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“Good afternoon,” the redhead said. “Do you know why you were called here?”

“No,” Tiberius said. “I…”

“Next question,” the redhead said, interrupting him. “Do you know why your father and grandfather died?”

“My grandfather supported the Empress,” Tiberius said. There had been few details in the family archives about why he’d thought the Empress was worth supporting, but everyone knew the truth. But why would his father have died? “Why…”

He broke off, staring at the women. There were few pictures of the Empress available anywhere — the Thousand Families had worked hard to make her a non-person — but Tiberius had seen one of the surviving portraits. She had been short and slight… and there were limits to how many changes cosmetic surgery could make to a body.

“Yes,” Mariko said, simply. “The time has come to retake the Empire.”

Her brown eyes met Tiberius’s eyes. Despite her size, he read iron determination and a sheer strength that had kept her going during a massive reversal in fortune. But then, if she’d known that the patronage networks would eventually overthrow her, she might have been making preparations for her exile and return all along.

“I knew the Empire was doomed… and your grandfather knew it too,” she added. “Now, with the Thousand Families out of power, we can make real lasting change. And, just incidentally, preserve your position. Or do you think Colin can keep riding the tiger indefinitely?”

She smiled, almost girlishly, and held out a hand. “Join me?”

Tiberius hesitated. But he didn’t hesitate for long. There was no choice, he saw. Either he pledged himself to her or he wouldn’t leave the ship alive. And besides, she was right. The Provisional Government might not be able to keep a lid on the violence. If it lost control, he asked himself, who would look after the High City? Or prevent his workers from rising up against him?

Slowly, he reached out and took her hand.

The Story Will Conclude In:
Democracy’s Price
Coming Soon!
Please Review.

Series Listing

Book One: Democracy’s Right

Book Two: Democracy’s Might

Book Three: Democracy’s Price (forthcoming)

Christopher G. Nuttall
All Comments Welcome!