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“This is my favorite place,” he says noticing my scrunched up expression. He shuts the car door and his hand touches the small of back as he guides me inside. A man comes to the entrance as soon as we enter, greets Zeke with open arms and taps him on the back. I look around, and to me it seems like an ordinary everyday bar. Nothing unusual about it at all.

“Bring me my usual times two, old man,” Zeke says and the man with salt and pepper hair smiles and nods. Zeke takes me to the back and sits down opposite me, his eyes appraising me again. I feel like he assesses me every time he does this, like I have to fight to stay under his gaze.

“You like it here?” I ask him, not being able to make eye contact, to which he has no trouble doing.

“I do,” is all I get in reply.

A chocolate cake is brought out, and it’s set right in front of me. I give it a weird look as I wouldn’t call this dinner. I manage to look at him and see his eyes on me, which seems to be all he’s been doing the whole date.

“Do I have something on my face?” I ask him, touching my face.

“Why would you ask that?” he says tipping his head to the side.

“No reason,” I reply, not wanting to sound like I’m fishing for a compliment when I’m clearly not.

“I don’t do dates,” he says.

“Why?” I ask, it was him that asked me after all.

“I just don’t. No need for it,” he says shrugging his shoulder.

“You just fuck?” I ask, building confidence with him. He did say he doesn’t date, but here he is with me. His eyes flare, they change from their usual beautiful blue to grey in a second.

“That I do, and I do it well.” Now it’s my turn to flare, but not in the eyes, but down below between my legs.

“Why cake?”

“Henry is a family friend, he used to make me this cake on special occasions. Tonight is exactly that, my first date,” he says and I want to laugh, actually I do laugh at him.

“Really?” I say covering my mouth letting out a giggle.

“I love sweet things in my mouth, Bexley,” he says and fuck, if I didn’t know better, I’d say he meant more than the cake in front of us.

The rest of the cake is eaten in silence, and he doesn’t talk again. He just watches me, making me fidget every time I catch him doing so. One time I notice him and my face heats up, he smirks at that.

“Yes,” he says and I look up to see him on his phone. I didn’t even hear it ring. His head drops and then his eyes come back to mine. He mutters some words to which I tune out and then he hangs up.

“It’s time to go,” he says standing, offering me his hand.

“Okay,” I place my hand in his and he squeezes it and looks down at our hands like he can’t believe he just did that.

He drives me back, his eyes flicking from the road to me. It makes me feel so desired like I’ve never been before. It makes me feel sexy the way his eyes trace my legs, my face, my mid-section.

He stops at the apartment and doesn’t get out or say anything. I reach for the door handle and step out. His eyes are now trained on the steering wheel.

“I’ll call you,” he says through the window, still not looking. He takes off, not looking at me again, and leaving me standing there watching. I’m still watching even when he’s been gone for longer than five minutes. Wondering what it is with this man.

Love has no age, no limit; and no death.

~John Galsworthy~

Her full lips, the sway of her hips. They make me hard as fuck. I’ve fucked a lot of women. I work with some of the best looking women this world has to offer. But her, she’s a league of her own. And I want to conquer her, devour her, make her mine. Then bend her to my will. She seems hypnotized by me, most women do. But she has something different hiding behind her eyes when she looks at me. A spark some would say.

I plan to fuck her into submission, break her will to my submission. I want her to be mine, something I don’t usually want. But maybe I could play for a while. See where things take us, see how long I can last with her. I’ve never done it before, never bedded a woman for more than one night.

This could be interesting.

All my life, my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name.

~Andre Breton~

He’s sex on a stick and he is every woman’s wet dream. He’s someone I want between my legs, right now. It’s been two weeks since I’ve heard from Zeke. He never called me straight away, and I wondered if maybe it was just a fluke that he thought he wanted me at all. But today when he called and stated he was picking me up at six, I couldn’t say no. Even if it was a demand instead of a gesture.

He picked me up in his red sports car, it was fast and fancy. He only said one word, it was simple but so hot “Bexley.” And now we’re at his house and he’s taking his clothes off to swim in the pool. We had a drink when we arrived and I refused any more¸ as I don’t like to drink. So now, we’re at his pool. He’s taken his shirt off and is kicking off his shoes, then his pants are next. I take a moment to let my eyes roam over him, from his face to his chest. When I stop on his chest, I see scars, which are circular in shape. They appear to be bullet wounds. I try not to stare long as his hands move to his Calvin Klein underwear, which hug his toned, and I just want to touch it along with the rest of him. His body is delicious. I’ve never touched or seen up close anyone as perfect as him. His underwear is next to be removed. I didn’t think he’d remove them, but he does so with absolutely no shame. His cock appears semi-hard and I smile thinking it’s for me.

“Are you going to strip or stare?” he asks while walking to the stairs of the pool. I’m shocked at first and then decide I can do this. I can remove my clothes and show a man I’ve known for less than a few weeks what I look like.

Fuck, no I can’t.

“I’ll stare,” I manage to say. He cocks his head to the side, evaluating me.

“I can’t fuck you if your clothed, Bexley, and I would prefer to fuck you in this pool,” he says like that’s all I’m here for. Fuck, maybe I am! “Stop evaluating everything, strip and get in the pool.” HHHis head goes under the water and rises again all wet, and now I’m all wet.

Shit! What if he hates what he sees? What if he kicks me out after seeing me naked? Shit, why am I even considering getting naked for a man I hardly know? Oh, that’s right, he makes my girl parts sing and scream without even touching me. Girls do this don’t they? They sleep with strangers and have one-night stands? Fuck it! I’m going to have my one night stand with a man that should not be looking at me like he’s going devour me, and probably spit me out when he’s done.

“Okay,” I say and reach for my shirt pulling it up and over my head. My shorts are next. Thank God I have matching underwear on today. Maybe I knew what was coming? I can’t look at him as I remove my bra and then my panties. Walking to the side of the pool, I descend the stairs, still not wanting to see if he’s pleased or disgusted with what he sees.

“Look at me,” his voice comes at me so close. I look up and he’s standing right there in front of me. Looking me in the eyes and then down my body, he devours me as he goes.