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Stavrogin even trembled with wrath and almost with fear.

"Cursed psychologist!" he broke off suddenly in a rage and, without looking back, left the cell.


For many details in the following notes we are indebted to the commentaries in the Soviet Academy of Sciences edition, volume a(Leningrad, 1975).

[i]"They treated me like an old cotton bonnet!"

[ii]"can break my existence in two"

[iii]"in every land, [even] in the land of Makar and his calves"

[iv]"I am a [mere sponger] and nothing more! Yes, nothing more!"

[v]"among these seminarians"

[vi]"for our holy Russia."

[vii]"but let us distinguish"

[viii]"Just between us"

[ix]"These interminable Russian words!"

[x]"You know, with us ... In a word"

[xi]"in order to show you his power."

[xii]"no, it's very curious"

[xiii]"you know that singing and the book of Job"

[xiv]"and he showed his power"

[xv]"what an idea, red!" or"what a red idea!"

[xvi]"you know"

[xvii]"with such pomposity"


[xix]"Charming child!"

[xx]"And then, since one always finds more monks than reason"

[xxi]"My word, dear"

[xxii]"Oh, it's a very stupid story! I was waiting for you, my good friend, in order to tell you..."

[xxiii]"AII men of genius and progress in Russia were, are and always will be [card players] and [drunkards] who drink in zapoï[bouts]"

[xxiv]"But, just between us"

[xxv]"But she's a child!"

[xxvi]"Yes, I mistook one word for another. But... it's all the same"

[xxvii]"Yes, yes, I'm incapable."

[xxviii]"this dear son"

[xxix]"he's such a poor mind!"

[xxx]"he's a poor specimen all the same"

[xxxi]"And finally, the ridicule"

[xxxii]"I am a galley slave, a Badinguet, a"

[xxxiii]"I don't give a damn!"

[xxxiv]“I don't give a damn and I proclaim my freedom. To the devil with Karmazinov! To the devil with the Lembke woman!"

[xxxv]"You will second me, won't you, as friend and witness."

[xxxvi]"that's the word"

[xxxvii]"something of that sort."

[xxxviii]"I remember it. Finally"

[xxxix]"he was like a little idiot."

[xl]"How's that!"

[xli]"of this poor friend"

[xlii]"our irascible friend"

[xliii]"our holy Russia"

[xliv]"But that will pass."

[xlv]"to the accident. You will accompany me, won't you?"

[xlvi]"O God who is so great and so good!"

[xlvii]"and I am beginning to believe."

[xlviii]"In God? In God who is on high and who is so great and so good?"

[xlix]"He does everything I want."

[l]"God! God! ... at last a minute of happiness."

[li]"You and happiness, you arrive at the same time!"

[lii]"I was so nervous and sick and then ..."

[liii]"He's a local dreamer. He's the best and most irascible man in the world..."

[liv]"and you will do a good deed..."

[lv]"Anyhow, it's ridiculous."

[lvi]"a worthy man all the same"

[lvii]"this Liputin, which I do not understand"

[lviii]"I am an ungrateful man!"

[lix]"all has been said... it's terrible."

[lx]"She's an angel"

[lxi]"Twenty years!"

[lxii]"He's a monster; and anyhow"

[lxiii]"These people imagine that nature and human society are otherwise than God made them and than they actually are."

[lxiv]"but let's speak of other things"

[lxv]"it was stupid, but what can be done, all has been said."

[lxvi]"if miracles exist?"

[lxvii]"and let all be said!"

[lxviii]"what is known as the"

[lxix]"leave me, my friend"

[lxx]"you see"

[lxxi]"But what is the matter with you, Liza!"

[lxxii]"But, my dear and excellent friend, in what agitation..."

[lxxiii]"anyhow, he is a depraved man and something like an escaped convict..."

[lxxiv]"He is a dishonest man and I believe he is even an escaped convict or something of the kind"

[lxxv]"And you are right"

[lxxvi]"He laughs."

[lxxvii]"that's it exactly."

[lxxviii]"to cause a sensation around his name"

[lxxix]"He laughs. He laughs a lot, he laughs too much ... He laughs all the time."

[lxxx]"So much the better."

[lxxxi]"I wanted to convert."

[lxxxii]'This poor [auntie,] she's going to hear some pretty things!"

[lxxxiii]"There's something blind and shifty [or cross-eyed] in him."

[lxxxiv]"They are quite simply lazybones"

[lxxxv]”You're lazy. Your banner is a rag, an impotence."

[lxxxvi]"some stupidity of the sort."

[lxxxvii]"You don't understand."

[lxxxviii]'insatiable activity"

[lxxxix]"benevolent curmudgeon"

[xc]"That impure blood should flood our furrows!"

[xci]"Not an inch of our ground, not a stone of our fortresses!"

[xcii]"Yes, the comparison is permissible. It was like a little Don Cossack, jumping upon his own grave."

[xciii]"I've forgotten."


[xcv]"without letting it show!"

[xcvi]"Reader take notice."

[xcvii]"At last a friend!"

[xcviii]"You understand?"

[xcix]"Excuse me, I've forgotten his name. He's not from around here... something stupid and German in his physiognomy. His name is Rosenthal."

[c]You know him? Something dull and very self-satisfied in his face, but at the same time very severe, stiff, and serious."

[ci]"I know the type."

[cii]"yes, I remember it, he used that word."

[ciii]"He kept his distance"

[civ]"anyhow, he seemed to believe I was going to fall on him at once and start beating him to a pulp. All these low-class people are like that"

[cv]"It's twenty years that I've been preparing for it."

[cvi]"I was dignified and calm."

[cvii]"and, anyhow, all that."

[cviii]"and some of my historical, critical, and political sketches."

[cix]"yes, that's right"

[cx]"He was alone, quite alone"

[cxi]"in the entryway, yes, I remember that, and then"

[cxii]"I was overexcited, you see. He talked, he talked ... a pile of things"

[cxiii]"I was overexcited, but dignified, I assure you of it."