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He lets me feel him for a good few minutes until he slides off and out of me, and then he pulls me to him. Cradling me in his arms, I take joy in the moment of comfort, and before I know it I’m out like a light.


We’re at a restaurant that Zeke owns. He’s told me he owns quite a few bars and restaurants, this being one of his favorites. Dunk is sitting across from us, talking to Zeke as I order a wine while trying not eavesdrop. But when a woman who looks a lot like Megan Fox, except she’s covered in tattoos and wearing barely there clothing, walks up to us, my mouth drops open. She sits on the edge of the table and places her leg up on the chair. Turning so she can smile at us, her eyes stop on me for a second before they flash back to the men. Following her is a rather attractive man, who I would guess is maybe in his early to late thirties. On his arm is an exquisite redhead, who’s wearing a dress that you’d wear clubbing if you wanted to get laid. They both stop at the table and the redhead sneers at the dark brown haired beauty.

“Aria, you’re a lady, sit like one.” Aria rolls her eyes and gives her the finger. I stifle a laugh and Aria catches me and winks.

“Sit,” Zeke orders. They all sit and I watch as they do, noticing they listen to what he says, even the man who looks like he’s in charge of both these girls. Maybe not so much Aria, she seems to be in a league of her own.

“Who’s the blonde?” the man asks Zeke, but his eyes are on me, appraising me.

“Bexley, this is Dominic,” he says pointing to the man, and then points to each of the girls. “Aria,” he says pointing to the dark haired beauty, she smirks and it just makes her that much more stunning. “Sarena,” he says ending it with the red-haired woman.

“Aria, I hear you’re helping boom my business,” Zeke says sitting back in his seat and staring at her. I should be jealous, these women who surround him are stunning, smart talking women. Maybe not all that much in the smart area, but at least in the smart-ass mouth area. Aria smirks, and says something to her that makes her turn to him and she rolls her eyes. I can see a muscle tick in Dominic’s neck and smile. I don’t find her threatening, I find her fresh. She doesn’t care what they think of her.

“I’m a boomer, baby, no one can say no to me.” She smiles seductively, and I know with that statement she’s right. Dominic snorts at her remark and she smacks his arm. He’s very attractive with short dark hair, a strong build, and a mysterious look about him. And I can tell he favors Aria over Sarena straight away.

“How many a month, Aria?” Zeke asks getting straight to the point of whatever the hell job she does.

“At least once a week, sometimes more.” She smiles proudly, and I wonder what is it that she does.

“She your puller, Dominic?” Zeke asks turning to face Dominic while asking him the question.

“That she is.” He smiles proudly. Aria ignores the exchange and reaches across the table to where a quiet Dunk is sitting. She grabs his Corona from his grasp and chugs it back. This earns her a hearty laugh that makes everyone look at him. He doesn’t notice as his eyes are firmly on Aria.

“You sure as fuck are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen, babe,” Dunker says to Aria. To which she places the beer down and smiles angelically and drops down in her chair. I watch her wondering why she’s suddenly changed her demeanor, when all of a sudden Dunker screams from his seat, “Fuckkk!”

“Don’t call me, babe, again,” she says still with that innocent smile on her face. Dunker stands, holding his junk, and I burst out laughing realizing what she’s done. She’s grabbed him in his private parts.

“Did you have to try to castrate my cock with your hand?” he whines at her.

“Yes! Now you know not to do it again.” She repeats her grin. I like her, I like her a lot.

“Well, this has been fun and all, but my brother is waiting for me. Toodles,” she says standing. She leans down and kisses Dominic on the cheek, then Sarena and then she comes to me. “Want to escape?” she whispers. I nod my head and she smiles and reaches for my hand to pull me up. I look down to Zeke, who’s trying to contain his smirk.

“I’m…” looking to Aria, wondering where we’re going, “going with Aria,” I finish the sentence. He nods his head and turns back to the table. I chance my luck at last night’s affection and reach down and kiss his cheek, and he turns and kisses my lips leaving me breathless.

I love that feeling of being in love, the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That is special.

~Jennifer Aniston~

Aria has a filthy mouth, that’s one of the first things I learned about her. Next she has a scorching hot twin brother, who’s extremely flirtatious. He’s in the back seat of her car and I can feel his eyes on me. They have a lot of the same features, same hair, same eyes, and both beautifully sun-kissed tanned.

“So, Bexley, you single?” Jagger asks from the back seat. Aria turns around and smacks his head.

“You fucking idiot, she’s with Zeke.” Jagger looks to me, and he starts assessing me, probably wondering why.

“Are you?” he asks, not sounding sure of his sister’s presumption.

“Yes, we live together,” I tell him.

He smiles and sits back with his hands in his lap. “Never seen him in a relationship before,” he mutters.

“How do you know, Zeke?”

“I’m a lawyer, we handle all his business cases.”

I so did not expect him to say he’s a lawyer. Yes, he’s good looking, but he just seems to be a laid back dude, not a stiff lawyer.

“Bexley, where ya from?” Aria asks pulling up in front of a sex shop.

I give her a puzzled look and answer, “New York.”

She slides out of the car and we all follow. Jagger hanging behind when I turn to look to see where he is, his eyes are glued to my ass. He catches on that I spotted him and winks, and his eyes go back to my ass. That gets him another smack in the head from Aria.

“Do you have a death wish?” she asks shaking her head.

The girl behind the counter smiles at Aria and pulls out a box from under the counter. Aria lifts the lid and inside is a leather outfit. I must pull a face ‘cause she smiles and says, “I’m a bad girl, Bexley, you’ll learn this.” She has a hint of seriousness to her voice. I don’t know if she’s telling me the truth, but I choose to believe her. We walk around the shop and I stop at a section that’s full of vibrators and handcuffs.

Jagger walks up behind me and points to a small one. “Women love this one,” he says, it has dolphin inscribed on it. I decide to go back to the counter and wait with Aria. She grabs some other things that I’m not entirely sure what they are, a lot look like forms of restraint. Then she walks out with us following.

Aria gets a call, and she tells us that she needs to go to work. She drops Jagger off first to his house and then takes me back to Zeke’s.

“Is he good to you?” she asks as we pull into the driveway. I shrug my shoulders, not sure how to answer. “Don’t let him walk all over you,” she says. I open the door and she waves me off, then speeds off down the driveway like a race car driver. When I enter the house, Zeke’s in his office on the phone, his brows scrunched together deep in thought. He must hear me because he hangs up and walks across the room to me, not looking very happy.