Under Jeanne Rohner’s article was a blinking banner: "this is one of the most discussed topics of the blogosphere". Malik scratched his head and clicked the mouse.
The t op 10 headlines were:
1. The memo is boolshit. I visited Meganesia last month. No problems with either the border control or the police. The festivals are to die for. Beaches, girls, everything. Three times cheaper than Hawaii.
2. Meganesians are fascists. You can be shot on the street without a trial. Or sold into slavery in the mines. Easily. And no one will help you.
3. Last year at a festival in Meganesia. Cool! Really a free country! And in Washington, too, it is time for stand someone against the wall. Long live Magna Carta!
4. Meganesia is same as Cuba, same commies only worse. They and the Chinese have already divided the entire Pacific Ocean. That way soon the white man will have no place in the world.
5. Meganesians rob the civilized world, poaching our brains. They are worse than computer pirates. Why has the West not teamed up against them?
6. I’m sick of islamists i n Paris. The government is afraid of them. Police does no t do a damn thing. Why don’t we have such a charter, same as Meganesia? Enough is enough!
7. Meganesia is a satanic country. A nursery of pornography, prostitution, illicit sex and nudism. The churches conduct black masses. The most horrible place in the world.
8. I am from Edinburgh. I teach higher mathematics in Meganesia through the Internet. I do not know what's up with fascism, but their students are stronger than ours, and the pay is better.
9. Hey People! A noon, 3 days from now, in Frankfurt, a flash mob for Meganesian great charter in Europe. 4000 people are already in. Details on my website.
10. In my workshop, half of the income goes to taxes. I’m tired with feeding idle migrants. Selling my house in Stockholm and buying one in Meganesia.
Malik chuckled and took a sip of coffee has already cooled down.
“What a sleazy guy, this Torres!” , he thought , “from a hostile stage , such an advertis ement for his enterprise, all at public expense. And at no point his contract was violated, which he looks accustomed to . Maybe I ’d invest in Meganesia Starcraft stock ? Sure as hell, it’s about to skyrocket”.