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Distracted by the situation with Jammer, Callie noticed the dark sedan only when a man stepped out in front of her. He ordered her in heavily accented English to get inside. She declined.

That’s when three other doors opened and three other men climbed out. Oh, crap.

She brought down the first man with a move her brother, Max, had shown her. Although the second man got a few good hits in, she took him out with a combo Drew had taught her.

But when the third pulled a gun on her, she had no choice.

“Who are you and what do you want?”

“Americans. Always kicking the butt first and asking the questions second.”

Was this guy for real? Was he making a joke? If so, it was most definitely at her expense.

“Joost wants some leverage against the Ghost. You, I’m afraid, are that leverage.”

“You’re wrong. We’re just business associates. He doesn’t give a damn about me.”

“That’s too bad for you, then, isn’t it, mijn vriend.”

“I’m not your friend.”

“That is also too bad for you.”

IN THE MORNING, Jammer packed up. He was feeling the loss of Gina acutely, but he pushed it aside and boarded the plane for Amsterdam.

The flight was short, just one hour and change, but once he landed in Schiphol Airport, the passport lines were long and it took him a bit to get through.

He grabbed a cab and found himself at the Sofitel. Now it was a waiting game.

When his phone rang three hours later, Jammer answered with a clipped hello. He was at the whim of a conscienceless bastard. What had he expected? Courtesy?

“Go out to the front of the hotel. There’s a car waiting for you.”

Jammer immediately left the room. Once this deal was complete, he’d be going back to Napa to wrap up all the transportation and storing details, and then off to Colombia to reap the fruits of his labor.

The only piece of information he needed from Fuentes was where and when the Defensores de la Libertad would be assembled for an easy and complete takedown.

It was fitting. An ambush for the ambusher.

At the street, Jammer looked for the car. He saw a black Mercedes parked at the curb, and refrained from rolling his eyes; just about every bad guy in every movie that involved international espionage drove a black Mercedes.

The door opened for him. Jammer settled inside and sighed when a blindfold was placed over his eyes. It was all part of the Joost dog and pony show.

He endured the ride without comment, derisive as the ones in his head were. He wanted to get in, get the goods, close the deal and move on.

Just like he’d moved on with Gina?

In the dark behind this blindfold wasn’t where he wanted to be. It gave him much too much time to think about Gina, the warmth of her skin, her witty and often amusing comebacks, her out-there personality and her wicked grin.

Finally the car came to a halt. He began to remove the blindfold, but was stopped. “Not yet.”

He allowed one of the errand boys to steer him toward his meeting place with Joost.

When his blindfold was removed, he found himself standing outside a windmill, one that was evidently used as a sawmill. He could hear the saws going in the background and wondered briefly if Joost had made an investment in a legitimate business, just as Jammer himself had.

One of Joost’s goons shoved him in the back, and they entered the main part of the mill. They passed an office without stopping, and ended up in an open area beyond it. No one but Joost was there. Jammer wondered all of a sudden where Dieter was. Dieter was never far from Joost’s side. “Jammer, mijn vriend.”

“Joost. Are we ready to do this? As soon as we seal the deal and I take a look at the merchandise, we can both be on our merry way.”

“Ah, Americans, ever the businessmen. There is never the time for preliminaries.”

“Preliminaries? What do you want to do? Dine together? I’m on a tight schedule, as I’m sure Ms. Callahan told you.”

“Yes, Ms. Callahan did give this information to me. She was very clear.”

As soon as Gina’s name was mentioned, Jammer got a tight feeling in his gut. Joost’s eyes took on a knowing gleam, one that did not bode well for either Jammer or Gina.

“Often we have made deals. Is this not so?”

“We have. It’s been very profitable for everyone concerned.”

“Ja. That is true, but profits are not all that concern me. It is the constant disrespect from your employer that has caused this concern.”

Jammer wanted to groan and rub his temple, but didn’t. It was important to remain unaffected and in control. “Joost, the Ghost has employed me to handle these situations. It’s my job-”

Looking bored, Joost raised his arm and snapped his fingers.

That’s when Jammer found out exactly where Dieter was. He came out of the office, his meaty hand clamped around Gina’s upper arm.

He could see that her lip was cut and she had a doozy of a black eye. He could only imagine how bad the other guys’ were.

“Join us, Ms. Callahan. We were just talking about your associate’s employer. Ah, but now that I see how he looks at you, I’m convinced that you are much more than his associate. Ja.”

“What do you want, Joost?” Jammer asked.

His smile was anything but sweet. “You will contact your boss and you will tell him that if he wants this shipment, he can close the deal himself.”

Jammer looked at Gina. His soul had awakened the day she’d opened that hotel room door. She hadn’t slid into his life; she’d come rushing like a storm, dragging emotions from him he’d thought were buried too deep to revive. But they were there, just beneath his skin, and there simply wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her, even break a vow.

At Jammer’s inactivity, Joost snapped his fingers again, and Dieter pulled a gun from inside his leather jacket and placed it against Gina’s temple.

“There’s no need for threats, Joost. I don’t have to call my boss.”

“Why is this?”

“He’s already standing right here.”


“I am the Ghost.”


CALLIE JUST STOOD THERE, Dieter’s gun still pressed against her temple.

She heard the words. Saw them come out of Jammer’s mouth. But she couldn’t comprehend them. They were a foreign language she had never heard before.

Jammer was the Ghost.

The man she had sworn to bring to justice was the man she’d been sleeping with all this time. But surely Jammer was only saying that because he thought Gina was in danger. It couldn’t be true.

But as their eyes met across the room, she knew it. Knew he was telling the truth.

“Ja. This is a surprise, but it is as I suspected. Why the ruse?”

Jammer shrugged. “To stay under the radar.”

“Like the Batman?”

“Yes, like Batman,” he agreed.

Callie tensed, readying herself for action. She had every intention of surviving this encounter. She was going to arrest the Ghost no matter who he was. She met Jammer’s eyes and no words were spoken, but it was as if they could speak to each other’s souls. He was prepared to act, as well. She knew Jammer wasn’t leaving here without securing those weapons. The pressure tautened as Joost studied him. Just when Callie thought everything was going to dissolve into chaos, Joost’s barking laughter broke the silence.

The man threw up his hands. “Then all is forgiven. I love the Batman. Dieter, let her go.”

The cold metal disappeared from her temple, but Callie couldn’t move.

“Gina, come over here,” Jammer said softly. “Now.”

She got her feet to function and she went to him.

Then he did something that made her heart jump. He stood in front of her, effectively using his big body as a human shield. Up close, she could see how pale the skin was on the nape of his strong neck, the coiled muscles that belied how worried he was for her safety, and her emotions went wild. She was mad and touched at the same time. She just didn’t know what to do with it all. Her throat got tight and that only set off her anger again. Could she really blame anyone but herself? She had told herself what she was doing wasn’t exactly a good idea. Sleeping with Jammer had been an irresponsible indulgence. His charisma and her inability to control the desire she felt for him were her downfall. And here it was in living Technicolor.