me from the start. That isn’t going to stop now,” I tell her sliding one finger in. She reaches her hands out and rips my shirt open, buttons fly everywhere. She moves forward and I take my time with my free hand to pull myself out. I’m hard, and it’s all for her. She leans forward and bites down on my shoulder, licking it then biting again.

“Leg,” I tell her. She listens and lifts her leg. I hook it up around my waist and position myself in her, I don’t waste any time as I slam straight into her, wanting and needing every last bit of her. She screams and muffles it with another bite to my shoulder, most likely marking me. Her hands drop and slide around to my back, and scrapes her nails hard down my back, making me want to remove them, but also enjoying the pain that comes from it.

“You tried,” I say in between gasps of breath. I fuck her harder, and she lets me. Soon she starts screaming louder, digging her fingernails further into my skin. It doesn’t take me long to follow her down her road of happiness. And when I’m there, I am even faster to pull out and leave her standing there. I open the door and look at her one last time, in her orgasmic state. Fuck! She truly is beautiful. Her eyes lock on mine and I pull my shirt together and slide my cock back in before I walk out without a word. Leaving her there with a single tear sliding down her cheek.

I don’t stay any longer, not caring about my date or the wedding. The entire drive my mind is on her, about the way she felt, the way she looked so broken but trying to mask it.

Dunk is standing at my doorway when I reach home and he gives me an odd look, then follows me inside.

“Holy shit! Who did you piss off.” He whistles behind me. I turn back to him and give him a look that tells him to explain, and he points to my back. “You’re bleeding,” he says pointing to my back. I take my shirt off and stare, the back is covered in blood. “Holy shit, there are scratch marks, and you’re covered in bite marks. Must have been a good fucking night,” he says loudly and proudly. “So who was it?” he asks as we make our way to my office, and he follows. I try to avoid his questions knowing he won’t shut up until he knows.

“Bexley,” I say referring to his question, his smile drops and his face becomes angry.

“You can’t be serious, that cunt fucked us over. Why would you even be near that bitch?” He starts pacing then cussing out a string of swear words.

“Watch your mouth,” I warn him.

“You’ve got to be kidding me?” He throws his hands up, then storms out the way he came in.

Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistible desired.

~Robert Frost~

I shouldn’t have done it, I knew I shouldn’t of. It broke me that little bit more. I’m afraid I won’t have anything left soon, that I may be the shell of a person I once was. I let him get his way…again, let him have me…again. Will I ever truly be able to say no to him? Ever? This thought consumes me even two days after seeing him, being with him. I wish I didn’t love him, I wish I could banish him from my thoughts, but I can’t. Even after everything we’ve been through, he’s still a focal point in everything I do.

Aria calls me that morning. I’m surprised to hear her voice when I answer.

“You busy?” she asks me.

“Nope, just lying in bed at the hotel.”

“Okay, well, I leave to go back home tomorrow and wanted to catch up with you before I do. I’m coming over, text me your address,” she says then hangs up. I stare at my phone not sure what to do. Should I give it to her? Is she coming to hurt me? I decide to text her my address and within an hour she’s at my door, dressed in cut-off shorts and a short tank top. She smiles and pushes her way in.

“Heard what you are,” she says looking around the small hotel room. It’s very bare, just a bed and a television. She sits on my bed and crosses her legs leaning back on her hands looking up at me as she does.

“What am I?” I ask her standing at the door. Her heads falls to the side and she smiles.

“You’re a pig, copper, FBI. Something like that,” she says shrugging her shoulders.

“Yes, I was.”

“Was?” she asks.

“I was, not so much anymore.”

“Is it because of him?”

‘Yes and no, it’s what I’ve known for a very long time. So it was part of me, but—”

“But he’s a bigger part,” she says ending my answer.

“Not anymore,” I say walking over to the bed and sitting back against the headboard.

“He’s a cock, but I believe in that hard head of his he loves you,” she says lying fully down on the bed.

“Ha, I’m not so sure,” I say.

“Well, you did fuck him over, and not in a minor way, you did it majorly.”

“I had to,” I tell her.

“No you didn’t, but I understand partly why you did. He still loves you, I know ‘cause he wants to kill me when I mention you, and usually he only wants to hurt me when I open my mouth,” she says laughing at the ways she likes to piss him off.

“Why do you leave tomorrow?” I ask her, changing the subject.

“I have to get back to work, back to my routine. I came out here to train a few girls. And now I’m done.”

“Thanks, Aria,” I say to her.

“For what?” she says.

“For being a friend,” I tell her honestly.

“Don’t get all mushy on me, girl,” she says rolling her eyes, but I can see the faint smile curling up on her lips. “I am gonna go and get us some food. What do you want? I want to laze around today, and I know boss man won’t call me if he knows I’m here with you,” she says.

“What do you mean, knows you’re here?”