Once I’ve spoken these words I start back home, not paying the slightest attention to cars when I cross the street and not stopping even when I trip or step in a hole and then later at home, in the dining room, I sit at the table to have my chocolate milk and vanilla cookies with butter and jam that they always give me at five, and I make the little towers I like so much, cookie, layer of butter, layer of jam, cookie again, and back to the beginning until it’s a stack this high; Agustina eats her tower of cookies and when Aminta, the cook, comes in, she asks Agustina, What happened to you, child, your knees are a mess, and when Agustina looks at them she sees that they’re bleeding and that both knees are glistening with scrapes dotted with sand, scrapes that I don’t know how or when I got.
And then Bichi isn’t always grateful, because there are some corners of his life where he thinks he doesn’t need me. Like a little prince, he says cockily to his sister, Not now, Tina, not now. That’s enough, Tina, he yelled at her the last time, without coming to meet her, I don’t want to talk about this now, But Bichi, it’s for your own good and you’re at recess, Yes, but I’m happy here playing tops with Montes and Méndez. Other times I’ve said to him, Bichito let’s not eat in the dining room with everybody else tonight because the powers say that today for sure you’ll get hit; and those times we ask my mother permission to eat in my room with the excuse that there’s a television show we absolutely have to see, and my mother usually says all right, and makes Aminta bring up our food on the silver trays. When Agustina sees that Bichi’s eyes are closing because he’s so sleepy, she says, Now the danger is past, you can go to your room, but don’t do anything to make Daddy angry on your way, The problem is I don’t know what makes him angry, Tina, Everything makes him angry, Bicho, don’t do anything because everything makes him angry. Then my little brother is grateful because I’ve saved him and the next day at breakfast he whispers in my ear, If it wasn’t for you, Agustina, last night I would have suffered.
THE LAST THING I thought about my wife before I left, watching her set about the task of painting the apartment walls for the second time that year, was how useless she was, and yet how much I loved her. I’m often struck by that dual thought, maybe because I don’t feel she participates in my efforts to make a living in these difficult times; it’s not easy for me, with my doctorate in literature, to resign myself to delivering dog food, and I fault Agustina for her innate lack of interest in productive activities, which simply don’t suit her. She’s very active, or, as it’s fashionable to say now, creative; she’ll knit, embroider, bake, lay brick, shovel, hammer, so long as the end product has no practical or profitable purpose, and Wednesday, as always, when I left Agustina alone at home, she was busying herself at an arbitrary chore to disguise her inability to commit herself to a regular job, with her hair disheveled and gathered carelessly on top of her head in a way that always seems seductive to me even though it means that today once again she won’t be going out to look for work.
Her way of not fixing her hair means that she doesn’t want to be bothered with anything having to do with reality, and yet it fills me with desire and, like everything about her, makes me tremble at the privilege of keeping company with such a splendidly beautiful creature who so charmingly refuses to grow up, a refusal that each day deepens the sixteen-year age difference between us, she still so young and I no longer young at all. Shoeless in red tights, and still in her pajamas at eleven in the morning, she’s perched on a ladder with the brush in her hand, shouting, Ciao, amore, over the Rolling Stones at full blast, and then at the last minute she runs to the elevator to ask me for the millionth time whether I really think the moss green she’s chosen for the walls of our living room is a warm color. From inside the elevator I tell her again, Yes, very warm, yes, darling, it’s a very pretty, cozy green, and at that moment the two halves of the metal door close between us with the abruptness of a way of life ended, because upon my return four days later, a strange man in a hotel room gave me back an Agustina who wasn’t Agustina anymore.
I had called her Wednesday night from Ibagué to tell her that no, despite her fears nothing bad had happened to us, and yes, I really did think moss green was right for the living room, Thank goodness you like it, she replied, because it’s looking greener than a frog pond in here, and I hung up with the peaceful sense that all was well. The truth is, I didn’t call her again for the next few days, I don’t quite know why, I suppose so as not to neglect my children, or in order to prove to them that the time we had together now, at least, would be devoted to them unconditionally and without interruption. I returned to Bogotá on Sunday at noon, having promised Agustina that I’d be back by ten in the morning at the latest so that we could spend the rest of the day together as we usually did, but it had been impossible to get the boys out of bed early enough, so we’d left Ibagué a few hours later than anticipated.
But what’s important is that by noon I was in town, that the city was rainy and deserted, and that I left my sons at their mother’s house, Hurry up and get out, boys, I said, betrayed by my impatience to see Agustina and give her the presents I’d brought her from the hot country, a sack of oranges, a bunch of plaintains, and a bag of arrowroot cakes. So that’s over, I told myself, these few days with my sons were wonderful, but here we are back again, and it’s Sunday. It so happened that my haste to return was due in part to certain questions sown in me by Baltasar and Blimunda, the Portuguese novel I’d just read about a woman who was also a seer, and those questions were, If Blimunda is a seer, why shouldn’t Agustina be? What would’ve happened to Baltasar’s soul if he hadn’t trusted in Blimunda’s powers? How is it that Baltasar can believe in his wife, and I can’t believe in mine? All I wanted then was my quiet Sunday afternoon at home with Agustina, because our best times together had always been Sundays, free of tension, the two of us sheltered from the rest of the world and luxuriating in a glorious combination of sex, naps, reading, cold beer, and occasionally some Ron Viejo de Caldas.
I don’t know why, but Sundays have always worked for me with Agustina; even at the rockiest moments they’ve been havens of concord and truce for the two of us, times when Agustina simply acts like what she is, a girl, a clever, pretty, naked, passionate, happy girl, and why Sundays? Well, according to her own explanation, it’s because it’s the only day I agree to shut doors and windows, unplug the telephone, and leave the rest of the world outside; she makes me laugh because she claims that if the universe were the size of our room and the two of us were its only inhabitants, her head would run as well as a Swiss watch. So after reading Baltasar and Blimunda, I couldn’t wait to get home and find my own Blimunda there, she of the future-seeing eyes, still in her pajamas and perched on the ladder, brush in hand and singing along with the Stones at the top of her lungs, out of tune as always, because god knows Agustina can’t sing to save her life and the funny thing is that she doesn’t even realize it, maybe her family never pointed it out to her, or maybe the problem is hereditary and all of them are tone-deaf, for all I know.
I was happy and lighthearted knowing that the downpour that was already loosing its first volleys would soon burst in full over the city and that when I got home I’d watch it through the big windows from bed, with my girl in my arms, or later sitting in my cane rocker beside the heater with my feet up on the leather chest, safe from the deluge, reading the paper, and out of the corner of my eye checking every once in a while on Agustina, who would be doing exactly the same thing she’d been doing four days ago, which was painting the walls moss green according to the recommendations of feng shui for couples like us. And now it surprises me to remember that when I opened the door to my apartment that day, I was absolutely certain that the moment of my arrival would mesh perfectly with the moment of my leaving, in one continuous motion. Maybe that’s why, although my first reflex was to lift my hand to press the buzzer, I changed my mind and decided to use the key, so as not to disturb what had been going on inside without interruption since my departure, which is why not finding Agustina made me so vexed and upset and even made me feel a stab of fear, and yet it wasn’t the fear of someone who senses misfortune but the fear of someone who’s been counting on a happiness that suddenly doesn’t seem so assured. Only four days had passed, four days of absence during which anything might have happened. When I left for Ibagué, there was only half a green wall in the apartment, and upon my return the whole living room was green, by which I deduced that my wife must have stayed at home painting walls not only all of Wednesday afternoon but also all day Thursday. By the time I picked her up on Sunday at the Wellington Hotel, her mind had gone to pieces, so what I have to find out is what happened on Friday and Saturday. Not four days, but two; forty-eight hours of life erased from every clock in existence.