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“I have to carry you inside, it’s going to hurt,” he says picking me up. Oh my, God, it hurts bad. How do people in movies continue to move with broken ribs? Are those fuckers crazy?

At first I think he’s taking me to a hospital, but when I look, I see we’re actually at his house, the one I lived in with him. Aria opens the door and he carries me in, takes me to the bed I once slept in, once had sex in. It feels like such a long time ago now.

My back hits the bed and it’s a relief as well as painful. Zeke steps back and a woman replaces him. She assesses my face with soft hands then removes the bandages wrapped around my ribs. She shakes her head and tells me she’s going to give me something for the pain and when a needle is stuck in my arm, it isn’t long until I fall fast asleep. Sleep that is much needed and wanted.

People think love is an emotion. Love is good sense.

~Ken Kesey~

We didn’t waste time going in once we knew where she was, and they weren’t expecting us that much was obvious. Aria took three men out straight away with her bow, and once we were in, she took out another two. It didn’t matter who they were. When we reached Dunk, I lost it. He started goading me, telling me things he shouldn’t have.

“You come for that, slut?” he asks spitting on the floor. “I fucked her up real bad, made her cry and scream, you won’t want her anymore,” he says to which my mind left me and my body took over. My hands were around his throat and I beat the living shit out of him. He dropped to the floor like the piece of shit he was, and then a bullet was put into his head for good measure.

Mika though, he was calm. Not saying a word unless it was to Aria. He was pissed that she came here to take his business, a business that’s mine. Though he’s healthy competition. He didn’t expect her though, and when he laid eyes on her, I could see a captivated man. The same way I was the first time I saw Bexley. I want to tell him he would be screwed worse than me because that bitch is one crazy brand of fucked up.

I didn’t stay to see or hear what they had to say, he posed no threat. So I searched for her and found her behind the first door. The locked one. I kicked it in, and there she was, helpless, no shirt, blood everywhere. Lying there still as the dead. I didn’t want to touch her, but was afraid if I didn’t I wouldn’t know if she was still alive. When her eyes looked up at me, I had to get her out of there. Take her with me and protect her.

She cried when I touched her, her hair looked like someone had pulled at it and taken chunks away. Her face was bruised badly like someone kicked it in; I don’t even want to know what was under those bandages that were covering her body.

When I got her to the car I called the doctor and demanded she meet me at my house, told her I’d pay her whatever she required. She was there when I showed up and a wave of relief washed over me. I hated picking her up, hearing those moans and cries of pain leaving her mouth. My black heart shattered, and became hers solely from that moment on. I wanted to maim and kill everyone that touched her, or even laid a finger on her.

The doctor gives her something for the pain, and it isn’t long before she falls asleep.

“I have to strap her ribs and get an ultrasound to make sure there’s no internal damage,” she says as she starts opening her bag and assessing her mid-region area. Once she’s done, she straps her ribs and Bexley doesn’t move throughout the whole process. She looks peacefully asleep.

“She will heal, nothing is broken, and nothing is punctured. Though she’s going to need bed rest for a few days,” she says handing me a bottle of pain meds she wants me to have Bexley take. I lean down and let my lips touch her, a light kiss and follow the doctor out the door. When I come back, Aria is standing in the doorway watching Bexley.

“What did he say?” I ask her, keeping my eyes on Bexley. I am referring to Mika, he wants what is mine.

“He wanted me, I’ve stolen his business. Word’s gotten out, you picked a winner,” she laughs dryly. “He wanted you to stop business on this side, you’re ruining his,” she tells me. I shake my head. Fucking prick. People want what I have, they always do. I’m good at what I do, I’m good at making money. And they see it, they want it. But it’s not them that work there ass’s off for it. It’s me.

“You shot him?” I ask turning to face her, her face scrunches up.

“Don’t get mad, I kind of made a deal with him. You did after all kill his brother.” She smiles.

“What deal, Aria?”

“I told him I would work for him as well.”

“You don’t have the right to decide that,” I scream at her, but she isn’t affected by me. She shrugs her shoulders like it doesn’t bother her.

“I saved you a great deal of conflict. He’s powerful, Zeke. Maybe not as much as you, but he knows people.” She turns to leave then stops and turns back to me.

“When she wakes up, if she wants to leave, let her. Don’t hold her because of your guilt, she’ll come back if she loves you as much as you love her,” she says then walks out the door.

Let her go? That will never happen. I will never let her go again, she’s now mine, forever.

I get a cloth and bowl of water and go to the bedroom where she’s asleep. I manage to get her undressed without moving her much or waking her up. Once I’ve cleaned her body, I start on her face, slowly wiping away the blood that’s dried to her face. She slowly opens her eyes. They make me stop and stare just from the pain she’s showing in them.

“Zeke,” she says, her voice sends shivers all over me.

“Don’t talk,” I tell her while continuing to wipe her down and brushing her hair away from her face.

“Call my father, I want him,” she says and closes her eyes and falls back asleep. I don’t wish to call that man. Dealing with him is not something I am ready to do. But something that Aria said nags at me. If that’s what she wants, who am I to stop her.

I wear the carpet out, walking back and forth watching her, listening to her breathing. Why can’t she just want me? Why does she need that man, yes, he may be her father, but I am her lover, the one she needs. The one that can give her everything.

I stop pacing when a rough squeeze of breath leaves her mouth, she’s in pain. I have to do what she wants, have to learn to please her. Stop putting my selfish ass first. I grab her phone and find his name, I take a deep breath and prepare to talk to a man I would rather kill than talk to.

“Yes,” a rough voice speaks from the phone.

“It’s Zeke Takon,” I say, wondering if he’ll hang up on me.

“What are you calling for, boy?” he asks angrily.

“It’s Bexley. She’s hurt, and she wants you,” is all I can say, just barely. I don’t want him to take her away.

“I guess this has something to do with you?” he asks.

“Yes.” No point in lying.

“I also guess you have her at your place?” he asks, the accusation never leaves his tone of voice.

“Yes,” I tell him again.

“I’ll be there soon,” he says and hangs up the phone. I walk back into the room to see her asleep. I should dress her, put something on her. But I don’t want her to go, don’t want her to leave.

She doesn’t move or make a sound when I slide my shirt on her. She looks peaceful. I don’t want to let her go.


The knock on the door is loud, and I know it’s him. But I’m also wondering how he got here so fast. I know he doesn’t live near here. When I open the door, the look he gives me is one of murder, and I’m sure if he could he would murder me where I stand.

“I’m taking her, and you’re not to say a word. If you contact her again, I won’t be so nice,” he says walking past me and straight into my room. I don’t stop him. Even though I want to grab my gun and shoot him.