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She gasped in shock when his seeking hand returned to her skin and the other cupped her breast. He groaned when he discovered her braless. He stroked between her legs as he continued to pull and rub her nipple.

With a low growl, Jammer thrust two fingers into her slick core and kept on going until they were filling her up as his thumb strummed across her pulsing clit.

He pinched her nipple with just enough pressure to create a tugging, rippling sensation that spiraled down to where his other fingers were at play within her. His thumb increased its pressure, so knowing and skillful, and so intent on pushing her to dizzying heights of pleasure.

Needing an anchor from the storm about to break, she grasped the rough, slender slats of the fence. Callie threw her head back and cried out as her orgasm crested and a blissful warmth shimmied through her in waves.

Her legs turned to jelly, and just when she was certain she was going to collapse to the ground, Jammer slid inside her to the hilt, stealing her breath at the same time.

She shuddered at the feeling of being so completely filled by him, groaned as he forced his way deeper. She closed her eyes, her spine bowing as he began to move in earnest, faster, harder, stronger.

She gloried in the long groan of satisfaction she wrenched from him as she clenched her muscles tightly around him and pushed back with every last spark of need she possessed.

His hands went to her hips as he pumped into her. Her moan as her own climax built again made him growl and buck, and she cried out as he reached a place even farther inside her.

Unexpectedly, he withdrew, then flipped her around and pushed her up against the fence, catching her under the knee and lifting her leg until he could slip back inside her.

His mouth came down on hers, his tongue plunging deep and the thrust of his hips now agonizingly slow. He reached around and cradled the small of her back, grinding into her and making her throw her head from side to side as he touched some spot that sent sparks shooting all over again, and she arched, trying to keep him right there, on that spot.

“Oh, damn,” she rasped, her voice soaked in pleasure. Dazed, she opened her eyes. His face was inches away from hers as he continued to thrust into her, his gray eyes so intense they burned straight to her soul, and she knew in that moment that she’d never be the same again.

He reached up and tangled his fingers in her hair, tugging her scalp back so her throat was exposed. He raked his teeth down it, the silk of his hair brushing the underside of her jaw.

Her orgasm slammed into her with the exact force of Jammer’s body. She cried out his name as she convulsed around him. She arched, strung tight on the shattering pleasure, and took him over the edge with his own shout as he pistoned inside her while coming in a shuddering fury.

She held fast to him when it was over, and he held just as solidly to her, clasping her to him, even as she worked to keep her legs under her, her fingers in his hair, her face nestled in the crook of his neck.

She prayed for something that would break up the thick feeling that seemed centered in the middle of her chest.

He was still clutching her, his face buried in her hair, as if he couldn’t, wouldn’t ever let her go.

A huge wave of emotion blindsided her and she brought her hand up and smoothed it over his face, down the back of his shirt and over his solid, bunched shoulder muscles.

She rubbed her face against his hair and when he raised his head, she captured his mouth, his full lips warm and moist and firm against hers.

She moved her mouth over the hard edge of his jaw, peppering his face with kisses until he grasped her chin and fastened his mouth over hers again.

They kissed slowly, savoring each other. Every moment of which quenched her thirst for him in a way the most savage, intense orgasms could never do.

It started to rain lightly and they ran for the cover of the farmhouse.

WITH THEIR GLORIOUS TRIP to Tuscany behind them, Callie found their arrival in London jarring. All the people and activity hurt her eyes. Luckily, it was a quick cab ride from the airport to the Bank of London to pick up the payment.

Callie directed the cab driver to the Crowne Plaza Hotel, where they made their way directly to room 705. They knocked, and when their query was answered, they opened the door to greet Reggie.

He lounged in a chair near the window, one black-leather-clad leg thrown over the side. He was a dead ringer for Billy Idol. From the blond spiked hair to his compact, muscular body to the tats, he was quite gorgeous. He even had that sneer of his full lips down to a T.

He was also one of Interpol’s most competent agents. Even Callie wasn’t sure how many languages he could speak. They called him “the chameleon” because he could change his character to fit into any situation. Callie had to admit that she’d come close to sleeping with him a couple of times, but had thought better of it. Too bad she hadn’t been able to resist Jammer that way.

Reggie rose to his six-two height as they entered. She could feel Jammer at her back and knew that he was already on edge. That in Callie’s book was dangerous. Throw in the fact that Jammer was now armed and it was even more imperative to do this deal and get out.

“Ah, Gina, my love. Is this big man your bodyguard?”

Callie rolled her eyes at him. “Cut it out, Reggie. You don’t want to yank on Jammer’s chain. He can so easily break it.”

Reggie smiled his full dazzling grin and stopped close to her. Too close. Very gently, he ran his hand up her arm.

“Ah ducks, you know I love the adrenaline rush. So don’t tease me.”

She tried not to laugh as she stepped away from his touch, but she couldn’t help it. Reggie was infectious. “Listen. We’ve got the payment, and transportation is set. So let’s get on with it.”

“On a tight schedule, are we?”

“Reggie, stop fooling around. This isn’t a Bond flick.”

“I’m so misunderstood,” he said. “I think of myself as more of a canny entrepreneur than a Bond villain.”

“Reggie,” Callie said, more firmly.

“Well, love, I’d be the last man to disappoint you.” His tone, full of sexual innuendo, only made Jammer tense more behind her. She leaned into him to show him that Reggie had no power over her.

“Then don’t,” she said.

“I’ve hit a bit of a snag. One of the ships carrying your weapons got delayed. Circumstances beyond my control.”

Jammer swore under his breath, and Reggie’s attention went to him. “You have something to say, wanker?”

Before Callie could even breathe, Jammer had his semiautomatic handgun out of his shoulder holster and pointed directly in Reggie’s face. “Don’t jerk us around, Reggie,” he said, in that tone that sent shivers down Callie’s spine.

Very gently, she put her hand on his wrist. His eyes were focused on Reggie with murderous intent. She curled her fingers around him and said softly, “We both know what this is about, and it doesn’t have anything to do with delayed weapons. Maybe you should wait downstairs.”

Reggie never batted an eyelash; in fact he looked bored. “Yeah, run along, bodyguard. I can take care of Gina’s body for you.”

“Reggie, you’re not helping here,” Callie said between clenched teeth.

“Ah, love, where is your sense of adventure?”

“I lost it when Jammer got peeved, and Jammer is who I care about. Get me, Reggie?”

“Yeah, I get you.”

“So can we stop this pissing contest and move along?”

She waited a few tense moments. Jammer dropped his arm and stepped back. “Get on with it, Gina.”

She released a sigh of relief, but Reggie just gave her a quick grin. “Tell me where you want the weapons transported and I’ll do it for no extra charge.”

“Deal.” She passed over the payment and smiled at him. “Keep out of trouble.”

He winked at her. “Can’t promise that, love. Where would the fun be in that?”