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I turn and face the window, the sheer curtain preventing the boys from seeing inside. I’m wearing only a black bra and panties, fresh from the shower. I have on no makeup, no perfume, and my hair’s still wet, yet somehow he looks at me like I’m ready to walk the red carpet. That’s one reason why I love him.

I glance toward the pregnancy test, which I’ve dropped into the trash bin. Ryan knows how much one more baby means to me, and he’s taken it upon himself to utilize every opportunity to make that happen. I won’t say no to a little more attention from him before I break the news.

“Don’t worry about them.” Ryan’s lost his shirt, his socks, and his outdoor layers somewhere between our front door and the bedroom. “I told them they could have two hot chocolates if they played a game up to a hundred points.”

“What are they on?”

“Five,” he says. “We can take our time.”

I suck in a breath as he presses against my back. My hands reach forward and grasp the windowsill. It’s been over six years, and I can’t get enough of him. Every time he walks into the room, undresses me, and works his magic, I’m convinced I’ll shatter to pieces from overwhelming ecstasy.

“I don’t know how it works, but I love you more every day we’re together,” he murmurs against my neck. “Happy anniversary, baby.”

I throw my head back as his hands slide around my front; they’re a little bit cold from being outside, and they unhook my bra in one fell swoop. It falls to the ground, and he drags his fingers over my breasts, squeezing, caressing, massaging until goose bumps skitter across my skin at the clash of warm and cool.

Then he slides his hands down my ribcage, dragging along my sides until I’m writhing with pleasure. All at once, however, he stops. He pulls me into him, his arms cradling me to his naked torso. His jeans are in the way, keeping his gorgeous self from my skin, and I whisper for him to take them off.

“One second, sweetheart,” he says. “Let me enjoy.”

His hands spread wide over my stomach, almost as if he knows, almost as if he can sense something. He holds a hand there for a long, long time.

Then his fingers turn downward and he lets out a groan as he dips them to my core. It’s gentle at first, his fingers exploring with a unique tenderness.

He curses under his breath. “You’ve been waiting for me.”

I spin around, my eyes dark, wanting. I don’t dare open my mouth because I want to savor every second. Our alone time is next to nothing with two boys, and it will be even scarcer with the soon-to-arrive third child.

“Ryan,” I say in the brief pause of a scorching hot kiss.

I think about telling him the news now, but I can’t, yet, mostly because I forget. He has a way of ensuring my mind goes blank in the heat of the moment.

His hair is a mess, courtesy of my fingers running wild through it, and his eyes blaze in a way that means he’s got one thing on his mind—the very same thing that’s on mine.

I wrap around him as he brings me to the bed, but then he changes his mind at the last second and drops the two of us onto the plush fur rug before the fire. My lingerie has vanished, and I instruct him to ditch the jeans, too.

Once he’s naked and I’m spread before him, he looks at me with eyes so full of everything—desire, love, devotion—I’m ready to collapse into his arms, but he’s not ready for that. He trails kisses down my chest, lingering on my stomach, and then stops for one last taste between my thighs.

I’m nearly begging by the time he finally eases into me. When he does, I take a moment to enjoy the sensation. Our eyes are locked, and he plays with a curl of my hair, his eyes closed, lips gritted as he, too, savors the moment.

Then he begins to move, slowly, and the friction is intoxicating. I grip his sturdy shoulders, his beautiful arms, and hold tight for the ride.

He slides one hand under my head and devours my mouth with a kiss that sends tingles everywhere. With each swoop of his tongue and nibble of my lips, he’s moving faster and faster. By the time we can’t kiss anymore, we’re rocking hard enough to shake the house. A perfume bottle falls off the dresser, and I raise my hips up to take him in, all of him.

“Baby,” I gasp, suddenly remembering the news I have for him. I have no idea why it hits me now, but the words come out in a rush. “I need to tell you something.”

He stills, the look on his face pained as he pulls back. “Am I hurting you?”

“No.” I put my hands on his shoulders, slow down for a moment, and offer a smile. “I’m pregnant.”

Fireworks light in his eyes. “I know, sweetheart. I knew the second I walked into the room.”

He runs a hand over my cheek, caresses it gently, and then brings his mouth down for a long, leisurely kiss. The intensity builds again, a slow burn in my belly, until I urge him onward. His lips crash into mine as we both fly toward the edge with renewed fervor.

I burst into a million pieces as he soars with me to an incredible finish, more consuming than anything I’ve ever known, and when he is satiated, he rolls on top of me, the weight of his body delicious. He turns so his back is to the fire and I am wrapped in his arms.

“Happy anniversary, Andi,” he says. “I love you.”

My hands rise to rest over his, and I nuzzle in, warm, cozy, hoping today never ends. Life, in this moment, is perfect.


“Mom!” Tucker yells, the front door crashing open. “I got a hundred and one goals. Can I get my hot chocolate now or what?”

Ryan rolls to his feet, helping me to stand. “I’ve got this one,” he says. “Take a bath, relax, and prepare for the dinner of your dreams.”

“I can whip up some turkey chili—”

“No.” He wraps me in a hug. “Take a bath, relax, and get in bed—naked. It’s our anniversary, and I intend to spoil you.”

My heart thuds as I move toward the bathroom and watch my husband pulling on his clothes. “Ry,” I say, watching as he slips into a pair of boxers. “What if we order in a pizza? You know, for old time’s sake.”

He grins at me, those dark eyes taking in every inch of my body. “As long as it’s you wearing a towel this time, delivery girl.”




Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed Ryan and Andi’s story!

If you’d like to be kept posted on the release date for the next book in the series—another standalone coming soon!—please sign up for Love Letters from Lily at LilyKateAuthor.com or find me on Facebook.



Lastly, if you happened to enjoy the story and can spare five minutes out of your day, honest reviews at the retailer of your choice are always welcome and appreciated.

Thank you so much in advance!


Stay tuned for more books from the Minnesota Ice series this spring!

Table of Contents

Delivery Girl



Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48


The End

Author’s Note