Teng-Gee looked at the display and everyone in the room could see his cold anger, “This being is also in my race’s past. It is evil indescribable.”
Matt looked at the being with a face similar to a human only more triangular and a mouth with small pointed teeth. The nose and chin were pointed and its eyes were red. His history had given this being numerous names, Satan, Lucifer, Devil, and many more.
Sprig thought, “We don’t know this creature, however, it appears that many races have a racial memory of this being. I feel fear, dread, and revulsion when I look at it.”
Matt looked back at the gathering, “It appears that evil does have a face. These beings are obviously ancient and represent everything that life abhors. We’ll call these beings Red Demons.”
“There’s more, Your Majesty.”
“What else, Destiny?”
“We don’t have a complete picture, but one of the memories has one of their vessels in it.”
The display changed and right behind one of the red beings was the front end of a vessel. It was glowing orange and appeared to be pure energy.”
“Do you know what that ship is made of, Destiny?”
“No, we are unable to identify it.”
“Thank you, Destiny. Now we know what we’re facing. At least we can put a face on the enemy.” Suddenly Matt heard a thought, “Brother, we wish to communicate.”
Matt stood up and said, “This meeting is adjourned. Please go and try to determine what that energy is and notify me if you find anything. I have just received a communication from the Reg and I must go speak with them.”
The attendee’s stood and bowed and Matt looked to see Melanie staring at him, “Have they ever contacted you before?”
“No; this is the first time so it must be important. I’ll let you know what’s happening but I must leave immediately.”
“Be careful, Magic.”
“I will. Al, I need you to come and get me.”
“I also heard their thought, Magic. I’m over Ross now and I’m teleporting you.” Matt disappeared from the map room and reappeared on Al’s bridge; the ship immediately teleported directly above the planet of the Reg. “I notice you went straight to the planet, Al.”
“They requested your presence. I didn’t want to keep them waiting.”
The three Reg appeared on the bridge, “Thank you for coming, Brother.”
“What do you need, Brothers?”
The First turned to Matt, “We see that you have seen the red beings. You have a racial memory of them and you know what they represent. We now feel compelled to take part in the coming conflict.”
“How can you do that without damaging yourself?”
“We will not lead the fight; you will have to provide the warriors needed to meet them but we will build ships to use against them. They are also in our memory and we are not bound by compulsions that prevent us from assisting you against them. They are also a danger to us and we are allowed to defend ourselves. We cannot directly fight them unless they come to our world but we can provide ships to prevent their arrival. We will suffer no harm in the process.”
“What warriors will use the ships you build?”
“The ships will select the warriors.”
“Will you tell us who they are?”
“No, the ships will select.”
Matt thought furiously, “How will they know?”
“Just like the ship you returned to us, they will know. We didn’t know you were selected for the ship; the ship knew and waited for you. It structured itself for you and your power generator.”
“Will these ships require two to fly them?”
“We don’t know; the ships will decide. We will take the crystal to the outer system and it will decide what shape it will take. We do not control it; it is a force unto itself.”
“Thank you, Brothers; I will do all I can to find the warriors to use these gifts.”
“You have five years. We will eventually be found by the evil ones. Do not waste the time remaining. Your gift is waiting for you at your home world.” The Reg disappeared and Matt and Al found themselves above Ross next to the crystal ship.
“Looks like I have to move.”
“Not immediately, Al. Melanie must have our child before she comes on board.”
“Fly Girl is also expecting a child, Matt.”
“Al, that’s wonderful. Why haven’t you told me?”
“We just found out. I, too, would like to wait until our child arrives.”
“I’m certain we will be busy for a while trying to find the chosen warriors to fly these ships. I wish I knew how to go about finding them.”
“Are you going to have time to do that and rule the Realm?”
“Oh my ancestors; you’re right.” Matt thought for more than an hour and then said, “Before I do anything I have to see if what I suspect is right. Please go back to the outer system of the Reg with Fly Girl and notify me as soon as the ships begin appearing.”
“We’ll leave immediately.”
Matt appeared back in the Map Room and he sat down and thought about how to find the chosen warriors.
Two hours later he heard, “Magic.”
“Yes, Melanie.”
“It’s time. You’ll have to tell me later about your visit to the Reg. Our baby is coming to see us.”
Matt jumped out of his chair and ran out of the map room.
Chapter 7
Matt sat on the bed beside Melanie looking at their baby. He was amazed at how small she was and how much he loved her. His heart was almost overwhelmed with his emotions. He and Melanie had been talking with her mentally months before she was born and the child would radiate its happiness at hearing them. “She’s beautiful, Magic. I have to believe that this is your greatest trick ever.”
Matt shook his head, “No, Darling, this was all you.”
“You’re sweet but it takes two to make a baby.”
Matt smiled and asked, “What are we going to name her?”
Melanie looked at Matt and said, “The only name we could ever consider; her name will be Angel.”
Matt looked at Melanie and then leaned down and kissed her tenderly. “Her middle name will be Grace.”
Melanie looked at him with tears in her eyes and held on tightly. The baby yawned and fell asleep feeling her parent’s love.
Matt stayed with Melanie and the baby for three days but then he heard Al’s thought, “Matt, five masses of crystal have appeared in the outer system. They don’t look anything like your ship but just large lumps of crystal.”
“You say there are five.”
I’ll be out to join you after I pick up some passengers.”
“We’ll be here; congratulations on the birth of your little girl. Tell Melanie for me, please.”
“Fly Girl has already contacted her and gave her both of your well wishes.”
Al sighed mentally, “She’s better at that kinda stuff than I am.”
Matt laughed, “So is Melanie.”
Matt sent a thought, “Cassandra, could you come to Ross and bring Tommy with you. If you could come in the Kosiev I’d appreciate it.”
“What’s up, Matt?”
“I’ll explain when you arrive.”
“We’ll finish up here and probably arrive in thirty minutes.”
“That would be fine, Cassandra.”
“Tag, will you and Danielle join me in the map room in thirty minutes, please.”
“Is it something that can wait?”
“No, Tag, it isn’t.”
“We’ll drop what we’re doing and be there.”
“Thank you.”
“Anglo, will you join me in the map room in thirty minutes, please.”
“I’ll be there.”
“Sprig, would you and Twig mind meeting me in the map room in thirty minutes?”
“We’ll come immediately, Your Majesty.”
“Make it thirty minutes from now if you don’t mind.”
“See you then.”
“Life, please meet me in the map room at Castle Gardner in thirty minutes. Bring Grena with you.”