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“I don’t think Aria is the best company for you to be keeping,” he tells me like he can dictate who I see. Which doesn’t make me happy considering what I’ve given up to be with him, with nothing but sex in return. I huff and turn away to leave, ignoring him as I go.

“Bexley, while you’re with me you will choose your company wisely.”

“Wisely? You’re the one that introduced me to these people. What is it that they do, Zeke? Why can’t I be around them?” I keep my voice calm, composed as it can be in this situation.

“It’s none of your business what they do. I told you not to ask questions. You’re on a need-to-know basis, and right now you don’t need-to-know.”

I want to throw something at his face and smash it. “Fuck you,” I scream and walk away. He follows; I didn’t think he would, he never follows me.

“Don’t test me, Bexley, I won’t have it,” he says from behind me. I swing around and I’m instantly in his face. His hard gray eyes on me telling me he’s either angry or horny, I cannot determine which one.

“Don’t test you,” I say, taking a step back while undoing the top button of my shirt showcasing my breasts. “Don’t,” I whisper undoing my shorts letting them drop to the floor. “Test,” I say with more sex in my voice than I’ve ever heard before while removing the rest of my shirt. His eyes are now trained on me, roaming my body. “Me,” I say the last word and unclasp my bra. He takes a tentative step in my direction. I stop him with my palm, shaking my head no. His face grows even harder, apparently not impressed by my actions, but very clearly turned on.

“Bexley,” he warns.

“Zeke,” I retort.

“You don’t want me to make you scream, Bexley?” He asks, his voice is soft but seductive.

I fight with myself, wanting what he can give me, but not caving. “I can make myself scream tonight, Zeke,” I say walking backwards, my eyes trained on him. My knees hit the bed and I drop back, opening them wide. His eyes don’t blink as he looks me over, stopping on my wet pussy. My hand runs down over my breast, trailing lower until I touch myself. I’ve never done this before with someone’s eyes on me. But I want his power removed, and I want the power for a change.

“One or two,” I ask him, indicating dipping my fingers in. “Two,” I say and insert two as my head drops back. I’m severely turned on, so wet and horny. He could take me right now and I wouldn’t say no. I rub my thumb over my clit, pushing my fingers in and out, my eyes are closed. Enjoying every single second of it.

I feel my body building; feeling the intense pleasure surging through me. I just need more, more to get me there. I open my eyes when my hands are removed. Zeke is standing over me, he lifts my hand that’s now not pleasuring myself, and he takes it and licks my fingers which brings another moan from my lips. He’s fully naked now, I didn’t even see him strip. I was too lost in my own world. His cock is hard, and his chest is hard. His tight ass is squeezed by my hands. He grabs my legs and opens them as wide as possible. Looking down at me, his eyes trained.

“I’ve never wanted a woman the way I want you,” he says and he’s in me, not letting me respond to the kind words he’s spoken. And from him, that’s as good as I will get. I know it.

“Tell me more,” I urge lifting my hips, his hips meet mine, slamming into me.

“You are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on,” his voice is hard, in puffs with each breath. “I could fuck you for the rest of my life and it would never get old.”

My heart sings as I grab for him, bringing him as close as humanly possible. “I… really, really like you,” I say, and his eyes change. There is shock, and it registers. He thought I was going to say it. I would have, but a part of me knows better.

“I know,” he says and his lips slam onto mine, nothing in return.

In the flush of love’s light, we dare be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we are, and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free.

~Maya Angelou~

She has tricks, useful tricks, and she’s using them against me. I may be able to play with her mind, but she’s proving to be just as good. Though she couldn’t hold up on her end, so that gives me hope.

I meant what I said, though. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Whether I like to admit it or not, she’s worked her way into my life. Placed herself there, unable for me to let her go. Though I know a time will come when I have to as she can’t last forever in my life. My life is not for someone like her. I started in my businesses young, got into dealing drugs and was good at it. Didn’t smoke all my money away, and didn’t do bad deals. My parents didn’t know. I kept my business hidden for years.

My life wasn’t easy though, I’ve been through a lot. I joined the MC when I was eighteen, I met them through my drug dealings. The president at the time suggested I join and I pledged and worked my way up to president. I’ve killed people, I’ve been shot at, and I’ve been stabbed. None of this changed the person I was, it just made me stronger. A man to be feared, but I had something most didn’t. I was smart. I knew how to run a business, how to keep it hidden, and how to employ the right people. And if someone thought they could fuck with me, then they were dead. Questions weren’t asked or needed.

My mother thinks I run restaurants. My father knows about the MC, but nothing more other than that. I’m good at what I do, I have business’s everywhere, and with those businesses I’ve made connections in very high places. Ones that would do anything to help me with what I have on them, all of them. Especially what I have on their wives. They will do anything to protect their image…anything. So the law stays out of my way. It doesn’t interfere with me or my business. I am the most dangerous and richest son-of-a-bitch in America.


It’s the weekend and that usually means business with clients. Tonight is no different. I’m at a strip club, one that I own with the Hard Knox MC. Dunk is sitting next to me, but his attention is on the stage where a stripper is now completely naked. I bring out a bag of coke that the boys want to test. Test so they can sell. A few of the strippers come over, obviously the sight of drugs has attracted them. One sits on my lap, the other on the other man’s lap. They all line up the coke and snort, even the girls. Me, well, I don’t dabble in that shit anymore. Lost interest, started making me slower than usual, addicted, waiting for my next hit. That’s how I got shot the first time.

“This is going to sell fast, boss,” Dunk says, the vice president of my MC. Yes, that’s right, mine. I have twelve chapters spread over the country, this one being the biggest.

It’s not all I do though, I dabble in a lot. So Dunk takes charge of the club when I can’t, he’s a good man. Always got my back, looking after the things I can’t. The boys cheer in response and slap some of the girls’ asses and they squeal in delight.

“You going to fuck one of these whores tonight, boss?” one of my men asks. He’s new, just patched in. Dunk punches him in the arm and tells him to shut it. I smile and shake my head.

Bexley doesn’t know about a lot of what I do, she knows only of the restaurants and clubs that I own. She helps me out at the front desk of my office two days a week, and sometimes she questions some things, but hardly ever.

My businesses range from primarily black and white, white being the restaurants, my front. My black being my dirtier businesses, the one's Dunk and Dominic look after, the drugs and the sex slaves. That’s how Aria is involved; Dominic picks the girls and runs that side of the business. He’s fucked more than most, he can handle it better than any. The thing is, though, I love a woman’s body, and so I switched a few things up. I don’t sell women for slavery, I sell men. The girls bring them in, and they break them down. Then they’re sold to lonely old women whose husbands are out fucking young girls, who only want them for their money. It’s my best business, and so far, Aria is my biggest money-maker. The men fall at her feet, she breaks them, fucks with their heads, then sells them to the women she picks. No, most of my women don’t get to pick who they’re sold to. Except Aria, she’s in very high and she’s good. Word has gotten out to the lonely housewives at how good the men are that she’s bringing in.