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“I have to go to an after party tonight, and you’re coming. You haven’t been out since you arrived, and this is a party full of powerful and sexy people. You’re getting laid,” she tells me as she opens the door to her apartment. My stuff is everywhere in the living room. I’m not a clean freak like Ember, it doesn’t bother me having my clothes scattered all over the place. I usually find stuff quicker when it’s this way. I follow her to her room, she opens her closet and grabs a dress and throws it at me. “You’re wearing that,” she says and disappears into the bathroom.

I hold the dress up and inspect it. It has no back, and the front plunges so low I will have to tape my boobs in so they stay in place. But the dress is beautiful. It’s a bronze color and is covered with sequins.

My hair is short; there isn’t much to do with it. I give it some volume at the back and braid my fringe. My makeup is light and I slide my heels on. My pumps are so high I’m afraid I am going to break my ankle.

We pull up to the party and climb out of her Mercedes Benz. There are guards on the door checking names. He gestures Ember through when we reach the gate and she waves to the people she knows as she moves straight across to the bar. Ordering some fruity drink, she orders me water which I happily take. She knows I prefer water. I get hives when I get drunk too fast, so I prefer not to drink when necessary. Ember talks to the bartender, and in that time I take a look around, seeing if I can spot anyone I’ve heard of. As I spin my head around I see actors and singers everywhere, dancing and chatting and I definitely feel like I don’t belong.

Ember grabs my arm and takes me to a private area out back to have a smoke. I’m not a big smoker; I’m more of a social or stressed smoker. Ember lights up and passes it to me, she smiles over my shoulder and I know someone is about to come and talk to her.

“Ember my darling,” a young woman says followed by another young girl. I’m trying to put a name to her face because I know she’s famous. I realize relatively quickly she’s a pop star, but I just can’t think of her name. I walk off in the other direction toward the outdoor setting trying to find somewhere quiet. These stars really do go all out. There are dancers on the bar, waiters dressed in nothing but leaves covering their private areas. As I reach the end of the balcony, I take a seat and finish my smoke. I hear someone clear their throat, and when I look up all I can see is a dark figure sitting in a chair behind me. He’s by himself, and he looks large. Not big large, more like fuck he works out massive.

“Sorry, didn’t realize anyone was here,” I say standing up and offering him his peace.

“Stay,” the voice says, and I stop. That voice makes my heart pick up, but more importantly, it makes me want to see the face that’s attached to it. It’s silky smooth but so masculine. I slowly resume my seat, this time not with my back to the sexy talker.

“What’s your name?” the voice asks, and all I want to do is turn on the flashlight on my phone to see him. To see if he matches that masculine voice.

“Bexley,” I tell him, remembering he asked me a question. “And yours?” I ask, looking but still not able to make him out.

“Zeke,” he replies, and I know he’s looking at me. I actually feel his eyes roaming over me, even though I can’t see him. My thoughts are interrupted when a young woman walks out holding a tray walking straight to Zeke and offers him a drink. “What are you drinking?” he asks. I look behind me to see if there’s anyone else around, but there isn’t, so he must be talking to me.

“Water.” He gives me a puzzled look, but doesn’t comment on it and nods to the waitress. She disappears and comes back straight away with a glass for me. I smile and accept the drink then sip it quietly.

“Do you know many people here?” I ask, trying to form some kind of conversation instead of the quiet that surrounds us.

“You could say that,” he says. Great! Well, he sure is a talker. I go to stand when I see Ember walking toward me.

I smile back to Zeke and hold my glass up. “Well, thanks for the drink, Zeke,” I say and walk away before any more words are spoken.

Ember spots me straight away. “Where have you been?” she asks looking behind me. I look around but don’t see anything. “Just getting some quiet time,” I tell her, not wanting to talk about Zeke. He could’ve been someone famous, and I would have no idea.

“Okay, well, I think we should go. I’m actually exhausted,” she says wiping her eyes. She should be, she’s had a tough week. All this week was leading up to tonight’s awards ceremony. I nod my head and start to walk with her when someone steps in front of us. I look up and I’m met with the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on in my life. Literally, this man would win the sexiest man alive, I have no doubt. Ember smiles up at him, and my eyes work all the way up his toned body and stopping at his face, which has a stoic look plastered on it. No smiles there.

“Bexley, I would like for you to come with me,” he says. Fuck! My mind and body stop. That’s the voice from outside.

“Ah, excuse me?” I ask. Shocked.

“I would like to spend the night with you,” he says like I should just go ahead and do that. Ember squeezes my arm and makes me realize I haven’t answered him.

“Um…sorry. I have to get home,” I squeak, literally, my voice sounding like a squeak. Shit!

“Let me drive you,” he says holding out his hand. I should be saying no, something should be screaming stranger danger! But it’s not.

“I have a ride,” I manage to say back. All the while our eyes don’t leave each other.

“Have dinner with me tomorrow,” he says. Not asking, but rather telling me.

“Okay,” is all I can manage. He reaches for me and I don’t move. His hand touches mine and then is gone as fast as it came. I look to my hands and then to his and see him with my phone. He rings his and then hands it back to me. He doesn’t say a word as he walks off.

I can hear Ember asking me questions, but for some reason I can’t speak. My eyes follow the retreating form of Zeke, straight back to the balcony where he came from.

Love knows no distance; it hath no continent; its eyes are for the stars.

~Gilbert Parker~

This man, this man makes me want to drop to my knees and beg him to do dirty things to me. He takes my morals, and throws them out the door with just the look of his smile, his eyes, and of course his hot body.

“Bexley,” he says so deeply it has me clenching my legs together in his car.

“Zeke,” is all I can reply. My brain isn’t functioning.

“You look delicious,” his voice is low, his eyes are on my legs where my skirt is riding high up on his seat. My hand automatically goes there, to protect myself from what he may see. His eyes narrow and I can tell he wants me to move them, to let him look if he chooses..

He drives again, only stopping briefly to look at me. His emotions are not there to see. I want to be witty, smart, but nothing leaves my mouth and I just stare. I can’t seem to do anything else. His jaw is strong, cheekbones high, hair styled so stylish I want to touch it to see what it looks like messed up, with my hands running through it.

He catches me looking, the car comes to a stop and I didn’t even notice. One side of his lip quirks up; he couldn’t have known what I was thinking, could he? I bring my knees tighter together, and the movement brings his eyes down.

“I think it’s best if we go somewhere public,” he says with his roaming eyes. My head nods. Well, I think it does, I hope it does, and his eyes narrow before turning to get out and walking around to my side.

The car door opens, and when I look past him to see where we are, I notice a bar, and my face cringes. Why would he take me here? To get in my pants? Because that could have been made easier; he could just touch me and I’m sure I wouldn’t say no.