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Де Серто 1988: Michel de Certeau. The Writing of History. New York, Columbia University Press.

Детьен 1977: Marcel Detienne. The Garden of Adonis. Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Детьен, 1989: Marcel Detienne. L'ecriture d'Orphee. Paris, Gallimard.

Джеймисон 1991: Frederic Jameson. Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Durham, Duke University Press.

Джеймс Генри 1974: Повести и рассказы. М., Худлит. Джемс 1969: William James. Psychology (Briefer Course). London, Collier Books.

Джонс 1974: Ernest Jones. The Madonna's Conception through the Ear. — In: E. Jones. Psycho-Myth, Psycho-History, v. 2. New York, Hillstone, p. 266–357.

Джюдовиц 1993: Dalia Judowitz. Vision, Representation, and Technology in Descartes. — In: Modernity and the Hegemony of Vision. Ed. by David Michael Levin. Berkeley — Los Angeles — London, University of California Press, p. 63–86.

Диди-Юберман 1982: Georges Didi-Huberman. Invention de l'Hysterie. Charcot et l'iconographie photographique de la Salpetriere. Paris, Macula. Диди-Юберман 1987: Georges Didi-Huberman. Photography — Scientific and Pseudo-scientific. — In: A History of Photography: Social and Cultural Perspectives. Ed. by J.-C. Lemagny and A. Rouillfc. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Диди-Юберман 1992: Georges Didi-Huberman. Ce que nous voyons, ce qui nous regarde. Paris, Ed. de Minuit.

Дидро 1968: Denis Diderot. Les bijoux indiscrets. Paris, Garnier-Flammarion.

Дин Гао 1971: Трактат о портрете. — В кн.: Китайские трактаты о портрете. Пер. К. И. Разумовского. Л., Аврора, с. 17–47.

Дионисий Ареопагит 1990: О божественных именах (2, 644В). Пер. Л. Н. Лутковского. — В кн.: Общественная мысль: исследования и публикации. Вып. 2. М., Наука, с. 156–227.

Донская М. Г. 1990: Тайны загадочного жанра. М., Искусство.

Достоевский Ф. М. 1956: Собр. соч. в десяти томах. М., Гослитиздат.

Дункан 1968: Isadora Duncan. Isadora [My Life]. New York — London, Awards Books — Tandem Books.

Дэвис Натали Земон 1990: Возвращение Мартена Герра. М., Прогресс.

Дэвис 1993: Paul Davies. The Face and the Caress: Levinas's Ethical Alterations of Sensibility. — In: Modernity and the Hegemony of Vision. Ed. by David Michael Levin, Berkeley — Los Angeles — London, University of California Press, 1993, p. 252–272.

Дюбуа 1986: Philippe Dubois. Le corps et ses fantemes. — La recherche photographique, n° l.Oct. 1986, p. 41–50.

Дюкан 1875: Maxime Du Camp. Paris, ses origines, ses fonctions et sa vie dans la seconde moiti6 du XIXe siecle. Paris, Hachette.

Дюма Александр 1955: Граф Монте-Кристо, М., Гослитиздат. Дюма б.г.: Alexandre Dumas. Les Mohicans de Paris. Paris, Calmann-Levy, s. a.

Дюпон 1989: Florence Dupont. The Emperor-God's Other Body. — In: Fragments for a History of the Human Body. Part 3. Ed. by М. Feher and al. New York, Zone, p. 396–419.

Дюрэм 1993: Scott Durham. From Magritte to Klossowski: The Simulacrum, between Painting and Narrative. — October №64, Spring 1993, p. 23–33.

Жанмер 1951: Henri Jeanmaire. Dionysos. Histoire du culte de Bacchus. Paris, Payot.

Женетт 1976: Gerard Genette. Figures I. Paris, Seuil. Женни 1982: Laurent Jenny. La terreur et les signes. Paris, Gallimard. Жиль 1985: Jose Gil. Metamorphoses de corps. Paris, Ed. de la Difference.

Жолковский A. K. 1994: Блуждающие сны и другие работы. М., Наука.

Жюстен 1991: Henri Justin. Lesjeux du corps et la conscience dans les contes de Рое. — In: Les figures du corps, ed. by Bernard Brugiere. Paris, Sorbonne, p. 237–246.

Зибург 1984: Friedrich Sieburg. Die Magie des Korpers. Betrachtungen zur Darstellung in Film. — In: Kein Tag ohne Kino: Schriftsteller uber den Stummfilm. Heraus-gegeben von Fritz Gutinger. Deutsches Filmmuseum Frankfurt. Frankfurt am Main, S. 419–425. Зиммель 1980: Georg Simmel. Rodin's Work as an Expression of the Modern Spirit. — In: Rodin in Perspective. Ed. by Ruth Butler. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, p. 127–130.

Зингер 1955: Isaac Bashevis Singer. Satan in Goray. New York, Noonday Press.

Ибсен 1958: Four Great Plays by Ibsen. New York, Bantam.

Изаковер 1938: Otto Isakower. A Contribution to the Patho-Psychology of Phenomena Associated with Falling Asleep. — International Journal of Psychoanalysis, v. 19, 1938, p. 331–345.

Изер 1993: Wolfgang Iser. The Fictive and the Imaginary: Charting the Literary Anthropology. Baltimore — London, The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Ирвин 1992: John Т. Irwin. The Quincuncial Network in Poe's Pym. — In: Poe's Pym:Critical Explorations. Ed. by Richard Kopley. Durham — London, Duke University Press,p. 175–187.

Ирвин 1994: John Т. Irwin. The Mystery to a Solution. Рое, Borges, and the Detective Story. Baltimore — London, The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Йейтс 1966: William Butler Yeats. A Vision. New York, Collier Books. Йейтс 1969: Frances A. Yates. The Art of Memory. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books.

Казенав 1983: A. Cazenave. Miroirs, Masques, Simulacres. — In: Figures du baroque. Ed. parJ.-M. Benoist. Paris, PUF, p. 149–163.

Кайуа 1964: R. Caillois. The Mask of Medusa. London, Victor Gollancz.

Кайуа 1972: Roger Caillois. Le Mythe et l'homme. Paris, Gallimard.

Канетти Элиас 1990: Человек нашего столетия. Пер. М. Харитонова. М., Прогресс.

Кангилем 1992: Georges Canguilhem. Machine and Organism. — In: Incorporations. Ed. by Jonathan Crary and Sanford Kwinter. New York, Zone, p. 45–69.

Кант 1966: Критика способности суждения. — В кн.: Иммануил Кант. Собр. соч., т. 5. М., Мысль.

Канторович 1957: Е. Н. Kantorowicz. The King's Two Bodies. A Study in Medieval Political Theology. Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Карл 1991: Frederick Karl. Franz Kafka: Representative Man. New York, Fromm.

Карразерс 1990: Mary Carruthers. The Book of Memory. A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Кассирер 1955: Ernst Cassirer. The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, v. 2: Mythical Thought. Transl. by Ralph Manheim. New Haven — London, Yale University Press.

Кафка 1971: Franz Kafka. Tha Complete Stories. New York, Schocken Books.

Кафка Франц 1991: Замок. Новеллы и притчи. Письмо к отцу. Письма к Милене. М., Политиздат.

Кевелл 1994: Stanley Cavell. A Pitch of Philosophy. Cambridge, Mass.,-London, Harvard University Press.

Кейси 1993: Edward S. Casey. Getting Back into Place. Toward a Renewed Understanding of the Place-World. Bloomington — Indianapolis, Indiana University Press. Кемп 1972: Martin Kemp. Dissection and Divinity in Leonardo's Late Anatomies. — Journal of the Warburg and Courtaud Institutes, v. 35.1972, p. 200–225.

Кереньи 1949: Karl Kerenyi. Mensch und Maske. — Eranos-Jahrbuch 1948, Bd. 16. Zurich, Rhein-Verlag, S. 183–208.

Кермод 1976: Frank Kermode. Poet and Dancer Before Diaghilev. — Salmagundi, №33–34, Spring-Summer 1976, p. 23–47.

Кермод 1986: Frank Kermode. Romantic Image. London, ARK.

Кестл 1988: Terry Castle. Phantasmagoria: Spectral Technology and the Metaphorics of Modern Reverie. — Critical Inquiry, v. 15, №1, autumn 1988, p. 26–61.